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Bodhi Mirror

Adorning the Dharma Realm to Repay the
Buddha's Kindness-Introducing Bhikshuni Heng Zhuang Shi

謝福來 編輯 Compiled by Fulai Hsieh
祁慧生 英譯 English translation by Huisheng Qi

恒莊師是臺灣人,自小善解人意,家境富裕,祖父抽鴉片時,便在身旁侍候,祖父常凝視著她說:「妳命不好,將來 會很苦,最後會出家。」當時年幼無知,只會傻笑以對。

七歲時,第一天上學回來後,很興奮地拿著毛筆寫了「人」字給祖父看。祖父說:「妳會寫『人』啦!妳知道嗎?人 生是苦海。」老人家意味深長的話,豈是後生小輩所能體會?

婚後開美容院,正逢臺灣經濟起飛,財源滾滾而來。店中人事流動甚大,深感人生聚散無常,內心空虛茫然,不知人 生有何意義?

偶讀弘一大師傳記,始知世上有佛法。於是開始尋找道場,與人去聽經;兩個月後,人家出家了。家人嚇壞,再不讓 她去聽經。她也就病了,一病就是十年。

1981年上人蒞臺時,皈依上人。她在台北法界印經會發願不就醫,把錢拿出來布施,等病好了就跟上人出家。病 中不管吃什麼都瀉,最後只好吃白飯拌醬油膏。十年中每天拜大悲懺,禮佛一千拜。她雖不能講話,卻能持大悲咒 2-3小時。父母往生前,發願每天持大悲咒 108 遍三年。

恒莊師1989年初出家,同年夏受具足戒於聖城。來美前家裡給了她一些錢,她全拿出來放生,迴向功德給他們。 她每天持大悲咒 108遍,誦普門品二部。正是:

恒在釋族為沙門 莊嚴法界一念心
師持大悲陀羅尼 願度眾生報佛恩

Heng Zhuang Shi is from Taiwan. She is sensitive to people's wishes, and comes from a wealthy family. When her grandfather smoked opium, she would attend upon him. He'd often say, “You will have a hard life. In the end you'll leave the home life.” She smiled without really understanding.

At age 7, she came home from school and showed her grandpa the word “person” she'd written. He said, “So you know how to write ‘person'! Do you realize that human life is a sea of suffering?” How could she grasp the deep meaning of his words?

After getting married, she opened a beauty parlor in her home. The Taiwan economy was thriving, and the money rolled in. The large turnover of employees made her feel that life was full of partings and nothing was permanent. She wondered what meaning there was in her life.

One day she read Great Master Hongyi's biography and discovered the Buddhadharma. She visited temples and attended Sutra lectures with an employee. When he left the home life two months later, her alarmed family forbid her to attend lectures. She then fell ill, and the illness lasted ten years.

When the Master went to Taiwan in 1981, she took refuge. After she got sick, she went to Dharma Realm Buddhist Books Distribution Association in Taipei and vowed not to see a doctor, but to donate the money to the Triple Jewel and leave home with the Master once she recovered. She had constant diarrhea and could only eat rice with soy sauce. For ten years she bowed the Great Compassion Repentance and made 1000 bows daily. Even when she couldn't speak, she'd still recite the Great Compassion Mantra for two to three hours. Before her parents died, she vowed to recite that Mantra 108 times a day for three years.

She left the home life in early 1989 and received full precepts that summer at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Before coming to the U.S., she used the money her family had given her to liberate creatures, dedicating the merit to them. She now recites the Great Compassion Mantra 108 times and the Universal Door Chapter twice a day.

Constantly a Shramana in the Shakyan clan,
In a single thought she adorns the Dharma Realm.
Upholding the Great Compassion Dharani,
She vows to save living beings and repay the Buddha's kindness.


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