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An Essay of Exhortation to Bring Forth the Bodhi Resolve

古杭梵天寺 沙門實賢 撰 By Shramana Shixian of the Brahma Heaven Monastery in Ancient Hangzhou
宣公上人 講 1985年1979年合併版 Explained by the Venerable Master Hua in 1985 and 1979
國際譯經學院 記錄翻譯 Translated by the International Translation Institute










我再告訴你們一個事情,我吃東西,好吃、不好吃,我都覺得它是一個味道,所以這屎尿我都可以吃,就因為我覺得它都是一個味道。你說:「哎呀!這個法師你太臊太臭了,我們不願意接近你了。」阿彌陀佛!誰願意離我遠遠的,沒有關係;誰願意譭謗我,也 Doesn't Matter,不要緊的。我也沒有什麼好的。我就是沒有本事的這一套嘛,你們懂了吧?




My parents bore me and raised me, but if it were not for my secular teachers and elders, I would know nothing of propriety or righteousness.

We do that because my parents bore me and raised me. My parents gave me this body, but if it were not for our secular teachers and elders who teach us by imparting knowledge to us, we would know, nothing of propriety or righteousness. Propriety means courtesy; if you are not polite and courteous to people then you lack propriety. Righteousness means integrity, patriotism, and a public spirit, like that of General Guan Di Gong of the Three Kingdoms Period in the Chinese history. "His magnificent righteousness was as vast as the sky." He knew he must always protect his Emperor Liu Bei. The Emperor's rival, General Cao Cao, tried to trick him into deserting the Emperor, but Guan Di Gong never wavered in his loyalty. That's why Guan Di Gong's righteousness was as magnificent and vast as the sky.

If you greet people politely by bowing respectfully from the waist and showing them deference, they will certainly not scold you in return. Why do people scold us? It is because we are rude to them. I deeply believe that is why people scold us.

You see, I am a left-home person, yet people constantly scold me because I have not been good to them. It doesn't matter, because I made a vow that I would take all living beings to Buddhahood. Those who have scolded me will be at an advantage and won't lose anything. I wouldn't say, "Oh! I want you to fall into the hells, into the uninterrupted hells!" I wouldn't think that. If you scold me, I will help you realize Buddhahood. If you do not realize Buddhahood, I too will not realize Buddhahood. Therefore those who scold me are my good advisors. You see, Devadatta actually helped Shakyamuni Buddha indirectly. Those people who scold me and are rude to me are actually my good advisors. I vow to save them in the future. Therefore, any one of you who wishes to go against me or scold me should know that is a good way to create a Dharma affinity with me. All of you who wish to have a Dharma affinity with me can scold me first. I have opened this great expedient door as I am not afraid of people scolding me. If any of you wishes to have my eyes, I will give you my eyes; if you want my ears, I will give you my ears. If you want my head, I will give you my head. I give you my body, mind, and even my life including head, eyes, brain and marrow. If any of you would like them, I will offer them to you. This is not just talk; I will really do it.

I am a really stupid person; why do I say this again? I can do things which other people are not willing to do. I am able to eat the dirtiest things. If you don't believe it, you can test me. I can even eat excrement and drink urine. That's how ignorant I am. Now you know that your Shifu is really inept and useless.

When I was in Hong Kong, a woman came to me and begged me to help her conceive a grandson. I said, "You want a grandson? Okay!" I washed my feet there and then gave her the basin of water, saying, "Drink this water."

"Ugh!" She took a look and could not bring herself to do it.

"If you can't do it, I will." I took the whole basin of water and drank it.

She broke out in sweat and said, "How could you do it?"

I said, "Why shouldn't I be able to do it?" I will tell you now that I am not the same as all of you. I can do things which none of you are able to do.

I will tell you one more thing: Whether the things I eat taste good or not, to me they are a single flavor. Therefore I can eat and drink excrement and urine, because to me they are the same flavor. You say, "This Dharma Master is too filthy and stinky; we are not willing to go near him, Amitabha!" If any of you wish to stay away from me or slander me, it doesn't matter. I have no good points or abilities. Do you all understand?

We worldly people need to understand propriety and righteousness. People should not fail to understand propriety and righteousness. We should do righteous deeds and avoid doing deeds which are not in accord with righteousness. Righteousness is an attribute of a determined person. To do things properly, exactly and correctly is righteousness. Righteousness refers to a person's will and ambition. The knight-errants in ancient times would always fight for justice; they had a righteous spirit. As sworn brothers, they would undergo troubles together and share blessings together. We can be righteous by helping others, endure suffering, and being willing to take a personal loss. In the spirit of justice, we are willing to take a loss by helping and benefiting others.

Secular teachers instruct us in all aspects of propriety. They teach us to be polite, to avoid scolding others, and to be good and help others. It is this sense of propriety that differentiates us from animals. Without propriety, we would be no different from animals. Even animals can treat one and another kindly. How, then, can we humans be rude? Propriety is one of the Eight Virtues:

1. Filial piety
2. Fraternal respect
3. Loyalty
4. Trustworthiness
5. Righteousness
6. Propriety
7. Incorruptibility
8. A sense of shame.

We must be polite and righteous with others. Were it not for our secular teachers, we would not understand how to behave as people.

To be continued


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