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News from the Dharma Realm

Honoring A dedicated Educator-Dr. Tom MacMillan

比丘尼恆賢 講於萬佛城,2000年5月1日星期一晚
Spoken by Bikshuni Heng Hsien on the evening of monday, May 1, 2000 at CTTB
比丘尼恆田 中譯 Chinese translation by Bhikshuni Heng Tyan



Good evening fellow cultivators and honored guests!

The ancient Sage and Teacher Confucius spoke of the joys of having the opportunity to teach promising and gifted students, and the converse also applies: to be a promising student and have the chance to study with a gifted and dedicated teacher is also a great joy. In our world, as in ancient times, it is not easy for the requisite conditions for real education to come together. In addition to the teacher and the students, there needs to be an appropriate place, such as Mendocino College or Dharma Realm Buddhist University, the class scheduling must be worked out, classrooms and lecture halls assigned, and the actual courses taught on schedule. Most important, there must be mutual trust between the teacher and the students. For a great many students both at Mendocino College and at DRBU, those conditions were met, and they have had the opportunity to learn from and associate with Dr. Tom MacMillan, whom we honor tonight. Dr. MacMillan stands out not only as an exceptional teacher and professor, but also as a wise and effective administrator who has contributed to the development of both colleges in so many ways. Tonight is a landmark for both colleges-a time, in this millennial year, to reflect upon the achievements of the past, and to renew our resolve to build upon their achievements in the future.

上人語錄 Venerable Master's Dharma Words
◆A person lacking in morality is truly poor.


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