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Sincerely Protecting the Dharma and Escaping Hardship —Introducing Upasaka Tran Guo Trai

編輯部By Editorial Staff






Tran Van Trai was born in a Buddhist family in Saigon, Vietnam. He started going to the temple to bow to the Buddhas with his mother when he was 11 years old. When he was in eleventh grade, his family moved to a home near a slaughterhouse. He heard the screaming and wailing of the pigs at night, and it broke his heart. It awoke in him empathy and compassion toward all beings.

He moved to Canada in 1979, after the communists had taken over Vietnam. He liked to go fishing and play cards in his leisure time. In 1986, his wife joined the Buddhist Association of Calgary (which later became the Avatamsaka Monastery). In 1987 the Venerable Master came to Calgary to hold the opening ceremony for Avatamsaka Monastery. At that time, he took refuge with the Master, became a vegetarian, and supported the temple.

In 1989, the Venerable Master appointed Guo Trai as a trustee on the Advisory Board of Dharma Realm Buddhist University. One day, Dharma Master Heng Sure told Guo Trai to go to the board meeting at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. He hesitated because he had just bought a house and had spent all his savings on the down payment, and absence from work would mean no income. Dharma Master Heng Sure told him not to worry and to just go to the meeting, so he did. After buying some things at the corner store outside of the City, he had one dollar left. On impulse, he bought a lottery ticket.

When he arrived home, the flood of bills awaited him. In the midst of his anxiety, he remembered the lottery ticket and called to find out the winning numbers. Amazingly, all the numbers matched, except the bonus number, which was a number higher. He would have been a millionaire if the bonus number had also matched. However, he was happy with the four thousand dollars he won, which helped him to pay off his bills and get through the financial hardship. He donated the remaining money to the temple.

The next time Guo Trai saw the Venerable Master, he mentioned winning the lottery ticket. The Venerable Master only smiled and said  nothing .


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