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Humility Makes a Good Cultivator-Introducing Upasaka Guo Gui Huang

謝福來 編輯 Compiled by Fulai Hsieh
祁慧生 英譯English translation by Huisheng Qi

一九九三年上人回臺灣弘法時,每當法會圓滿,眾人爭相到上人跟前問事,經上人的拐杖一敲一打,都能業消病除; 對於身為醫師且尚未學佛的黃果桂居士來說,確實是一件不可思議的事情。

不久染上一種眼病,叫貝西氏症眼疾,就是上人在大悲心陀羅尼經淺釋裡提到的赤眼症。看遍中西醫師,都無法痊 癒。後來有一位善心人士,教他每天吃紅豆、綠豆、黑豆、糙米及薏仁煮的飯,還要懺悔業障,行善布施,虔誠誦念觀世音菩薩聖號;一個多月後黃居士的眼疾才慢 慢好轉,不再復發。

此後黃居士開始研讀上人的開示錄,以及佛經淺釋,瞭解到業報的可怕,也知道了佛法的可貴,進而於一九九四年皈 依上人。每逢假日便到臺北法界印經會參加法會,或幫忙做義工護持道場。

多年行醫濟世,親眼目睹很多臨終病人的痛苦,因而發心擔任法界念佛會會長,三年來任勞任怨,連絡蓮友,為人助 念生西;看到病人往生時的瑞相,令黃居士法喜充滿,覺得再多的辛苦也值得。

每當需要助念,或道場有急事,黃居士就會毫不猶豫拉下診所的鐵捲門;為了避開新莊和臺北之間擁擠的交通,他以 機車穿梭於大街小巷來節省時間,其熱心護法及助人的程度,由此可見一斑。

黃居士生性沉默寡言,凡事推功攬過。對於上人的教化,修行時要慈心下氣,恭敬一切,他一直是腳踏實地,老老實 實地去做。他覺得皈依上人,就是要重新做人,孝順父母,護持三寶;因此以「敦倫盡分,相信因果;老實念佛,同生西方」和大家共勉。

When the Venerable Master was in Taiwan in 1993, at the end of every Dharma session people would crowd around asking questions. If the Master gave them a tap with his cane, it lessened their karma and cured their illnesses. To Upasaka Guo Gui Huang, a physician who had not studied Buddhism before, this was truly inconceivable.

A while later he became infected with an eye ailment which the Master mentions in his commentary on the Great Compassion Heart Dharani Sutra as the “red eye disease.” He visited Chinese and Western doctors everywhere, yet none could cure him. Then a kind-hearted person advised him to eat daily a meal of red beans, green beans, black beans, brown rice, and the seeds of Job's tears cooked together, as well as to repent of his karmic obstacles, practice charity, and sincerely recite Guanshiyin Bodhi­sattva's name. He followed the advice for over a month, and his eye ailment gradually subsided and did not recur.

Later Upasaka Huang started to read the Venerable Master's Dharma talks and explanations of Sutras and understood how horrible karmic retributions could be and how precious the Buddhadharma was. In 1994 he took refuge with the Master. He went to Dharma Realm Buddhist Books Distribution Association on every holiday to attend the Dharma session or work as a volunteer there.

Over long years of medical practice, he has witnessed the agony of the dying. That is why he agreed to serve as the chairman of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Recitation Society. For three years he has been in charge of contacting society members to recite for the dying and help them be reborn in the West. Seeing the auspicious signs at the time of the patients' deaths fills Upasaka Huang with Dharma joy and makes all the hard work worthwhile.

Every time people were needed to recite for the dying, or if the temple had an urgent task, Upasaka Huang would immediately close his clinic and ride his motorcycle through  the back roads to avoid the traffic between Xinzhuang and Taipei. He was always eager to support the Dharma and help others.

Upasaka Huang has a quiet personality. He always gives the credit to others and blames himself. He has tried to practice the Venerable Master's instructions to cultivators to be kind, humble, and respectful to all. Having taken refuge with the Master, he feels he must become a new person, be filial to his parents, and support the Triple Jewel. Therefore, he would like to urge everyone to “maintain good relationships, fulfill your obligations, believe in cause and effect, and sincerely recite the Buddha's name, so we can together be reborn in the West.”


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea