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Pursuing a Perfect Life
--Introducing Bhikshuni Heng Yi Shi

黎明 文及英譯 Article and English translation by Li Ming





Heng Yi Shi is from Taiwan. As a child she liked to draw and sought to reach the state of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty through art. In junior high, she read a book by Xia Mianzun called The Left-home Life of Great Master Hongyi and was deeply touched. Although she didn't understand what Buddhism and leaving home were all about, she yearned for the state of perfection to which this Great Master aspired. Since she still clung to a worldly view of reality, she sought for a path in the world that would lead to such perfection and did not investigate Buddhism.

She majored in Zoology at the National University of Taiwan and, like all students of science, she was trained to question everything. As a result she tried to keep her mind open to discover the truth behind things. Gradually she discovered that since many things in the world are connected to the mind, she needed to inves­tigate the mind. If the mind is pure and noble, then whatever is manifested outside is perfect too.

She also discovered that in too open a learning environment, impure things could enter her mind. She wanted to purify her mind. When she came across some Buddhist books, she realized that the path of spiritual practice was for her and began to study Buddhism.

When the Venerable Master visited Taiwan in 1989, she lis­tened attentively to his lectures. Later she took refuge with him and received the five precepts. Shortly after graduating from college, she left the home-life and dedicated herself to the work of publishing the Master's instructional talks. When she was the Guest Prefect at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, her easygoing nature and consideration for others made many visitors feel at home in the City. Now she is working in the publication department at the Dharma Realm Buddhist Books Distribution Association, where her diligence and care will certainly help the Venerable Master's books and tapes to get published.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea