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【 佛祖道影白話解 】

Lives of the Patriarchs

Patriarchs of the Seventy-Second Generation:
Dhyana Master Zicheng Chuansui (continued)

宣公上人講於金山寺 一九八五年八月二十四日
Commentary by the Venerable Hua at Gold Mountain Monastery San Francisco August 24, 1985
比丘尼恆音 英譯 English translation by Bhikshuni Heng Yin


乘智慧力 從劫至劫 剛出母胎 行止超越
如大海波 如高天月 隱顯自然 曷有枯竭








夢佛摩頂母心奇 覺而生師乃釋疑
六歲出家童真體 十齡行腳顏子軀
用功猛烈神恍惚 漢時朗誦悟菩提
年少有為大法主 西天東土佛祖席











A verse in praise says:

Riding on the power of wisdom,
He goes from one eon to the next.
From the time he emerged from his mother's womb,
His behavior was extraordinary.
Like waves in the vast ocean,
Like the moon high in the sky,
He vanished and reappeared with natural ease.
How could decline and decay occur?

Riding on the
vow power of wisdom, / He goes from one eon to the next. He has been around from eons without beginning till the present eon.

From the time he emerged from his mother's womb, from the time of birth, his behavior was extraordinary. He was different from ordinary people. In what way was he different?

He was like waves in the vast ocean, / Like the moon high in the sky, universally illuminating the myriad creatures and things. He vanished and reappeared with natural ease. He could naturally conceal or reveal himself. How could decline and decay occur? Although he passed into stillness at a young age, his wisdom, ac­tions, and virtue will never be forgotten.

Another verse says:

Puzzled was his mother who dreamt that the Buddha rubbed her head
Upon waking, she gave birth to the Master and the doubt was resolved
At age six, the pure youth left the household life.
At age ten, he visited teachers, reminding one of Fan Hui.
With such vigor he worked, 'til his spirit was confused
Reading a Han dynasty poem, he awakened to Bodhi.
At a tender age, he was a great Dharma host,
Taking his place among the Buddhist Patriarchs of East and West.

Another verse says:
Puzzled was his mother who dreamt that the Buddha rubbed her head / Upon waking, she gave birth to the Master and the doubt was resolved.
His mother dreamt that the Buddha rubbed the crown of her head and thought it strange. When she woke up, she gave birth to Dhyana Master Zicheng Chuansui.

At age six, the pure youth left the household life. / At age ten, he visited teachers, an incarnation of Yan Hui. He left the household life at the age of six. He was truly a pure lad, for at six, he certainly had no girlfriends. When he turned ten, he traveled around visiting teachers. Wouldn't you say he was precocious? He and his father visited Dhyana Master Jiashanyu. He probably borrowed Yan Hui's body to come into this world.

With such vigor he worked 'til his spirit was confused / Reading a Han dynasty poem, he awakened to Bodhi. He pushed himself too hard. As a result his mind became hazy, and he began acting strangely and laughing and talking out of turn. When he read the line "wedded as man and wife, faithful is their love," in a Han poem, he suddenly enlightened to the Great Way.

At a tender age, he was a great Dharma host, / Taking his place among the Buddhist Patriarchs of East and West. At such a young age, he became an eminent Dharma leader in his area. Several hundred monks gathered around him. He definitely had a place among the Buddhist Patriarchs of the East and West.

The End


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