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Special Feature

Excerpts from the Shastra on the Perfection of Great Wisdom

龍樹菩薩/著 Written by Bodhisattva Nagarjuna
姚秦三藏法師鳩摩羅什/中譯 Translated into Chinese by Tripitaka Master Kumarajiva of the Yaoqin dynasty
沙彌恆授/英譯 Translated into English by Shramanera Heng Shou

(編按)本文之英譯以大正藏版為準,故中文亦用大正藏版,以符合英 譯。


是時中間,阿難思惟諸法,求盡殘漏;其夜坐禪經行,殷勤求道。是阿難智慧多,定力少,是故不即得道;定智等 者,乃可速得。後夜欲過,疲極偃息,卻臥就枕;頭未至枕,廓然得悟,如電光出,暗者見道。阿難如是入金剛定,破一切諸煩惱山;得三明,六神通,共解脫,作 大力阿羅漢。


Editor's Note: The English translator asked that the word “Shastra” in the title be replaced with “Treatise,” since this was originally not a Shastra. Also, please note that the Chinese is now taken from the Taisho Tripitaka instead of the Long Zang, so it should match the English more closely.

Ananda's Return

During this time Ananda had been contemplating all dharmas and was seeking to bring his residual outflows to an end. That night he sat in dhyāna contemplation and walked, working diligently in his quest of the Way.  This Ananda was one whose wisdom was abundant but whose meditative power was scant. It was because of this that he did not immediately gain the Way. One whose absorptions and wisdom exist in equal measure may rapidly attain it.

When the final watch of the night was nearly over, his weariness was extreme and he was on the point of laying down to rest. In lying down, he took up the pillow. But, before his head reached the pillow, suddenly and expansively, he gained enlightenment. It was like when a flash of lightning appears: those in darkness see the road. In this manner, Ananda entered the Adamantine Absorption and shattered the mountain of all afflictions. He attained the three types of gnosis, the six superknowledges and the complete liberation. He became an Arhat possessed of great power. 

To be continued

English translation © 1996 Dharmamitra. All rights reserved.
Reprinted with permission of Kalavinka (http://www.teleport.com/~dh-mitra/)


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