「嚥苦吐甘」:「嚥苦」就是有什麼苦,有什麼困難,這母親把它吃下去;「吐甘」,把有什麼甜的都給小孩子。「才得成人」:因為這樣子盡心竭力來培植灌溉這個小孩子,栽培他,所以小孩才長大成人 。「指望紹繼門風」:生兒育女就是為著能傳宗接代 ,不斷香煙。指望就是用手指頭指著,用眼睛看著。幹什麼呢?「紹繼」:紹就是接續的意思;「繼」就是把它接下去,不斷;「門風」就是家庭好的這種風範,這種法財。「供承祭祀」:將來子女好祭祀祖先。指望紹繼門風,就是希望他接續這個香煙。西方不講這個;西方的人也不供祖先。中國人供上一個祖先,在祖先上燒香。這個作爸爸、作媽媽的,或者作爺爺作奶奶的,就希望死了之後,這個子或者孫,給他燒燒香。這叫繼續香煙,繼門風。這是誰的兒子,誰的孫子,誰的什麼什麼。「供承祭祀」:等他死的時候去給叩個頭,拜一拜。在西方也沒有這個,這更談不到囉。
What is mindfulness of our parents' kindness? Alas for my parents! I was born through much toil. I was nurtured ten months in the womb and was suckled three years at the breast. My bottom was dried and my diapers were changed. I was fed delicacies while they toiled bitterly. Only then was I able to grow up. They expressed their hopes that I might glorify and carry on the family name and continue the ritual offerings to our ancestors. Since leaving home, however, I have shamelessly called myself a disciple of ya and have dared to assume the title of Shramana. Thus, I neither offer delicacies to my parents nor sweep the ancestral graves. While they live, I cannot take care of their physical needs; after they depart, I cannot guide their souls. Thus, in the mundane world, I have hurt them greatly, and in world-transcending matters, I can offer no real benefits. To cause them such a double loss is a serious offense. How can I possibly avoid the consequences!
I contemplate thus: I must always cultivate the
Buddhas' Way through hundreds of
kalpas and in thousands of lives and save living beings everywhere throughout the ten directions and the three periods of time. I will rescue not only my parents in this life but my parents in every life. I will take across not only one person's parents but everyone's parents. This is the second cause and condition for resolving the mind upon
What is mindfulness of our parents' kindness? I will explain this quickly, for you have been sitting for a long while and I don't have that much time either. The general overview was given earlier, and this is now the explanation of each aspect.
Alas for my parents! I should often think of my parents with sorrow.
I was born through much toil. This is a line from the Book of Odes. The whole line says:
Alas for my parents! I was born through much toil.
How can I repay their kindness,
which is as vast as the boundless sky?
I was nurtured ten months in the womb and was suckled three years at the breast. We stayed ten months in our mothers' wombs before we were born. We drank our mothers' milk for three years. We were raised by our parents who toiled bitterly to bring us up.
My bottom was dried and my diapers were changed. When our bottoms were wet, they changed our diapers. This was how our mothers took care of us.
I was fed delicacies while they toiled bitterly. Our mothers fed us all the good and sweet things, and they endured all the sufferings.
Only then was I able to grow up. Our parents toiled bitterly and took care of us so that we could grow up and become adults.
They expressed their hopes that I might glorify and carry on the family name and continue the ritual offerings to our ancestors. Our parents hoped that we would grow up and carry on the family name and become successful in our lives. They hoped that we would remember and honor them after their deaths.
Since leaving home, however, I have shamelessly called myself a disciple of Shakya and have dared to assume the title of Shramana. We should be ashamed and remorseful, as we shouldn't really be called disciples of Shakya or assume the title of Shramana. "Shramana" is the title given to all left-home people; it means "to diligently cultivate precepts, samadhi, and wisdom and to put to rest greed, hatred, and stupidity."
Thus, I neither offer delicacies to my parents nor sweep the ancestral graves. We neither offered delicacies to our parents when they were alive nor swept their graves after they were dead. We didn't go to their graves and pay our respects.
While they live, I cannot take care of their physical needs; after they depart, I cannot guide their souls. Thus, in the mundane world, I have hurt them greatly, and in world-transcending matters, I can offer no real benefits. To cause them such a double loss is a serious offense. How can I possibly avoid the consequences! Thus, in the mundane world we didn't take care of their physical needs and hurt them greatly. When they passed away, we didn't give them any benefits. When we left home, we neglected them. We caused them to suffer a double loss. This is a serious offense; how can we avoid the consequences?
I contemplate thus: We should think about it.
I must always cultivate the Buddhas' Way through hundreds of kalpas and in thousands of lives: What must we do? We should always cultivate the Buddhas' Way, always cultivate in accord with the Buddhadharma.
Save living beings everywhere throughout the ten directions and the three periods of time: We should think about saving living beings throughout the ten directions and the ghree periods of time -- the past, present, and future. Only then we can say that we have repaid our parents' kindness.
I will rescue not only my parents in this life but my parents in every life. I will take across not only one person's parents but everyone's parents, so that all can ascend. There is a saying:
When a child accomplishes the Way,
His ancestors of nine generations
are born in the heavens.
This is the second cause and condition for resolving the mind upon Bodhi.
Basically this essay is very simple, not that profound or esoteric. You shouldn't regard it as being hard to understand or complicated. It's not all that difficult.
To be continued