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Celebrating the New Year

文李忠文 12歲   by Joseph Hsun age 12






For Chinese people, lunar New Year Day, represents the exchanging of the old for the new. This is the biggest holiday of the year. It’s the time when the whole family gets together. When people see the lanterns and ribbons decorating the streets, no matter what country they are from, they know this is not a minor occasion.

The New Year represents a most longed-for and happy time for children, a time when they can all be together. During this holiday, they are not so closely supervised by adults, and there are sure to be good treats to eat and fun things to play with. They can pretty much satisfy their desires. In general, the New Year is a time when adults are busy to the end and kids have fun all the way through.

It is completely true that adults are busy to the end. They start preparations for the New Year a month ahead of time, in three main categories: food, clothing, and articles. As for clothing, everyone has to have new clothes to wear at New Year’s. at that time of year the stores are packed and bustling with activity. Heaps and piles of articles and decorations, such as colored lanterns, ribbons, and cut paper flowers, are seen everywhere. The most important thing is the food, which is the major area of expenditure. From melon seeds and peanuts to pork, beef , and lamb, all kinds of food are purchased. The only unfortunate thing is that a lot of killing karma is created in the process.

Once the external preparations are done, there are quite a few household chores to take care of. Many things must be washed or changed, and the entire house must be swept and cleaned. This is where we children can help out the adults. After all the work is done, we wait for the excitement of New Year’s Eve. The excitement reaches a peak at midnight, when firecrackers go off everywhere. In the noisy clamor of firecrackers popping and everyone wishing each other a Happy New Year, the whole family is happy as can be.

The excitement of the New year lasts until the fifteenth of the first month--the Lantern Festival. Only then dose everyone return to their own jobs to face the challenge of the new year.


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