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Her Wish Fulfilled after Three Sincere Requests
--Introducing Shramanerika Guo Cheng Shr

沙彌尼果成 文 By Shramanerika Guo Cheng Shr
武曉 英譯 English translation by Wu Xiao





Having never heard of the Buddha's teachings in China, I came to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas in the United States. For some unknown reason, when I saw the monks and nuns at the City, I felt that their lives were very pure and that they saved time by eating only one meal a day, and I wanted to be like them. The first time I asked my mother, she did not approve. The second time I asked my mother when I saw several other children enter the monastic life, she still did not approve.

Finally, when I participated in an Earth Store recitation session, I told the Bodhisattva my wish to enter the monastic life before I turned fourteen. On my own, I began eating one meal a day and sleeping sitting up. My mother was worried and said, "It's not good for your health. You won't grow properly." I didn't listen to her. On another occasion, my mother and I went to see the Venerable Master, and I asked him, "Will eating one meal a day prevent me from growing big and tall?" The Mas­ter said no. He said, "In Hong Kong I had a young disciple who was very short but was good at translation." He told the disciple that if he practiced jumping for a little while every day, he would grow taller, and the disciple did in fact grow considerably. The Master also taught me how to sleep sitting up. Consequently, my mother's worries were dispelled.

One time when my mother and I went to Long Beach and saw the Master, he had us attend classes and memorize Sutras with the novices. After a few days with them, I wanted even more to join the monastic order, thinking that I would then be able to help the Master propagate Buddhism and translate Sutras, as well as liberate myself from the cycle of transmigration.

Soon after we returned to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, we heard there was going to be a ceremony for joining the monastic life, and I pleaded once more with my mother. She was rather reluctant, but then we went to see the Master. I told the Master, "I wish to enter the monastic life." The Master said, "Entering the monastic life is a good idea. Go back and write down for me why you want to do it." That is how I entered the monastic life. I have a feeling it was Earth Store Bodhisattva who helped me fulfill my wish.


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