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Returning to See His Compassionate Father
-Introducing Upasaka Guo Qi Zhang

謝福來 編輯 Compiled by Fulai Hsieh
祁慧生 英譯English translation by Huisheng Qi

早在1981年上人到台灣弘法時,張果祺居士就已親聆法音並皈依上人,自悔蹉跎光陰未依上人之教誨修行。直到 1994年隨陽明大學同事到台北法界印經會,頂禮上人法相時不知不覺熱淚盈眶,就像離家出走很久的小孩,見到父母親一樣;那時似乎聽到上人慈悲地說:「回 來就好了!」從此以後,張居士開始研讀上人之開示錄及經疏淺釋,對上人慈悲喜捨大行大願的精神,逐漸瞭解;並積極地參加法會與大眾共修,同時發心投入道場 護法工作,處處以身作則。

不久同修也加入義工行列,幫忙輸入上人講經稿件。每逢星期日更是攜家帶眷,讓三個小孩也能在上人法雨中沐浴, 培植善根;開始時孩子們會抱怨很辛苦,不久就把印經會當第二個家。孩子們更在1996年後,兩度到萬佛聖城參加夏令營。

張居士的三個小孩,蒙上人之加被,已會背誦證道歌及八大人覺經等,大悲咒和楞嚴咒,皆能隨眾琅琅上口。對於上 人的六大宗旨——不爭、不貪、不求、不自私、不自利、不打妄語,都努力應用在日常生活中;因此在學校裡,不僅學業成績進步,在班上也很有人緣。

正當慶幸全家人皆能遇到明眼善知識,豈料上人卻在1995年圓寂,張居士感覺頓失依怙,心裡很難過也很徬徨; 在法師們的教導下,瞭解到修行是依法不依人。因此他以感恩的心,引導全家人在六條光明的大道上更精進地修行,更盡心盡力地來護持道場,以報上人慈悲度化之 恩德。

When the Venerable Master went to Taiwan in 1981, Upasaka Guo Qi Zhang  listened to the Dharma and took refuge with the Master. He only regrets that he procrastinated in following the Master's instructions to cultivate. In 1994 when he went with his colleague at Yangming University to Dharma Realm Buddhist Books Distribution Association in Taipei and bowed to the Master's image, tears filled his eyes and he felt like a child coming home and seeing his parents after a long absence. He seemed to hear the Master say, “You're back, so everything's OK!” Upasaka Zhang started to read the Master's Dharma talks and explanations of Sutras and came to understand the Master's spirit of kindness, compassion, joy, and giving, as well as his magnanimous practice and vows. He also participated in Dharma assemblies and volunteered in the Way-place, setting an example.

Soon his wife started helping to key the Master's lectures on Sutras into the computer. Every Sunday they brought their whole family to the temple, steeping their three children in the Master's Dharma rain so their good roots would grow. At first the children complained, but soon the Association came to be like their second home. Since 1996, the children have come twice to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas to participate in the summer camp.

With the Master's blessing, Upasaka Zhang's three children have memorized the Song of Enlightenment and the Sutra of the Eight Awakenings of Great People. They are also able to chant the Great Compassion Mantra and the Shurangama Mantra with the assembly in a clear, loud voice. They are trying hard to practice the Six Guidelines (no fighting, no greed, no seeking, no selfishness, no pursuit of personal advantage, and no lying) in their daily lives. Consequently not only are they high achievers in school, they are also popular with their classmates.

Just when the Zhang family was rejoicing over having met a clear-eyed good and wise advisor, the Venerable Master unexpectedly passed into stillness in 1995. Upasaka Zhang felt as if he'd suddenly lost his refuge; he was both grieved and at a loss. Under the guidance of Dharma Masters, he realized the cultivators should rely on the Dharma, not on a particular person. With gratitude, he now guides his family to cultivate vigorously on the bright path of the Six Guidelines and does his best to support the Way-place in order to repay a little bit of the Master's kindness in teaching them.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea