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The Shurangama Sutra With Commentary

Roll Nine

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version

















"Beyond these, Ananda, are the Five Heavens of No Return. For those who have completely cut off the nine categories of habits in the lower realms, neither suffering nor bliss exist, and there is no regression to the lower levels. All whose minds have achieved this renunciation dwell in these heavens together.

Beyond these,
Ananda, are the Five Heavens of No Return. These upper five heavens are sometimes considered to be among the heavens of the Fourth Dhyana. However, these five are the dwelling places of sages, and thus are completely different from the heavens of the first, second, third, and fourth dhyanas. Beings who have realized the fruition of Arhatship reside in the Five Heavens of No Return. For those who have completely cut off the nine categories of habits in the lower realms, neither suffering nor bliss exist, and there is no regression to the lower levels. If you want to know more about the nine categories of habits, you can look in the Buddhist dictionaries and find a lot of information on them. When those nine categories are simultaneously obliterated, suffering and bliss both cease to exist. When that happens, they no longer have any place to dwell in the lower realms. All whose minds have achieved this renunciation dwell in these heavens together. A multitude of beings reach this level of renunciation and all dwell in space on clouds, taking clouds as their "land." Those who dwell there are sages who have reached the level of the Five Heavens of No Return.

"Ananda, those who have ended suffering and bliss and who do not get involved in the contention between the two are in the Heaven of No Affliction.

Ananda, those who have ended suffering and bliss and who do not get involved in the contention between the two are in the Heaven of No Affliction. They do not have thoughts of suffering or bliss, so there is no involvement in the struggle between the two. Those who don't experience this battle between suffering and bliss "are in the Heaven of No Affliction." The beings in this heaven have no afflictions.

"When the mind and states are disengaged, even the thought of investigating that involvement is gone. Such beings are in the Heaven of No Heat.

When the mind and states are disengaged, even the thought of investigating that involvement is gone.
In the first of the Five Heavens of No Return, they did not get involved in the contention between thoughts of suffering and bliss. They were basically devoid of such thoughts, although occasionally they might get a little bit involved in such thoughts. But at this level, in the Heaven of No Heat, there is no longer any basis for such thoughts to arise. They simply cannot give rise to such thoughts. Such beings are in the Heaven of No Heat. The beings in this heaven are cool and refreshed at all times.

"Those whose vision is wonderfully perfect and clear, view the realms of the ten directions as free of defiling appearances and devoid of all dirt and filth. Such beings are in the Heaven of Good View.

Those whose vision is wonderfully perfect and clear, view the realms of the ten directions as free of defiling appearances and devoid of all dirt and filth.
Their vision is subtle and wonderful as well as being absolutely clear—not turbid or confused. Their view contains no defiling opinions. Their vision is said to be perfect and clear because it contains no defilement. All defiling dharmas are extinguished. Ignorance and delusions as numerous as dust and sand have been cleared away. Such beings are in the Heaven of Good View.

"Those whose essence of seeing has manifested are able to transform at will without obstruction. Such beings are in the Heaven of Good Manifestation.

Those whose essence of seeing has manifested are able to transform at will without obstruction.
In the Heaven of Good View, beings regard everything as good. Now, with the manifestation of the essence of seeing, everything they see is far superior to anything they have ever seen before. This heaven is much purer than the heavens already described. The word translated as "transform" literally refers to the process of smelting, molding, and fashioning. It's like the fire done in a kiln or the shaping done on an anvil. The mind and nature of a sage are being smelted, so that it becomes unobstructed and at ease in every way. Such beings are in the Heaven of Good Manifestation.

"Those who exhaustively fathom the ultimate principle and the nature of form reach the border of emptiness. Such beings are in the Highest Heaven of the Form Realm.

Those who exhaustively fathom the ultimate principle and the nature of form reach the border of emptiness.
They exhaust both the nature of form and the nature of emptiness, thus entering a boundless realm. Such beings are in the Highest Heaven of the Form Realm. They have reached the ultimate level of form.

"Ananda, those in the Four Dhyanas, and even the rulers of the gods at those four levels, can only pay their respects through having heard of the beings in the Heavens of No Return; they cannot know them or see them, just as ordinary people of the world cannot see the places where the Arhats abide in holy Way-places deep in the wilderness and the mountains.

Ananda, those in the Four Dhyanas, and even the rulers of the gods at those four levels, can only pay their respects through having heard of the beings in the Heavens of No Return. The leaders of the gods in the Heavens of the Four Dhyanas are the only ones who know of the presence of the sages in the Five Heavens of No Return. Others are not aware of their existence. They, that is, all ordinary people, cannot know them or see them.

This is just as ordinary people of the world cannot see the places where the Arhats abide in holy Way-places deep in the wilderness and the mountains. The Bodhimandas of the sages are in places where people do not go. Those who dwell in such places are Arhats and great Bodhisattvas. Ordinary people never see these holy beings. Although they all live in the same world, people cannot see the sages. The beings in the Five Heavens of No Return are likened to the Arhats in the remote wilderness, in that the gods of the Four Dhyan Heavens do not know where those beings dwell.

To be continued


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