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宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version










Sutra text from last issue: When they are possessed entirely of emotion, they sink into the Avichi Hell. If the emotion has gone into their hearts so that they slander the Great Vehicle, defame the Buddha pure precepts, speak crazy and false dharma, are greedy for offerings from the faithful, recklessly accept the respect of others, commit the five rebellious acts and the ten major offenses, then they are further reborn in Avichi Hells throughout the ten directions.

Or they commit the five rebellious acts, which are killing one’s father, killing one’s mother, killing an Arhat, shedding the Buddha’s blood, and breaking up the harmony of the Sangha. Or they commit the ten major offenses, that is, they violate the ten major Bodhisattva Precepts. Having committed these grave offenses, then they are further reborn in Avici Hells throughout the ten directions. After they have undergone suffering in the Avici Hell of this world they go to Avici Hells in every world in the ten directions. Can you imagine how long a time that would take? When this hell is finished, they are transported to another Avici Hell. When that Avici Hell is destroyed, they move on to the next Avici Hell. It’s endless. And so Devadatta, the one who tried to compete with the Buddha, fell into the hells alive. He’s still suffeing in the hells. From the time of Shakyamuni Buddha until now he’s been undergoing hellish suffering, but in fact that’s just the blink of an eye.

Although one receives one's due according to the evil karma one has created, a group can undergo an identical lot, and there are definite places where it occurs.

Above the text said that Dharma Masters who slander the Great Vehicle, defiling the Buddhas, the Dharma, and the Sangha, and those who commit the Five Rebellious Acts or violate the Ten Major Precepts, will be reborn in the Avichi Hells of the ten directions. That's what is meant by: one receives one's due according to the evil karma one has created. They fall into the hells, and although they brought this down upon themselves, the karmic retribution they receive for the karma they created, a group can undergo an identical lot. And yet for those within that group, there are definite places where it occurs. They created their karma in a certain place and they undergo their retribution in a certain place.

Ananda, this all comes from the karmic responses which living beings themselves invoke. They create ten habitual causes and undergo six interacting retributions.

"Ananda!" The Buddha calls out again, saying, "This all comes from the karmic responses which living beings themselves invoke." Falling into the hells and undergoing retributions, which comes from giving rise to delusion, creating karma, and undergoing retributions, are karmic responses which living beings themselves invoke. This karma comes about because of things they did. They create ten habitual causes. Their habits become the cause for receiving six interacting retributions. These retributions are undergone due to the mutual involvements of the six sense organs.

What are the ten causes? Ananda, the first consists of habits of lust and reciprocal interactions which give rise to mutual rubbing. When this rubbing continues without cease, it produces a tremendous raging fire within which movement occurs, just as warmth arises between a person's hands when he rubs them together.

What are the ten causes? What are these ten habitual causes? Ananda I must tell you this in detail. The first consists of habits of lust and reciprocal interactions. The first is the habit of lust. Interactions occur between men and women which give rise to mutual rubbing. The result of their involvement is a movement that consists of caressing each other. When this rubbing continues without cease, it produces a tremendous raging fire within which movement occurs. The light of fire arises between them and has a movement of its own, just as warmth arises between a person's hands when he rubs them together.

To be continued


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