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Focus on Education

Reflections on Attending the Dharma Realm Buddhist Youth Conference

王隆琴 英譯 Translated by Linda Wong










Editor's Note: On May 7, 2000, the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association organized the second annual Buddhist Youth Conference at the City of the Dharma Realm in West Sacramento to celebrate Cherishing Youth Day. Bhikshunis Heng Gwei Shr and Heng Shr Shr hosted the event, which was attended by more than fifty young people. Below are some reflections from participants.

Faye Chen (Los Angeles, USA):

The experience of participating in the Second Annual Buddhist Youth Conference organized by the City of the Dharma Realm was a valuable one for me. Although I didn't have an opportunity to participate in every activity during those two days, I found the youth in attendance to be full of enthusiasm, talent, eloquence, and fluency in both English and Chinese. With these outstanding young people at the helms of propagating the Buddhadharma in nations of the West, I feel there is nothing to fear as far as our hope for the growth of traditional Buddhism.

The Venerable Master Hsuan Hua had proposed that we form a Bud­dhist Youth Association. In his instructions to young people thirty years ago, he mentioned, "A Buddhist Youth Association should be established within Buddhism. The Buddhist Youth Association will ensure that young people walk down the proper path rather than the improper path. What is the proper path? The path of being filial to one's parents."

The Venerable Master emphasized filial respect in children's education. Filial respect is characteristic of Chinese culture. To bring the Confucian ethical concepts, such as filial respect, fraternal respect, loyalty, trustworthiness, propriety, righteousness, incorruptibility, and a sense of shame, to the United States will help the youth. Youngsters will develop in a healthy manner, cultivate the right type of energy, know how to interact with the world and establish their careers, nurture a wholesome quality, have a proper outlook on life, and so on.

Filial respect is particularly important. If one is not filial to one's parents, how can one appreciate the Triple Jewel? Without the kindheartedness needed to be filial to one's parents, how can one save living beings based on kind intentions? The Buddha stated in a Sutra, "If one does not show gratitude to one's parents, one will not penetrate or expe­rience the truth of the Buddhadharma." Those learning about Buddhism must begin with filiality as their foundation and root. If they have not even learned filial respect well, how can they teach others to believe in Buddhism? How can they hope to become Buddhas if they have not cultivated well themselves?

This Dharma Realm Buddhist Youth Conference organized numerous discussions, providing opportunities for young people to express their thoughts and views on Buddhism. Most of their opinions were very constructive; but these words will only be effective if they are followed up with action. The Buddhadharma focuses on both theory and practice. Theory without application is hollow and utterly valueless. I believe that if we can complement each discussion session with the Venerable Master's instructions on that subject, not only will we be able to review the Vener­able Master words of wisdom and remember his guidance well, but these young people who are learning will benefit.

Although the Dharma Realm Buddhist Youth (DRBY) association has only been established for a couple of years, it has already attracted the participation of these college students. This is an excellent beginning. I hope that next time we will see more diversity in the ethnicity, gender, age, and faith of the attendees. Buddhism is a religion of egalitarianism, liberation and wisdom. Its most outstanding feature is that those who do not cultivate or have no faith will discover their inherent wisdom once they encounter the Buddhadharma. Their thinking will expand and deepen, their horizons will be especially lofty, and their open-mindedness will be extraordinary. Therefore, each person should cultivate and learn to emu­late the Buddha. In other words, everyone can become a Buddha.

I sincerely hope that young people will be able to truly propagate Buddhism so that it flourishes and shines as the Venerable Master had wanted.

To be continued

上人語錄 Venerable Master's Dharma Words
♦In Chinese, the words for "understanding principles" and for "fame and profit" sound alike, but they could not be more opposed. Therefore, the true disciple strives for understandings for fame and profit.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea