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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections in Water and Mirrors:Reversing the Tide of Destiny

Commentary on Mr. Sun Yat-Sen

Essay, verses and commentary by Venerable Master Hua at Gold Mountain Monastery February 7, 1986
王隆琴 英譯 English translation by Maggie Richards








「而國父孫中山先生」:在這個時候有一位孫中山先生。「乘時而興,大聲疾呼」:他就站起來了,他說清朝這種腐敗的朝政,我們要來管理它。「喚醒沉睡之國民」:當時有一些個國民就在那兒睡覺,什麼都不知道;喝醉酒,抽鴉片煙,什麼都不管。「激起國人,創造革命」:他就來對大家講。 「啟發愛國之精神」:所以當時大家都有愛國的精神了。「終於推反滿清政權」:就把滿清的政權接過來了。「締造民國,五族共和」:漢、滿、蒙、回、藏,這五種的民族大家一起來治理國家。「八方響應」:當時武昌起義,各處就響應。「五色國旗,遍及四海」:全中國都傳遍了。


革命成功百姓安 應運而起孫中山
登高一呼群谷應 長虹萬裡破浪先
五族共和三民利 九州同慶萬方歡
國父恩澤永不朽 建立民國解倒懸











Mr. Sun Yat-Sen's alias is Wen and designation is Yi-Xian. His ancestral origin is Canton's Zhong Shang (Yat-Sen). Ambitious at a young age, he connected with fellow cohorts to overturn Manchurian rule. During the debilitated governance of the Qin dynasty, the she-devil presided from behind the scenes. Imperial leaders and ministers prostrated in submission. Internal affairs and foreign diplomacy were chaotic and in disarray. Red lights lit up the land, poison flowed everywhere. The Boxers flourished, mounting in swarms. Rakshasa-ghost soldiers watched over the eight directions in anticipation, even forging armies and mobs in the hopes of dividing and devouring China. Thus patriotic nationals, heroic talents, great men and idealists emerged and convened. The force of their love for the country of the country can hardly be ignored. In a behest they united. Taking on the enemy, they banished insolent foreigners and guarded their homeland. Stabilizing internal affairs while warding off intruders, they vowed to live and die with the country. Entering as if on cue, Founding Father Mr. Sun Yat-Sen urgently called on and awakened the slumbering citizens. He inspired the Chinese populace to launch a revolution, engendering the patriotic spirit. At long last they toppled the Manchurian reign, establishing a republic of harmony among the five ethnicities. While those in the eight directions applauded in agreement, the five-colored national flag fluttered over the four seas.

You all know about Sun Yat-Sen, so I won't talk about him in detail. His ancestral origin was in Canton's Zhong Shang Province. He was a Chinese national who studied abroad.

During the debilitated governance of Qin dynasty, national politics was corrupt. The she-devil presided from behind the scenes. The she-devil, Empress Dowager, managed politics behind the scenes. Imperial leaders and ministers, including members of the royal clan and powerful officials, all followed her orders; they prostrated in submission. Like simpletons they waited upon her beck and call. Do you see how spineless they were? Internal affairs and foreign diplomacy were chaotic and in disarray. Neither internal politics nor external affairs were handled well.

Red lights lit up the land. At the time, red light districts were in their heyday in China. Poison flowed everywhere. The poison of opium was everywhere. Chinese everywhere learned to smoke opium. As long as they had opium, they wanted nothing else. The Boxers flourished. The ox-ghosts and serpent spirits appeared as Boxers, mounting in swarms everywhere. Rakshasa-ghost soldiers watched over the eight directions in anticipation. This refers to foreigners. The allies composed of eight countries watched with hungry eyes, ready to pounce on China as if it were a piece of juicy meat. Even forging armies and mobs in the hopes of dividing and devouring China. What did they want? They wanted to split up and gulp down China. The eight allied nations were attacking Beijing at the time.

Thus at that time, patriotic nationals, wise and patriotic heroic talents, great men and idealists emerged and convened. All of them arose. The force of their love for the country could hardly be ignored. In a behest they united against the enemy. Everyone felt China was being humiliated and national treasures were being robbed. At that time, people were moved to be patriotic. Everyone encouraged unity. They banished insolent foreigners. The Chinese wanted to kick out the outsiders who were harassing them. And they guarded their homeland. Stabilizing internal affairs while warding off intruders, they vowed to live and die with the country. They swore that if the country continued to exist, they would live, but that if it perished, they would die along with it.

Entering as if on cue, Founding Father Mr. Sun Yat-Sen stood up. He urgently called on the public. He said that the corrupted rule of the Qin Dynasty requires our management. And awakened the slumbering citizens. Some civilians were sleeping at the time. They knew nothing but to drink alcohol and smoke opium; they could have cared less. He inspired the Chinese populace to launch a revolution. He talked to everybody, thus engendering the patriotic spirit. Everyone became more patriotic. At long last they toppled the Manchurian reign; they took over the Manchurian government, establishing a republic of harmony among the five ethnicities. Together, the five ethnic groups of Han, Manchurians, Mongolians, Hui, and Tibetans ran the country. While those in the eight directions applauded in agreement. People everywhere responded enthusiastically during the Wu-Chang uprising. The five-colored national flag fluttered over the four seas. The flag was seen in all parts of China.


A triumphant revolution brought peace to the people.
Sun Yat-Sen arose according to fate,
Calling on high while the valley's crowd responded in kind.
A rainbow spanning the horizons: he was the first wave of pioneers.
The five ethnicities in harmony and the three principles in place,
All were joyous as nine regions celebrated as one.
The founding father's kindness can never be repaid,
For he established the republic to undo the lynching rope.

A triumphant revolution brought peace to the people.
The civilians were unsafe during the revolution. Once the revolution succeeded, the populace was safe and happy.

Sun Yat-Sen arose according to fate. At that time and age, Founding Father Sun came forth.

Calling on high while the valley's crowd responded in kind. Sun Yat-Sen called from atop a mountain, "We Chinese people must start a revolution to overthrow the Manchurian government." Those below replied "Yes!" The crowd in the valley below responded favorably.

A rainbow spanning the horizons he was the first wave of pioneers. He was like an elongated rainbow while in Ha-waii. He was able to persuade and pacify those who refused to respond in kind from thousands and thousands of miles away.

The five ethnicities in harmony and the three principles in place. Equality among the five ethnic groups and the three principles of the republic were good for the people. They were meaningful.

All were joyous as nine regions celebrated as one. China was divided into nine regions. Everyone was happy.

The founding father's kindness can never be repaid. Founding Father Sun Yat-Sen's kindness to China and its citizens will forever be remembered.

Having established the republic to undo the lynching rope. He set up the national republic and eased the miseries of the populace.

The End


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