The First Dharma Council
'If throughout one's existences, one does not have these five dreadables, five violations, five despicables, on account of these causes and conditions, during the present life, in body and in mind, one undergoes all manner of bliss. In subsequent incarnations, one is born in the blissful places in the heavens.
'What are the five dreadables from which one ought to distance oneself? The first is killing, the second is stealing, the third is sexual misconduct, the fourth is false speech, and the fifth is the drinking of liquor.' Discourses such as these constitute the treasury of the Abhidharma."
When the treasuries of the three classes of Dharma were brought to completion, the gods, ghosts, spirits, dragons, and heavenly maidens presented all manner of offerings. There rained down heavenly flowers, incense, banners, canopies and heavenly raiment as offerings to the Dharma.
To be continued