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The Flower Adornment Sutra with Commentary

【卷四 世主妙嚴品第一之四】

Chapter One: The Wondrous Adornments of World Rulers, Part Four

宣化上人講 Commentary by theVenerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄翻譯 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised Version













金色妙眼主地神,這一位主地神叫金色妙眼。他得到佛的這種境界,普遍示現一切的清淨妙法身,能使令眾生都降伏了 ;令一切剛強的眾生也不剛強了,瞋恚的眾生也生出歡喜來了,調伏一切難調伏的眾生,這一位主地神,他得到這種的解脫門。








From each and every pore come wondrous sounds
Which praise all Buddhas in compliance with living beings' minds.
This pervades the Ten Directions throughout measureless eons.
Wheel of Light has entered this door.


From each and every pore on the Buddha's body come forth wondrous sounds, speaking Dharma for living beings, proclaiming wondrous and in­conceivable Dharma doors, which praise all Buddhas in compliance with living beings' minds. It is not only in one world that the Buddha emits wondrous sounds to teach and transform living beings and speak Dharma for them; rather, this pervades worlds in the ten directions. It is not only for a short time that he teaches and transforms living beings, but through­out measureless eons. The Mountain-Ruling Spirit Wheel of Light has entered and understood this liberation door.


The Buddha appears everywhere throughout the ten directions, 
Speaking wonderful Dharma by means of various expedients 
And vastly benefiting living beings with a sea of practices. 
The Spirit Manifest View has awakened to this.


The Buddha appears before living beings everywhere throughout the ten directions, / Speaking wonderful Dharma by means of various expedients, even teaching living beings and speaking Dharma for them in their dreams. When they are awake, the Buddha uses all kinds of expedient means to teach them. And vastly benefiting living beings with a sea of practices. The practices the Buddha cultivates to benefit living beings are as profuse and boundless as an ocean. The Mountain-Ruling Spirit Uni­versal Eye Manifest View has awakened to this. He understood this liberation door.


Dharma doors as boundless and measureless as the ocean,
He speaks with a single sound, causing all to understand.
In the midst of every eon his proclamation is endless.
Vajra Eyes has entered this expedient means.


The Buddha's Dharma doors are as boundless and measureless as the great ocean.

He speaks with a single sound, causing all to understand. The Bud­dha proclaims the Dharma with a single sound, and living beings each understand according to their kind.

In the midst of every eon his proclamation is endless. The Buddha speaks the Dharma tirelessly and without fatigue. He speaks Dharma con­stantly in order to teach and transform living beings. The Mountain-Ruling Spirit Vajra Solid Eyes has entered this liberation door of expedient means and understood this state.


Moreover, the Earth-Ruling Spirit named Universal Virtue Pure Flower obtained the liberation door of universally contemplating all living beings in thought after thought with a compassionate heart.

The Earth-Ruling Spirit named Solid Blessings and Adornment ob­tained the liberation door of universally making appear all living beings' strength of blessings and virtue.

The Earth-Ruling Spirit named Wondrous Flowers Adorning Trees obtained the liberation door of universally entering all dharmas and producing the adornments of all Buddhalands.


Moreover, to elaborate further upon principles which were not fully ex­plained before, the text brings up the Earth-Ruling Spirit named Univer­sal Virtue Pure Flower, who universally inspires thoughts of merit and virtue in living beings.

The earth has spirits watching over it. Otherwise, all the dust on the earth would scatter and disperse, and there would be no earth to speak of. So, spirits have to watch over the earth. This spirit obtained a state within the Buddhadharma, the liberation door of seeing the Buddha univer­sally contemplating all living beings in thought after thought with a compassionate heart. In every thought, the Buddha is mindful of living beings and wishes to teach and transform them. With a compassionate heart, he wants to eradicate their suffering and give them joy.

The Earth-Ruling Spirit named Solid Blessings and Adornment also inspires living beings to make the Bodhi resolve and enter the sea of merit and virtue. He obtained the liberation door of universally making ap­pear all living beings' strength of blessings and virtue. He enables all living beings to increase the strength of their blessings and virtue through the cultivation of blessings, wisdom, and virtue. He obtained that libera­tion door.

The Earth-Ruling Spirit named Wondrous Flowers Adorning Trees obtained the liberation door of universally entering all dharmas and producing the adornments of all Buddhalands. He causes the lands of all Buddhas in the ten directions to become subtly and wonderfully adorned. That was his liberation door.


The Earth-Ruling Spirit named Universally Scattering the Myriad Gems obtained the liberation door of cultivating all kinds of samadhis, en­abling living beings to cast out the filth of obstructions.

The Earth-Ruling Spirit named Pure Eyes Contemplating Time ob­tained the liberation door of causing all living beings to playfully roam in happiness.

The Earth-Ruling Spirit named Golden Color and Wondrous Eyes obtained the liberation door of manifesting all pure bodies to tame and subdue living beings.


The Earth-Ruling Spirit named Universally Scattering the Myriad Gems knows that living beings like precious treasures, so he scatters them every­where—gold, silver, vaidurya, crystal, carnelian, red pearls, and coral. He strews the seven treasures about, and living beings who have affinities obtain them. He obtained the liberation door of cultivating all kinds of samadhis, enabling living beings to cast out the filth of obstructions. He understands that the Buddha cultivated all the different kinds of samadhi on the causal ground, not just one kind. Since the Buddha obtained samadhi, he was able to help living beings get rid of their karmic hindrances and defiled thoughts. This spirit obtained this door to liberation.

The Earth-Ruling Spirit named Pure Eyes Contemplating Time ob­tained the liberation door of causing all living beings to playfully roam in happiness. This earth-ruling spirit knows how to teach living beings ac­cording to their conditions. He knows that living beings like to play and be happy, and so he understood that the Buddha always enabled living beings to play and enjoy themselves, using that kind of samadhi to teach and transform beings. This spirit obtained this liberation door.

The Earth-Ruling Spirit named Golden Color and Wondrous Eyes obtained the Buddha's state, the liberation door of everywhere manifest­ing all pure, wonderful Dharma bodies to tame and subdue living beings. He subdued obstinate living beings until they were no longer obstinate; he made angry and hateful beings become joyful. He tamed all the living beings who were difficult to tame. This earth-ruling spirit obtained this door to liberation.


The Earth-Ruling Spirit named Fragrant Filaments Emitting Light ob­tained the liberation door of understanding all Buddhas' sea of merit and virtue and their great awesome might.


The Earth-Ruling Spirit named Fragrant Hairs Emitting Light must have a hairy body. Most people's body hair smells of sweat and grime. Cowhair gives off a rank odor, and horse hair smells of horses. In America there is a kind of animal that emits a stinky odor, and it can be said to have stinky fur. This earth-ruling spirit, however, has fragrant hair. His hairs emit fragrance.

People who uphold the precepts purely emit fragrance. Those who are not pure in the precepts have a stench about them. Their rank body odor is worse than the stench of fish. No matter what deodorant or perfume they apply, they still stink. This earth-ruling spirit's hairs not only emit fragrance, they release light. As a result of cultivating pure Dharma, he has a pure, fragrant light. He obtained the liberation door of understanding all Buddhas' sea of merit and virtue and their great awesome might. As a result of having cultivated a sea of merit and virtue, the Buddhas have great awesome power. All cultivators should possess such great awesome power. When you are afraid to lecture on the Sutras in front of certain audiences, you have been intimidated and overwhelmed by the awesome presence of those audiences. If you yourself possess great awesome might, then no matter who comes to listen, you will not feel afraid. Even if the president or the emperor is listening, it's all the same to you. The Earth-Ruling Spirit Fragrant Hairs Emitting Light entered this door to liberation.


The Earth-Ruling Spirit named Delightful Still Sound obtained the lib­eration door of universally gathering in the sea of all living beings' sounds of speech.


The next Earth-Ruling Spirit is named Delightful Still Sound. "Still sound" actually refers to silence—the absence of sound—which is the sound of samadhi. This sound evokes happiness in living beings' minds. Although they cannot hear this sound, they can sense it in their minds and feel extremely joyful. This sound can be likened to invisible waves of current which make one feel very happy. This earth-ruling spirit obtained the liberation door of universally gathering in the sea of all living beings' sounds of speech. This liberation door of pervasively gathering in living beings' sounds and speech is comparable to the function of a radio. It is said, "The absence of sound surpasses the presence of sound." The sound of stillness gathers in all the sounds of living beings' movements. The Earth-Ruling Spirit Delightful Still Sound attained this state of the Buddha and entered this door to liberation.

To be continued

上人語錄 Venerable Master's Dharma Words
※道通天地有形外 恩入風雲變態中
 威攝鬼神無所得 仁化含識造大同
◆The Way connects with heaven and earth, surpassing the material realm.
 One's thought understands the ephemeral changes of the world.
 One's majesty gathers in ghosts and spirits, yet nothing is attained.
 One's benevolence influences sentient beings, creating a great commonwealth.


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