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The Shurangama Sutra


宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version

四者味報。招引惡果。此味業交。則臨終時。先見鐵網。猛燄 熾烈。周覆世界。亡者神識。下透掛網。倒懸其頭。入無間獄。

四者是味的報。這個味,我們人一生,就想用這一切的畜生的肉,來滋養我們這 個身體,所以就貪這個口腹,而研究這個味道;研究什麼東西吃好味,這個味好的滋味。因為這樣子,於是乎就造出種種的業。怎麼造這個業呢?在中國人,有研究 這個味的,專門吃這活的東西,活的東西是新鮮東西。在西方人呢,吃這個肉都要用雪櫃雪它一個時期,然後才吃。中國人呢,認為這一雪就把這個肉的營養的東西 都凍死了,沒有營養了,我們要吃那個活的東西。在那個活的畜生身上割下的肉,這認為是最有營養了。

在中國有那廚子,做宴席,專門把這個豬打得跑,跑一兩個小時,不停地跑,把 這個肥豬的氣血,都跑得膨脹起來了。那麼這個廚子--做菜的這個人--在這個豬的身上,一刀就砍下一塊肉來;照它那個厚肉的地方,就砍下一塊,這麼用這一 塊肉來來做這個宴席,說這是最好了。

那麼,還有吃那個猴頭,中國人不說吃猴頭。中國人把這個桌子做一個窟窿,把 這猴子頭放在窟窿裡頭,再把這個地方給它隔上。就用一個槌子把這猴頭就那麼活著打,打破了它,人就吃這猴子的這個腦,說這是有營養了。為什麼要這麼吃呢? 這就由這個味上造的惡業。由這一個貪好滋味,就想遍種種的方法來造罪業。所以這個味,怎麼能造惡報受惡果呢?也就因為這個「招引惡果」。「此味業交」:這 個味業和其他的這五種互相交接。「則臨終時」:這個人臨死的時候。「先見鐵網」:見這個鐵網就把他網著。「猛燄熾烈」:那個鐵網裡邊那火著得非常地旺盛。 「周覆世界」:這個火也周覆世界。「亡者神識」:這個死的這個人的神識。「下透掛網」:透著出去掛網。「倒懸其頭」:就是倒著懸,腳在那個網裡頭掛著,頭 在下面懸著。「入無間獄」:入到無間地獄去了。

發明二相。一者吸氣。結成寒冰。凍冽肉身。二者吐氣。飛為 猛火。焦爛骨髓。

這也發生二種的相,這個兩種相是什麼呢?一個就是往裡邊吸氣,這吸氣就是冷 啦所以就「結成寒冰」。凍冽,非常之冷的,凍這個肉身。「二者吐氣」:往外吐氣。「飛為猛火」:這個吐氣,吐出去變成猛火。「焦爛骨髓」:把你的骨髓給你 燒爛了。

如是嘗味。歷嘗則能。為承為忍。歷見則能。為然金石。歷聽 則能。為利兵刃。歷息則能。為大鐵籠。彌覆國土。歷觸則能。為弓為箭。為弩為射。歷思則能。為飛熱鐵。從空雨下。

「如是嘗味」:像這個嘗味所造的惡業,如果在這個嘗上來講,就能「為承為 忍」。什麼承、忍呢?就是所造的惡業,你不承認,也要承認;你不能受的,也要忍受。這種的罪名不能逃避的。「歷見則能,為然金石」:能有一種的火,把這個 金石都燒化了它,這個地獄。「歷聽」:歷這個聽塵。「則能,為利兵刃」:在這個地獄呢,就有很多鋒利的兵刃來刺你的身體。「歷息則能,為大鐵籠」:這一個 大鐵籠。「彌覆國土」:彌漫在這個國土這麼大的地方。「歷觸則能,為弓為箭」:變成弓箭,射你的身體。「為弩為射」:弩,也是弩箭,射這個犯罪的人的身 體。「歷思則能,為飛熱鐵」:在空中,好像飛沙走石這一些個熱鐵。「從空雨下」:從空中落下來。落下來,它是熱鐵,落下來就是燒身的。

五者觸報。招引惡果。此觸業交。則臨終時。先見大山。四面 來合。無復出路。亡者神識。見大鐵城。火蛇火狗。虎狼獅子。牛頭獄卒。馬頭羅剎。手執鎗 。驅入城門。向無間獄。

「五者觸報」:這個觸報,就是貪觸--貪這個觸塵。貪這個觸塵所引起的惡報 是什麼呢?「此觸業交」:這個觸的業,和其他的五種,這互相交接。這個人臨命終的時候。「先見大山」:先先地他就看見他這個業果感招,先看見一個大山。 「四面來合」:這個大山從四面來的,他沒有逃走的地方。「無復出路」:沒有地方可以走。「亡者神識。見大鐵城」:看見四面鐵山來了,他也沒有地方跑了,就 看見一個大鐵城。這個鐵城裡邊,有火蛇、火狗,這可都是活物;活物是活物,但是都是火變成的。「虎狼獅子」:這火,也有這火虎、火狼、火獅子。「牛頭獄 卒」:有牛頭,管這個大鐵城的獄卒。「馬頭羅剎」:馬頭這個羅剎鬼。「手執鎗」:手執鎗矛之類的,有執著槍,有執著戈矛,總而言之都是可怕的武器。「驅入 城門」:就趕著這個犯罪的人到這個大鐵城裡邊去。「向無間獄」:一入這個城,也就墮到無間獄去了。



The fourth is the retribution of tasting, which beckons one and leads one to evil ends. This karma of tasting intermingles, and thus at the time of death one first sees an iron net ablaze with a raging fire that covers over the entire world. The deceased one's spiritual consciousness passes down through this hanging net, and suspended upside down it enters the unintermittent hell.

The fourth is the retribution of tasting. Tastes in the human realm involve people wishing to nourish their bodies with the flesh of animals. In this way people become greedy to exploit their opportunities to have good things to eat and learn about how to combine ingredients to create superb delicacies. Because of that, they create all kinds of bad karma. How do they do that? For instance, Chinese people pay a lot of attention to flavors. They prefer to eat creatures alive because that way the flesh is fresh. Westerners keep their meat in refrigerators, often for periods of time, before eating it. But Chinese people believe that cold kills the nutrients in the meat. That is why they choose to eat the meat of living creatures. They cut the flesh off of the animals while they are still alive, believing that such meat will provide the most nutrition.

In China when a cook prepared a banquet, one technique used was to set a hog running and keep it running for about an hour or two. That would cause the fat hog's systems to be activated and force his blood to pound. Then the cook would poise his knife and slice a hunk of flesh off the rump of the belabored hog. Meat like that was considered excellent to use in the banquet dishes.

Another custom was to eat monkey brains. The Chinese call this dish “monkey head”. The method was to cut a hole in the table and stick the live monkey’s head up through the hole and devise a way to trap it in that position. Then someone would smash the skull with a club and everyone would sit around and eat raw monkey brains. This was said to be a superbly nutritious dish. Why do people like that and thereby create bad karma through the sense of taste? It's because they are greedy for fine flavors. They think of all kinds of ways to create karmic offenses. For reasons like these, the sense of taste causes people to undergo bad retribution that beckons one and leads one to evil ends.This karma of tasting interminges, that is, the retribution for taste combines with the other five. And thus at the time of death one first sees an iron net. Such a person sees an iron net and becomes caught in that net which is ablaze with a raging fire. Within that iron net, a hot fire roars that covers over the entire world. The deceased one's spiritual consciousness refers to the soul of the person who has died, passes down through this hanging net. He dives in head first and suspended upside down, his soul enters the unintermittent hell. His feet are caught in the net and his head is hanging downward as he enters the unintermittent hell.

Two appearances are created. The first is a sucking air which congeals into ice so that it freezes the flesh of his body. The other is a spitting blast of air which spews out a raging fire that roasts his bones and marrow to a pulp.

Two appearances are created. The first is a sucking air. When air is sucked in, it turns cold and so it congeals into ice. It is extremely cold so that it freezes the flesh of his body. The other is a spitting blast of air. When the air is spit out, it spews out a raging fire that roasts his bones and marrow to a crisp. Your bones and marrow are burned to a crisp.

When the tasting of flavors passes through the sense of taste, it becomes what must be acknowledged and what must be endured. When it passes through the seeing, it becomes burning metal and stones. When it passes through the hearing, it becomes sharp weapons and knives. When it passes through the sense of smell, it becomes a vast iron cage that encloses the entire land. When it passes through the sense of touch, it becomes bows and arrows, crossbows, and darts. When it passes through the mind, it becomes flying pieces of molten iron that rain down from out of space.

When the tasting of flavors passes through the sense of taste, it becomes what must be acknowledged and what must be endured. What has to be acknowledged and endured? Even if you do not want to acknowledge the bad karma you have created, you still must acknowledge it. And you must endure what is basically not endurable. You cannot get out of the offenses you have committed. When it passes through the seeing, it becomes burning metal and stones. A fire burns through metal and stone, melting it. That is one kind of hell. When it passes through the hearing, it becomes sharp weapons and knives. In this hell there are many very sharp weapons that slice into your body. When it passes through the sense of smell, it becomes a vast iron cage that encloses the entire land. This huge iron cage covers such a vast expanse it includes an entire land. When it passes through the sense of touch, it becomes bows and arrows, crossbows, and darts. It becomes bows and arrows that are shot into your body. These crossbows and darts  are also used to pierce the offender's body. When it passes through the mind, it becomes flying pieces of molten iron that rain down from out of space. In space are bits of hot iron that fly about like grains of sand and rain down and burn the body.

The fifth is the retribution of touching, which beckons one and leads one to evil ends. The karma of touching intermingles, and thus at the time of death one first sees huge mountains closing in on one from four sides, leaving no path of escape. The deceased one's spiritual consciousness then sees a vast iron city. Fiery snakes and fiery dogs, tigers, wolves, lions, ox-headed jail keepers, and horse-headed rakshasa­s brandishing spears and lances drive it in through the gates of the city toward the unintermittent hell.

The fifth is the retribution of touching which beckons one and leads one to evil ends. The retribution of touching comes from being greedy for objects of touch. The greed to touch brings about karmic retributions that intermingle. The karma of touching intermingles, and thus at the time of death one first sees huge mountains. The response to his karmic retribution causes him to first see tall mountains closing in on one from four sides, leaving no path of escape. There is no place he can go to avoid it. The deceased one's spiritual consciousness then sees a vast iron city. As the mountains are closing in on the four sides and he has no place to run he sees a big iron city. Within that iron city are fiery snakes and fiery dogs, tigers, wolves, and lions. All these beasts are made of fire. Ox-headed jail keepers who watch over the huge iron city and horse-headed rakshasa ghosts brandishing spears and lances. The rakshasa ghosts hold spears, lances, and in general, terrifying weapons that they use to drive the offender in through the gates of the city toward the unintermittent hell. As soon as the offender's soul gets inside the city it falls into the unintermittent hell.

To be continued

I dreamt I was the Emperor on his throne.
Ruling the kingdom of the four seas all alone.
Riches and nobility are mere illusions when I wake.
Still poor and wretched, I've nothing of my own.


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