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How to Develop Good Habits

藍勗軒 十三歲 by James Lan age 13




曾祥哲 十四歲





What are the good habits in the daily life? Good means correct, proper, helpful, and beneficial to others. Habits mean the things one does daily. How do we cultivate the good habits?

Cultivation of good habits must come from one's will. If it is forced by others, it has no effect. It also requires one's virtue and sentiment. It can be easier if one has a correct attitude and concentration on the cultivation.

There are many ways to cultivate good habits. First, one must know whether a conduct is good or bad, whether it is beneficial to oneself and others, and whether it is moral or not. Second, one then decides whether he/she can be persistent in practicing under any circumstances. One doesn't necessarily succeed in cultivation every time. If failed, one should learn from the experiences of other accomplished cultivators, and then dedicates oneself to practice. Cultivating good habits is one of the principles in Instilling Virtue High School. I wish more friends would join me at the school, and under the teachers' guidance we practice good conducts together.

 by Jack Tseng  age 14

It is very important to develop good habits, because by forming good habits first, one then can develop good personal character. It is important not only to oneself but also to the society.

In our daily lives, all our behavior and acts are the direct reflections of our habits. For example, we sincerely participate in the flag ceremony everyday. That is loyalty. We respect and listen to our parents. That is filiality. We honor our promises and do not cheat on people. That is credibility. We don't waste food, save water, and turn off the lights. That is conservation. Although some of these are trivial things, still, they are good habits that should not be overlooked.

In order to develop good habits, one needs to set goals first. You should know the meaning of "An outstanding person sets persistent goals while petty person constantly sets goals". Don't constantly change your mind, firmly set your goals. You should also know the meaning of "Rather than sitting around talking about it, it's better to get up and work at it". Don't just pay lip service. When developing good habits, you shouldn't quit halfway through. Otherwise, all the efforts will go wasted.

The ancients said, "Cultivate the self, tend to the family, govern the country, and bring about peace for the world". This means that one needs to straighten out himself first in order to contribute to the world. From this we can see the importance of developing good personal habits. If we now know the importance of it, why don't we do it?


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