萬佛城金剛菩提海 Vajra Bodhi Sea


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Never Knew Any Worries

編輯室by Editorial staff
居士‧葉淑貞Upasika Shuzhen Ye



I grew up in a comfortable and well-off family and never knew the taste of misery. From the time I was little until I grew up, my parents always gave me whatever I wished for. Because of this, I became an insatiably greedy person. When I moved to the United States, I faced a new environment, new people, and new events. I realized that not everything is always so easy and smooth in this world. I often asked myself, "What are we really living for? Are we just living to work, make money, eat and sleep?" During the rush hour before and after work, seeing the busy traffic, I would think to myself, "All of us are busily running down the road to death!" At that instant I would feel totally lost and helpless.

Once, I happened to hear a friend mention that there was a Dharma Master of true cultivation in America--the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua. I hoped to become the Master's disciple in refuge, so that I could understand the Buddha's teachings on birth and death. Not long after I took refuge, I remember hearing the Master deliver a talk on cause and effect in the six paths of transmigration and on the principle that "all living beings have the Buddha nature and can become Buddhas; it is only because of false thoughts and attachments that they do not do so." This answered the riddle that had plagued my mind: It is because of their own karmic retributions that living beings come to this Saha world, where they suffer repeated rebirths without ever being able to escape. Only by seeking the transcendental Dharma and cultivating with proper mindfulness can one become a Buddha. After realizing Buddhahood, one no longer has to be reborn in the Saha world to suffer. When the principle of cause and effect became clear to me it dawned upon me that the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were just people who cultivated. I felt that I had been extremely ignorant. From then on I listened often to the Ven. Master's talks and Shakyamuni Buddha's description of the wonderful scenes in the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss (in the Amitabha Sutra), and became convinced that we should not linger in this Saha world of the five turbidities.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea