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Students’ Corner

Respecting the Elderly

陳頌淵/文 by Matthew Chen





Many of you are already familiar with the term “Respecting the Elderly.” The aim of “respecting” is to pay homage to seniors, due to the extent of their knowledge and experience.

I remember one weekly meeting last year, which was held in the Source of the Way Hall. The Principal called on a student from every class to give an impromptu talk about “How to Pay Respect to the Elderly” (bringing up examples from daily life). Well, I got picked to speak. I thought a moment and said,“There are so many examples that come to mind! For instance, when we are getting on a public bus, we should yield to the elderly and let them get on first. And if they need help of any kind, we should immediately assist them. We shouldn't just stand by and watch. If elderly people are standing on the bus, we should yield our seats to them. We shouldn't just slump in our seats, pretending to be asleep or not noticing them. Whether at home or in a restaurant, we should not begin eating until the elders have arrived.”

How can we show our respect for the elderly? The answer is very simple. We should be sure that the elderly are happy and untroubled. We shouldn't do anything that will cause them to worry about us or get upset. Our compassionate teacher holds a celebration to “Respect the Elderly” every year, inviting everyone over sixty to be honored guests.

In general, the elderly have a wealth of experience to share. They can offer many suggestions and we can learn many things from them. They deserve our respect.


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