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Walking the Way: Praxis and Gnosis in Religious Experience

Intellectuals on the Spiritual Path: Reflections from the Convent (Continued)

美國加州柏克萊世界宗教研究所秋季專題演講 Institute for World Religions Fall Faculty Lectures Berkeley, California
比丘尼恆賢、恆良、恆懿主講1998年10月8日晚7點30分 By Bhikshuni Heng Hsien, Bhikshuni Heng Liang, Bhikshuni Heng Yi At 7:30 p.m. December 8, 1998
王青楠博士 中譯 Chinese translation by Qingnan Wang, Ph.D.
















Bhikshuni Heng Liang:

As Dharma Master Hsien was speaking, I thought of how human life is so much like a path. As we walk this path, we encounter certain guideposts that can help to keep us going in the right direction if we follow them. Western psychology uses the term "peak experiences" to identify those times in our lives when we are most sensitive, open, aware and clear, and may experience new insights. I encountered such a guidepost, and had what I would call a "peak experience," when I was about seventeen. I was traveling on a bus to Amherst, Massachusetts to visit an old friend, who was then a student at the university there. It was a time when opportunities and the possibilities for the future seemed limitless, and choices had to be made. It was a beautiful New England autumn day. A gentle rain had cleansed the atmosphere, and the rolling wooded hills were hushed and tranquil, which may be why my mind was also quiet, with little extraneous thought. I was in a state of wondering, observing, rather than one of intellectualizing or reasoning to find solutions. I was simply sitting there on the bus, experiencing "the here and now," with an open, peaceful, and relatively clear mind.

Sitting next to me was a young lady, a model. I had never seen anyone like her before. During the entire bus ride, which lasted about an hour, she repeatedly brought out her mirror and adjusted her makeup. I noticed that the makeup was so thick that it was difficult to distinguish her actual face. I realized that in a photo or film, her makeup would not be so evident, and she would look quite perfect and beautiful. But in real life, up close, she looked grotesque, bizarre, and not at all beautiful. This awakened me to the illusory quality life as we perceive it. With our active imaginations we reinforce false appearances and take them as reality. It occurred to me then that true reality must be very different from these false appearances.

Upon my arrival that evening, my friend took me to the campus cafeteria and introduced me to her fellow classmate. My mind was still subdued and quiet, and as we sat at a table sipping tea, I didn't speak much but observed the other students moving in line with their trays and passing through the cashier counter. Suddenly I was aware of an invisible quality that exists in all people alike. It may sound simplistic, but for me it was as if a door had opened to reveal a new universe. From then on my "paradigm," my perspective, would be different from before. Before that experience, I had only paid attention to people's differences and distinctions; and I had a very stable sense of my own identity. Suddenly, at that moment, everything changed and I realized the interconnection and interdependence of all people. Such an experience is hard to convey in words. Just then, I broke my silence, and suddenly spoke out, "You know, people are all alike after all." With that, the young student sitting with us seemed angry, and retorted, "You can't make such a generalized statement. You have to argue your hypothesis. You have to back up and prove what you say." At the time I sensed he was reacting this way because perhaps he had been under a lot of pressure in school; perhaps he had been studying too hard. I felt sympathy for him. But at that moment, I couldn't rationalize what I was experiencing, nor did I feel a need to. I understood there was no way to communicate what I was experiencing. We were as if in two different world. And I thought to myself, "Well, scholarship is praiseworthy and intellectual activity is quite enjoyable, but perhaps we cannot arrive at all the answers through that process."

Now I'll jump ahead several years to when these guideposts and insights had brought me to Berkeley. I was living about a mile from U.C. Berkeley, campus, and every morning I would enjoy a brisk walk on my way to work. This was important to my physical and mental health, because the rest of my day would be sedentary, and I was still young and energetic. However, Berkeley's social situation had made a simple walk to work not so simple anymore, and one had to beware of dangerous people. I found myself having to choose between personal safety and the quality of my lifestyle. From my work experience I was beginning to feel that a purely sedentary existence in which one only gets to exercise one's brain, is debilitating. We become out of balance and lose our human breadth and integrity, and it's very easy to become neurotic and confused. And so I decided to take up the practice of Tai Chi Chuan, for these three reasons: First, since Tai Chi Chuan is a martial art, I could learn to defend myself, and so could continue enjoying my morning walks to work. Second, I could save my health and balance my personality by getting more exercise. And third I could learn more about Chinese culture, which had long been a keen interest of mine.

Shortly after beginning to practice Tai Chi Chuan I read a couple of books on the subject and didn't understand a single word. These were English translations, and yet it was as if I was attempting to read a foreign language, because I couldn't relate to what was being said. After three years of practice, I read the same books; this time I understood them. I was able to relate to and verify the principals found in the book through my own physical practice. By combining study with practice I gained understanding. The spiritual path can be approached in the same way. To understand the principles found in the Buddhist scriptures, it is necessary to also practice. Without practice, there can be no true understanding. The words would be as if in a foreign language. The Buddha often used analogies in teaching his disciples, perhaps because the spirit is something that is very difficult to perceive of and to verify. We speak in terms of feeling, intuition, "peak experiences," or, as Dharma Master Hsien put it, those times in our lives that are so meaningful for us, and yet so difficult to explain. The spiritual path cannot be adequately described in words. Nevertheless, the Buddha spoke about the spiritual path, and the Sutras, the scriptures, describing that path do exist. Only through actual practice do these scriptures become alive and valid for us.

As my Dharma sisters have mentioned, a very important aspect of the spiritual path is our moral conduct and the development of inner virtue that is free of attachment, pride, or seeking reward. In walking this path we need always to try to be honest with ourselves and those around us, and continue to take one more step in the right direction. By applying these two aspects of study and practice intermittently, we can propel ourselves forward, and the path will naturally unfold before us.  

Dr. Akpinar: There are five minutes left. Are there any questions? Next week will be the last lecture of this series. It will be Mr. Powers' turn, and he will answer all of our questions, so everyone should definitely come.  

Question: Why do Bhikshunis [nuns] have more precepts than Bhikshus [monks]?  

Bhikshuni Heng Liang: Buddhism is pragmatic. The Buddha normally spoke in response to a request. The precepts are the same. They developed as a result of certain incidents. We witnessed the same sort of process while living at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas with the Master. The Master is considered by many people to be not only a Chan Master but also a Tripitaka Master and a Master of the Vinaya, the precepts. He was highly respected as a very pure monk, and many of his disciples were attracted by his ability to teach the precepts. One of the wonderful ways he taught precepts was through our daily experiences. Following an incident in the monastery that caused a problem, he would say, "You see there, now we have to do something to prevent that from happening again. So what should we do about it?" And thus a rule would be established. Since these rules are not found in the Vinaya they are referred to as rules rather than precepts. But basically these rules are the same as precepts, and the same type of process produced the Vinaya. Of course, the Buddha lived at a different time and in a different place: approximately 2500 years ago in India. At that time there were no telephones, televisions, computers, or cars, and so the situations that monks and nuns encountered these days are very different than the situations that monks and nuns encountered at the time of the Buddha. So we need to have new rules—new precepts—to help us cultivate in this new time and place. The precepts are based on certain principles. Once we understand the principles very clearly, we can apply them in a lively way to contemporary situations. And so although Bhikshunis and Bhikshus are said to have certain numbers of precepts, under the guidance of our teacher, we observe even more.

Returning to the question of why there are more precepts for Bhikshunis than for Bhikshus, a simple explanation is because that many more incidences resulting in the establishment of precepts involved Bhikshunis than involved Bhikshus.

At that time in India, for a woman to be ordained and become independent from her family was radically unprecedented. Some precepts were simply designed to protect the Bhikshunis from harm. For example, Bhikshunis may not go wandering around by themselves, because they would be more vulnerable. I don't know if that answers your question, but maybe Heng Hsien Shr has something to share.  

Bhikshuni Heng Hsien:

There might be some cultural things, but in Buddhism men and women equally can approach the altar and be the cantor and do the ceremonies. There are certain ceremonies that have to do with the person's monastic position and one of the most important things in the Sangha is to maintain harmony. In order to maintain harmony in the Sangha, people need to be aware of and content with their position, and to work together as a group without a sense of competition or wanting to be on top, be number one, advance oneself or be known. In that aspect, everyone has a position and maintains it with dignity. In terms of approaching the altar, being at the altar, being cantor, or certain ceremonies, women do that equally, in some monasteries where men preside, the abbot will be a man, and the abbot will perform certain ceremonies because of his position. But there are monasteries where women are also abbesses. In terms of spiritual accomplishment, the Buddha was very fair. It's a matter of how well you cultivate or how sincere you are in your cultivation.

The End


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