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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections in Water and Mirrors: Reversing the Tide of Destiny

An Evaluation of Lin Biao (continued)

宣公上人講於1986年5月4日 Essay, verses, and commentary by the Venerable Master Hua, May 4,1986
編輯部 英譯 English translation by Editorial Staff


虎豹居心 戰無不勝
豺狼成性 四海皆驚
抗日立功 將士用命
逢迎主子 反覆無定







狼心狗肺率領兵 虎入羊群草木驚
僥倖成功快一時 陰謀失敗恨千重
飛機爆炸蒙古內 血肉飄零雲霧中
自古循環真可怕 迷人不醒仍矇矓












A verse in critique says:
Harboring the heart of a tiger or a leopard,
He never lost a battle.
His wicked, wolf-like nature
Terrified all within the four seas.
He established military merit by combating the Japanese.
Generals and soldiers all obeyed his commands.
Yet he fawned over his master.
He constantly vacillated and was unstable.

Harboring the heart of a tiger or a leopard.
He was very treacherous and vicious. He was as ferocious as a tiger or a leopard that eats people. He never lost a battle. He would only stop after having conquered the enemy. His wicked wolf-like nature / Terrified all within the four seas. His nature was vicious and poisonous like that of a wolf. Everywhere he went people were afraid of him.

He established military merit by combating the Japanese. During World War II, he did achieve some merit by defeating the Japanese. Generals and soldiers all obeyed his commands. If he gave an order, all the generals and soldiers would obey it. They all listened to him. Yet he fawned over his master. / He constantly vacillated and was unstable. He had a fault: He liked to flatter his master, Mao Zedong. And yet, even after he was appointed the official successor to Mao, he couldn't wait for Mao's death. He was afraid that he himself was destined to a short life-span and would not outlive Mao. If he died before Mao, he would never get to be Chairman. And so he wanted to kill Mao and take over. His plot to assassinate Mao was discovered. Someone revealed his plot and so it failed. He knew he could no longer stay in China, and so he tried to flee to Russia. Perhaps it was the will of heaven; perhaps it was the wish of the people: At any rate, his plane exploded on its way to Russia and he met an untimely death. He was an unstable individual who had no true loyalty. He had no fixed allegiance.

Another verse says:
Hurtful and cruel, like a wolf or a dog, he led his troops.
When a tiger enters a flock of sheep, even the rustling of grass and trees brings terror.
By luck he achieved a brief time of success and glory.
Failing in his secret plot, he was overwhelmed with rage.
His plane exploded over Inner Mongolia.
And his blood and flesh were scattered in the mist and clouds.
Since ancient times, the cycle of cause and effect is truly frightening.
Confused people remain dazed and fail to awaken.

Hurtful and cruel, like a wolf or dog, he led his troops.
His heart was as mean as that of a wolf or a dog. He was cruel in his treatment of the troops that he commanded. When a tiger enters a flock of sheep, even the rustling of grass and trees brings terror. When he went to battle, he would not be satisfied until he had slain his enemies and totally wiped them out. He was as merciless as a tiger among a flock of sheep. People were so frightened of him that even the rustling of the grass or trees would alarm them into thinking that he was attacking.

By luck he achieved a brief time of success and glory. He was lucky. He attained what he didn't deserve to attain; he achieved what he ought not to have achieved. Since his disposition was so rotten, he had to rely on luck to succeed. But the happiness gained through luck is fleeting and does not last. Failing in his secret plot, he was overwhelmed with rage. When his plot to usurp Mao Zedong was discovered, he was forced to flee. At that point his heart was filled with incredibly bitter rage. His plane exploded over Inner Mongolia, / And his blood and flesh were scattered in the mist and clouds. The plane on which he was escaping malfunctioned over Inner Mongolia, and the remnants of his blood and flesh disappeared into the mist of clouds and fog. Not a trace of his body was left. No one knows where it went. Since ancient times, the cycle of cause and effect is truly frightening. From times past to now, the cycle of retribution has always been very frightening. Confused people remain dazed and fail to awaken. Lin Biao's life teaches us a Dharma lesson and warns people not to follow his example. But it's very obvious that people who are confused by fame and profit, tempted by riches and glory, or caught up in desires for leadership, sex, wealth, reputation, power, or authority are still dreaming and have not woken up.

I say to you, Lin Biao was a jackal in his past life, Zhu De was a lion, and Mao Zedong was a clumsy elephant. The cruel and inhumane activities that Mao perpetuated during the Cultural Revolution can be considered animalistic behavior. In his old age he appeared clumsy and inept. With his tall, bulky build, he truly had the gait of an elephant. Someone said that after Mao's death, his corpse was laid out for people to behold. I would say it was set there to tell others not to follow his example. What's so great about that?

(The End)


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