爾時文殊師利菩薩坐在千葉寶蓮華上。「大如車輪」:那個蓮華有車輪那麼大。「俱來菩薩」:從他一起來的菩薩。「亦坐寶蓮華」:也坐到千葉寶蓮華上。「從於大海娑竭羅龍宮」:娑竭羅,有人知道是什麼意思嗎?娑竭羅也是梵語,翻譯過來就叫鹹海。龍宮就是在這個鹹海裡面。「自然湧出」:自自然然就湧出來了。「住虛空中」:住在虛空裡頭。「詣靈鷲山,從蓮華下」:到靈山釋迦牟尼佛說法的地方。「頭面敬禮」:就五體投地。「敬禮二世尊足」:拜這二位如來。「修敬已畢」:修就是來做恭敬這種禮貌,完了之後。「往詣智積所」:就到智積菩薩所坐的那個地方去啦。「共相慰問」:就這樣你好啊?How are you?智積菩薩說 very good,這就叫慰問。
待續 |
At that time, a Bodhisattva-Attendant of Many Jewels, World Honored One, from the lower regions by the name of Wisdom-Accumulation, spoke to the Buddha Many Jewels, saying, “Let’s return to our own land.”
Shakyamuni Buddha told Wisdom-Accumulation, “Good man, wait a moment longer. There is a Bodhisattva named Manjushri. You should meet him and discuss the wonderful Dharma. Then you may return to your country.”
At that time, a Bodhisattva-Attendant of Many Jewels, World Honored One, from the lower regions by the name of Wisdom-Accumulation, the Bodhisattva was a servant of Many Jewels Buddha, who had come along with him. The Bodhisattva Wisdom-Accumulation would often manifest himself in the Province of Suzhou, at Lingyan Mountain in China. He would go there to save living beings and appear so people could see him. When they were building the Monastery at Lingyan they dug up a statue of Wisdom-Accumulation Bodhisattva, too. It was very strange. He spoke to the Buddha Many Jewels, saying, “Let’s go back to our own land!” He said, “Can I go back now?”
Shakyamuni Buddha told Wisdom-Accumulation, “Good man, wait a moment longer. There is a Bodhisattva in this Dharma Assembly named Manjushri, “Wonderfully Lucky” Bodhisattva. You should meet him and discuss the wonderful Dharma. You can be the Bodhisattva’s friend! Manjushri Bodhisattva is very wise. You can discuss the doctrines of The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra with him and then you may return to your country. You won’t be late, and you will have made a new friend! Won’t that be nice?”
Then Manjushri, sitting on a thousand-petalled lotus as large as a carriage wheel, along with the Bodhisattvas who accompanied him, also sitting on jeweled lotuses, spontaneously rose up out of the great sea from the Sagara Dragon Palace. They rose high into the air and went to Magic Vulture Mountain. Descending from his lotus, he went before the Buddhas and bowed in worship at the feet of the two World Honored Ones. Having paid his respects, he went up to Wisdom-Accumulation and when they had inquired after each other’s welfare, they moved to one side and sat down.Wisdom-Accumulation Bodhisattva asked Manjushri, “Humane One, how many living beings have you taught there in the Dragon Palace?”
Manjushri Bodhisattva replied, “An unlimited, unreckonable number, one that cannot be expressed in words or fathomed by the mind. Wait just a moment and you will have proof for yourself.”
Then Manjushri, sitting on a thousand-petalled lotus as large as a carriage wheel, along with the Bodhisattvas who accompanied him, also sitting on thousand-petalled jeweled lotuses, spontaneously rose up out of the great sea from the Sagara Dragon Palace. Does anyone know what “Sagara” means? It’s a Sanskrit word which means “salty sea.” That’s where the Dragon Palace is. They just rose up out of the sea. They rose high into the air and went to Magic Vulture Mountain, to where Shakyamuni Buddha was speaking the Dharma. Descending from his lotus, he went before the Buddhas and bowed in worship, with his five limbs on the ground, at the feet of the two World Honored Ones. Having paid his respects, he went up to Wisdom-Accumulation and when they had inquired after each other’s welfare, they moved to one side and sat down.
Manjushri Bodhisattva said, “How are you?”
“Very good!” said Wisdom-Accumulation.
Wisdom-Accumulation Bodhisattva asked Manjushri, “Humane One, how many living beings have you taught there in the Dragon Palace?” “Humane One” is another name for a Bodhi-sattva. He said, “You have been staying in the Dragon Palace? How many dragons have you saved? How many big ones? How many little ones? Are you enjoying yourself? Is it more meaningful than crossing over pigeons?”
Manjushri Bodhisattva replied, “An unlimited, unreckonable number, you could never count how many dragons and other marine creatures have been saved. Their number is one that cannot be expressed in words or fathomed by the mind. Wait just a moment and you will have proof for yourself. You’ll see for yourself! Count for yourself! You’ll have proof. I won’t have to tell you.”
To be continued