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An Essay of Exhortation to Bring Forth the Bodhi Resolve

古杭梵天寺沙門實賢 撰By Shramana Shixian of the Brahma Heaven Monastery in Ancient Hangzhou
宣公上人講1985年1979年合併版Explained by the Venerable Master in 1985 and 1979
國際譯經學院記錄翻譯Translated by the International Translation Institute 















As the Flower Adornment Sutra says, "By forgetting the Bodhi re­solve, the cultivation of even wholesome dharmas becomes the karma of demons." That is to forget the Bodhi resolve; it is even worse never to make the resolve.

Thus we know that anyone wishing to study the Vehicle of Thus Come Ones must first make the vows of a Bodhisattva without delay.


As the Flower Adornment Sutra says, "By forgetting the Bodhi resolve, the cultivation of even wholesome dharmas becomes the karma of demons." If you forget about your resolve for Bodhi, then even if you cultivate every wholesome dharma, you are merely cultivating the karma of the heavenly demons in the Six Desire Heavens. Because you have not put an end to your ignorance and lust, the cultivation of these dharmas creates the karma of heavenly demons. To forget the Bodhi resolve means to have impure thoughts. If your thoughts are pure, then the Bodhi resolve is present. Impure thoughts,however, are demonic karma.

That is to forget the Bodhi resolve;if you forget the Bodhi re­solve, the wholesome dharmas that you cultivate are only demonic karma; how much worse is it if you do not make the resolve at all! It is even worse never to make the resolve. If you have not made the Bodhi resolve, what are you able to cultivate? Anything you cultivate will only be demonic karma.

Thus we know that anyone wishing to study the Vehicle of Thus Come Ones,anyone wishing to study the Buddhadharma and the Buddha Vehicle, must first make the vows of a Bodhisattva without delay. You should definitely first make the vows of a Bodhisattva. Otherwise, you will always be going in circles in the demons' hole, going back and forth in the den of demons. The Bodhi resolve is not something you should wait to bring forth. You cannot say,"I'll wait a while before I make the Bodhi resolve." That won't do! You cannot say, "I'll make the Bodhisattva vows in a little while." You must bring forth the Bodhi resolve and walk the Bodhisattva path, for only then will you be able to escape transmigration and put an end to birth and death.


Butvows and resolves are various; they are of many kinds. If they are not pointed out, how can we advance toward them? I will now explain them in general for the great assembly.There are eight kinds of resolves: deviant, proper, true, false, great, small,partial, and complete.

What is meant by deviant,proper, true, false, great, small, partial, and complete?


It is the case that you must bring forth the Bodhi resolve and make solid vows. If you don't bring forth the Bodhi resolve, you will never accomplish the Buddha's Way. If you don't make solid vows, you will never reach your goal. But vows and resolves are various. People make many different kinds of resolves. Their resolves express their ideas, their goals, their aspirations, and their purposes. They are of many kinds. It could be said that there are 84,000 kinds.

If they are not pointed out, how can we advance toward them?I cannot give a complete explanation, but I can say a little bit. 1 can present them for your consideration. Otherwise, how can you make progress? How can you set a goal for yourself? How can you know what direction to take?

Dharma Master Xing'an said: I will now explain them in general for the great assembly. I will briefly explain the essentials. In general,there are eight kinds of resolves. What are they? They are: deviant, proper,true, false, great, small, partial, and complete. Resolves may be deviant or proper, true or false, great or small, partial or complete.

What is meant by deviant? Deviant means selfish. What is meant by proper? Proper means unselfish. What is meant by true? True means benefiting others, not benefiting oneself. What about false?That is to benefit oneself and not benefit others. By using the Six Guiding Principles, you can tell what kind of resolve a person has made. What is meant by great?What is meant by small? A small resolve is made for one's own sake, while a great resolve is made for the sake of the great assembly. There is a saying that goes,

To always consider others and never oneself
Is to ultimately have the substance of Buddha.
To always consider oneself and never others
Is to ultimately live one's life in vain.

A life based on selfishness is useless. A great resolve involves prac­ticing the Bodhisattva Way. If one makes a small resolve instead, then one is not practicing the Bodhisattva Way. Instead, one is selfish and out for personal benefit, contends with others, is greedy, seeks things, and always thinks on only of oneself.These are the characteristics of a small resolve. If one always thinks on behalf of others and is public-spirited and unselfish, fair and unbiased,making offerings universally, taking the Dharma Realm as one's substance and empty space as one's function, then one's resolve is great.

To be continued


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