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News from the Dharma Realm

Elder day a joy—Ukiah Daily Journal, October 19,1998

編輯部 中譯 Chinese Translation by Editorial Staff






所有與會的老人家們都感受到此次盛大慶祝活動所洋溢出的愛敬之情;那種發自肺腑,動人心弦的真誠實意,尤其是最後那句:「請您明年再來!」更是深深地打動了我的 心。



To the Editor:

We had the honor to be invited on Oct. 11 to the annual celebration of Honoring Elders Day at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas here in Talmage.

Having never been to this famed place and being new to the area myself, I took the opportunity to attend with several of our residents. We were greeted at the main gate by a huge banner welcoming the elderly and accompanied by the students to the event hall with a warmth and smiles which made us truly feel special. The neatly uniformed students took turns entertaining us with songs, dances and instruments which were complemented by an address by the Reverend Abbot, Dr. Cruise, MD and several local government and community representatives, followed by an out-of-this-world sumptuous lunch.

After the Abbot gave the blessing the young students served course after course of delicious and colorful dishes while the entertainment continued. With a final blessing from the Abbot the students accompanied everyone to their cars, giving each guest a lovely and beautifully wrapped gift.

I was deeply touched by the respect and love which was showered on all the elderly attending this function, by the deep reverence and personal touches and the final farewell stating: Please come back next year!

Well, I know our residents and I are already looking forward to it. With a heartfelt thank you to the Abbot and the community of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Rita S. Karvonen
Director of Social Services and
The Residents of Pleasant Care of Ukiah


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