輕舉妄動 躁進施為 有己無人 終吃大虧 抑彼揚此 結怨成堆 貴為總統 身死魂飛
註解: 「評曰」:這個頌就這麼說。「輕舉妄動,躁進施為」:輕舉,他什麼事情也不加考慮;妄動就是想到就去做,沒有三思而後行。他沒有「思想」這種的知識,所以他就很急躁,想到什麼就要做什麼。當時甘迺迪總統實行一種外交政策,派人到各國去調查人家國家的元首。好像蘇哈諾那時候就被弄垮的。聽他話的人,他就幫助他;不聽他話的人,他就要把他消滅,所以也做了很多的錯事,果報也是不可思議的。他被人刺殺,這都是有錯因果的地方才受這種果報。他為什麼受這種果報,就是因為輕舉妄動,躁進施為。
A verse of criticism says:
Heedless and impulsive, Rash
and injudicious, He only had himself in mind and overlooked
others, And in the end he suffered a great loss. Deprecating
others and lauding himself, He made many enemies. Although
he reached the honored position of the presidency, At
death, his soul scattered and fled.
A verse of criticism says: Heedless and impulsive; rash and
injudicious. He did not bother to think things over twice.
He acted on impulse, doing whatever came into his mind. It's
said, "If you think things over thrice before acting on
them, you will be spared a lot of unpleasant regrets."
Kennedy did not think this way. He was rash and impatient.
He instigated a kind of foreign policy where envoys were
sent to different lands to spy on the activities of those
countries' leaders. For instance, he was behind President
Sukarno's downfall in Indonesia. He would help those who
obeyed him, and bring to ruin those who did not comply with
his wishes. Since he made many mistakes, his retribution was
also inconceivable. Whoever meets a violent death, such as
assassination, has made mistakes in cause and effect, which
is why they reap such an effect. Why did Kennedy have to
undergo such a repercussion? Because he was heedless and
impulsive, rash and injudicious.
He only had himself in mind and overlooked others. It had
not occurred to him that others could become his enemy,
in the end he suffered a loss. Deprecating others and
lauding himself. He raised the status of his own country,
but put down other countries. As a result, he made Many
enemies. Why is the Buddha truly someone with great wisdom?
Because the Buddha never caused enmity in others. Kennedy,
however, made enemies. Others became jealous of him, and
plotted to kill him. Although he reached the honored
position of the Presidency— he reached the ultimate, the
highest position of a country, and yet, at death, his soul
scattered and fled. When he was assassinated, he was
probably frightened out of his senses, so that his soul
scattered, not knowing north, south, east, or west—it didn't
know what was happening.
The End