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Response to Reading "Wang Mengxing"
in Reflections in Waters and Mirrors

藍勗軒 文 培德中學11年級越級畢業 By James Lan, 11th grade graduate of Developing Virtue Boys Secondary School
王隆琴 英譯 English translation by Linda Wang


這學期在「世界宗教」課上也正好學到佛教和道教。我學到一則莊子的故事。當莊子的妻子去世時,莊子卻在浴缸裡嬉笑玩樂。弟子們就問他為什麼不感到傷心,反而玩樂呢?莊子說life goes on!。生死如同四季循環,是一種大自然的現象,無法避免;所以我們人不應該將生離死別看得那麼重。




Recently in my Chinese class, I read the biography of Wang Mengxing composed by the Venerable Master, and I was deeply touched by one thing. During the lengthy time that Wang Mengxing remained beside his mother's grave as an expression of his reverence toward her, he gradually realized the nature of life and death.

In my World Religions class, we happened to be studying Buddhism and Taoism, and I eventually encountered an interesting story about Zhuang Zi. It narrated that when Zhuang Zi's wife died, Zhuang Zi was playing and laughing in his bathtub. His disciples questioned his behavior, "Why are you delighted instead of being in mourning?"

Zhuang Zi replied, "Life goes on! Life and death are natural phenomena which cannot be avoided, just like the cycle of the four seasons; therefore, we should not take things so seriously."

Yes, life and death are ephemeral events. However, death, to ordinary people, is extremely frightening. Even a minor cut or a simple burn would drive them wild and make them scream in agony; how could they endure such pain and death as those experienced by Wang Mengxing? Not only was Wang Mengxing able to endure much hardship and suffering in order to fulfill his obligations as a son, but he was able to die serenely, without harboring a single thought of anger toward the bandits. We ordinary people could never match up to Wang; nevertheless, we should strive to emulate him.

On the one hand, we should cherish our lives in order to contribute our greatest efforts to society. Life is short; we should not squander or waste it.

On the other hand, we should gradually learn to be like Wang Mengxing, who overcame the most difficult challenge—that of death.


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