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Retrospect and Expectations

巴珊瑜/文 by Ba Shan Yu



1.回顧過去與展望未來──萬佛聖城過去二十年中的大事,包括歷史照片、圖片與文字資料 (captions);並展望未來二十年的目標與計劃。









The 20th Anniversary Exhibition of the City of 10,000 Buddhas titled “Retrospect and Expectations,” which opened on June 20th received favorable reviews. Originally scheduled to close on July 10th, the exhibition will continue through to the end of l996, a period that will include several Dharma Assemblies.

The Exhibition is divided into six major sections:

1. Looking back on the past and forward to the future: the major events that have occurred at the Sagely City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, including historic photos and maps with captions; and the goals and plans for the coming twenty years.

2. Education: photos of classes and activities of the Instilling Goodness Elementary Boys’ and Girls’ Schools, Developing Virtue Boys’ and Girls’ Secondary Schools, Dharma Realm Buddhist University, Sangha and Laity Training Programs.

3. Biography of the Venerable Master and Dharma-propagation activities: A collection of priceless photos taken throughout the Master's life and photos taken of his Dharma propagation tours around the world.

4. Branch monasteries: An introduction of the many Dharma Realm Buddhist Association branch facilities located in America and Asia, including a history of their founding and a description of their special aspects.

5. Translation of Sutras: One of the Master's early vows was to translate the Buddhist Sutras. After the Master's Nirvana, disciples continue to carry on this important responsibility.

6. Scenes at the City of 10,000 Buddhas: Introduction to the Sagely City's natural beauty. Upasikas Liang Soo Hong and Marion Robertson contributed their photographic expertise.

The location selected for the Exhibition is on the second floor of the building to the right of the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas. In the early days at the City, Sutra lectures were given in that hall. It has not been used in recently years, however, and so it was in need of painting. Many people joined in painting and renovating the hall until it was like new. Following that, the hall was arranged and decorated and the exhibition hung with expertise. The final outcome was quite professional.

It is sincerely hoped that this exhibition will enable the people of Ukiah and Talmage to gain a deeper understanding of the intent and direction of the City of 10,000 Buddhas so that the future Academy will be successfully completed with minimum hindrances. After the exhibition closes at the City, it will open at Avatamsaka Monastery in Calgary and then at the Institute of World Religions at Berkeley Monastery.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea