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The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra with Commentary

【卷四 提婆達多品第十二 】

Roll 4, Chapter 12, Devadatta

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version

前期經文提示:言論未訖。時龍王 女忽現於前,頭面禮敬,卻住一面。以偈讚曰:

她說,「深達罪福相」:她說深深地明白這個罪的相,和福的相,所以就不造罪而修福,得到這個無罪無福的相;無 罪無福,就是超然成佛的相。佛相,就是超出這個罪福相之外。



「具相三十二」:得到三十二種這大人之相。這都因為六度圓滿,萬行具足,所以得到這三十二相;這三十二相就因 為修六度萬行所得來的。以八十種的相好來莊嚴佛的法身。





「又聞成菩提」:我又聽見這個眾生可 以成佛。




時舍利弗語龍女言,汝謂不久得無上道,是事難信。所以者何,女身垢穢,非是法器,云何能得無 上菩提,佛道懸曠。經無量劫,勤苦積行,具修諸度,然後乃成。又女人身,猶有五障,一者不得做梵天王。二者帝釋。三者魔王。四者轉輪聖王。五者佛身。云何 女身速得成佛。

「時舍利弗語龍女言」:在龍女說完了偈頌的時候,大智舍利弗,「語龍女言」:對這個龍女就說了。說「汝謂不久 得無上道」:妳說妳很快就會成佛。「是事難信」:妳這麼樣講法,這種事情我不相信,很令人難信的。「所以者何?」:為什麼我不相信呢?

「女身垢穢」:妳說你會成佛。妳,因為是個女身;女身呢,是不潔淨的一種身體,非常地骯髒。「非是法器」:這 不是成佛的一種法器;不可以成佛,女身。「云何能得無上菩提」:因為女身是不清淨的,所以不能成佛。那麼既然有這一種的原因,妳怎麼可以說,妳可以成佛成 得這麼快呢?

「佛道懸曠」:這個成佛道,非常地懸遠廣闊,所以釋迦牟尼佛,三祇修福慧,三大阿僧祇劫修福修慧;百劫種相 好,在無量百千萬劫以前修的這個相好,這不知道經過多長的時間。「經無量劫」:經過無量無邊這麼多的大劫。「勤苦積行」:勤精進修苦行啊,積功累德啊,時 間久了。「具修諸度」:又修六度萬行。「然後乃成」:然後呢,才成佛道。


「一者不得做梵天王」:第一她不可以做大梵天王,因為她不清淨。「二者帝釋」:第二,這個女身也不可以做帝 釋。「三者魔王」:第三,不單不能做帝釋,連魔王都不能做。「四者轉輪聖王」:第四,不能做轉輪聖王。「五者佛身」:第五種是佛身,也不能做。

女人身有這五種的障礙;這五種的地位她都不能做,何況成佛呢?「云何女身速得成佛」:妳怎麼可以說,妳以女人 之身就可以成佛道呢?


Sutra text from last issue: They had not yet finished their discussion when the Dragon King's daughter suddenly appeared before them, bowed with her head at their feet, and withdrew to one side to speak these verses:

The dragon girl said: Having deeply understood the marks of offenses and blessings, she does not commit offenses, but cultivates blessings. In this way she obtains the marks of “neither offenses nor blessings,” transcends the mundane, and becomes a Buddha. Buddhas transcend the marks of offenses and blessings. Since she is replete with blessings and wisdom, a “Doubly Complete Honored One,” she illuminates throughout the ten directions. Her wisdom shines upon the worlds of the ten directions.

That kind of inconceivably wondrous, pure Dharma body / Is complete with the thirty-two marks of a great person. Since she perfected the practice of the Six Paramitas and the Ten Thousand Conducts, she has obtained the thirty-two marks. And with the eighty minor characteristics / That adorn the Dharma body of the Buddha, one is honored and looked up to by gods and humans. The Buddha is venerated and beheld with admiration by the gods. And revered by all the dragons and spirits. The dragons, ghosts, and spirits also revere the World Honored One. Of all the varieties of beings, / None fail to respect and revere one. Among living beings, there are none who fail to worship the Buddha.

Hearing about the realization of Bodhi / Which only a Buddha can certify... I have heard that all living beings can become Buddhas, but only a Buddha can certify a living being's realization of Buddhahood.

I proclaim the Great Vehicle Teaching, / Which liberates suffering living beings. What I am now expounding are the doctrines of the Great Vehicle, which aims to rescue all living beings from the sea of suffering.

At that time, Shariputra said to the dragon girl, “You claim quick attainment to the Supreme Path. This is difficult to believe. Why? The body of a woman is filthy and not a vessel for the Dharma. How can you attain to Supreme Bodhi? The Buddha Path is remote and distant. Only after one has passed through limitless eons, diligently practicing ascetism and accumulating one's conduct, perfecting one's cultivation of all paramitas, can one then attain realization. What is more, a woman's body has five obstacles: 1) she cannot become a Brahma Heaven King, 2) she cannot become Shakra, 3) she cannot become a demon king, 4) she cannot become a Wheel-turning Sage King, and 5) she cannot become a Buddha. How can a woman quickly realize Buddhahood?”

After the dragon girl finished speaking her verses, at that time the Greatly Wise Shariputra, said to the dragon girl, “You claim quick attainment to the Supreme Path. This is difficult to believe; I don't believe it at all. Why? The body of a woman is filthy and not a vessel for the Dharma. You are a woman, and women's bodies are unclean—very dirty. They are not vessels appropriate for realizing Buddhahood. How can you attain to Supreme Bodhi? You are a woman, so how can you say that you can attain Buddhahood so fast?

“The Buddha Path is remote and distant. Shakyamuni Buddha cultivated blessings and wisdom for three great asamkhyeya eons, and perfected the fine marks for a hundred kalpas. It took him who knows how long to realize Buddhahood. Only after one has passed through limitless eons, diligently practicing ascetism and accumulating one's conduct, piling up merit and virtue, perfecting one's cultivation of all paramitas, the Six Paramitas and Ten Thousand Conducts, can one then attain realization. Only after such long and bitter cultivation can one become a Buddha.

“What is more, a woman's body has five obstacles:

1) She cannot become a Great Brahma Heaven King, because she is impure.

2) She cannot become Lord Shakra.

3) She cannot become a demon king. Not only can she not become Lord Shakra, she cannot even be a demon king.

4) She cannot become a Wheel-turning Sage King, and

5) She cannot become a Buddha. She cannot obtain the body of a Buddha either.

“Since a woman's body has these five obstacles—there are these five positions that she cannot hold, how can she become a Buddha? How can a woman quickly realize Buddhahood? How can she claim that she can attain the Buddha Way right in her woman's body?”

To be continued


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