「亦復不近五種不男之人」:這五種不男之人有人知道嗎?有人知道講來聽一聽。有沒有人?果寧。(果寧:不知道。)有沒有人知道?快一點講。果護知道嗎?(果護:我不知道。)為什麼你不知道?他們有人知道沒有?果逸知道嗎?(果逸:不知道。)果修?(果修:不知道。你沒有教我。)你們受戒就應該學過啊,受戒的時候,審戒時問這個。果先知道嗎?不知道?噢!難怪你們這個西方人盡搞同性戀啊,就是因為不知道這個問題。現在,同性戀都合法了,你們女人就快沒有飯吃了。你知道嗎?女人就要沒有飯吃了,沒人養了,沒人要了,所有的男人呢都要男人作老婆了,不要女人了;女人沒有用了,也沒有人要這個女人來生孩子的。這可太慘了,very bad!你怎麼笑呢?應該cry(哭)。你看!女人就快沒有用了。
第二就是「鍵」。這個鍵,有的是有男根的,但是把男根割去了。有的是有男根的,但是他生病爛去了,生了一種瘡,把這個男根給它爛去了。女人也是這樣子,這叫一個「鍵」。第三種不男的人叫「妒」。怎麼「妒」呢?他見著男的,他生一種妒嫉心,變成男的了。可是他變是變成男的,有這種的心理,但是做不了事情,不能人道。有的時候,他又見到女人,他生一種妒嫉心,他又變成個女人,但是也不能人道,這叫一個「妒」 。第三種就妒嫉的那個妒。
待續 |
Further, they do not draw near to the five kinds of unmanly men or become friends with them.
Further, they do not draw near to the five kinds of unmanly men. Does anyone know what the five kinds of unmanly men are? No? No wonder homosexuality is so prevalent in the West. No one is aware of the problem. Now homosexuality is legal. Pretty soon women will be without anyone to support them—no one will want them—and they will be left to starve. Men will want other men to be their spouses; they won't want women. Women will then be useless to them; men won't even want them to bear their children. It will be that bad. You shouldn't be laughing about this situation; you should be crying, for you see, women will soon be useless.
"Further, they do not draw near to the five kinds of unmanly men." There are five kinds of unmanly men. If they are unmanly, does that mean they are women? No, they aren't women. There are five kinds of people who are neither male nor female. You can't call them men, because they can't conduct themselves as men do. And you can't call them women, because they cannot do the things that women do. These are the five kinds of unmanly men. They have never been called "unwomanly women" before, but now I'm giving them the name "five kinds of unwomanly women."
What kinds of beings are neither male nor female? They can hardly be considered people. They are of no use whatsoever in the world; all they know how to do is eat. They cannot help women bear children, and they cannot bear children themselves. So isn't it true that they don't benefit the world much?
The Five Kinds of Unmanly Men
1. Unmanly from birth. While still in the womb, such people did not develop as either male or female; and when they were born, they did not have male organs or female organs. They can neither fulfill the man's role of fathering children, nor can they fulfill the woman's role of bearing children. Such people are born into the world unable to fulfill their proper functions. You need to know the cause and effect involved in becoming like that. It comes from practicing homosexuality, lesbianism, or bisexuality in past lives. And so in this life, such people have the appearance of men or women, but they do not have the corresponding sexual organs, and are therefore neither male nor female.
2. Unmanly through dysfunction. In some cases, such people had male organs but were castrated. Some developed diseases that destroyed their male organs. The same thing may happen in the case of female organs.
3. Unmanly through jealousy. When they see a man, they become jealous and "turn into" a man. The change takes place in their minds only, however, and they cannot conduct themselves as a man would. Sometimes when they see a woman, they become jealous of the woman and "turn into" a woman. But they are incapable of functioning as a woman would. They assume their sexual identity mentally as a result of the emotion of jealousy.
4. Unmanly through physical transformation. Such people do nottransform into a man only when they see a man, or transform into awoman only when they see a woman. They can make the changeby themselves. For instance at noon, the person is a man, but atone o'clock he changes into a woman. He doesn't need to seeother men and women to bring about this change. Then at twoo'clock or three o'clock or five o'clock, he turns back into a man.This is called being a man, but not a man; being a woman, but nota woman. How does this happen to people? It comes about because of the past practice of homosexuality—men with men andwomen with women. Or if men or women practice masturbation,in the future they will have this retribution of being neither malenor female. You can't say they are men, because they don't havemale organs; and you can't say they are women, because theydon't have female organs. Yet they "change" into women or men.Even though they change, they cannot conduct themselves as menor as women.
You have to study the Buddhadharma to understand this principle. Those who don't investigate the Buddhadharma don't ever learn about the five kinds of unmanly men or five kinds of unwomanly women.
To be continued