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改進自己 改進世界
Improving Ourselves Improves the World

培德中學學生 十六歲 林內華 文
By Bonnie Lin, age 16, a student of Developing Virtue Secondary School

在這世界眾多的人群中,我們每一個 人都是獨立的個體。假如你對一個人談這個問題說:「如果你能改進自己,你就是在改進世界!」那麼對方無論是男的是女的,一定會這樣回答:「會嗎?怎麼可能 憑我一個人,可以利益整個世界呢?」事實上,我們忘記了:雖然我們這麼渺小,並非就代表我們不是這世界的一份子。因此我們的責任就是「盡力而為」,去關 心、去改進我們所住的世界。

雖然每一個個體是獨立不同的;每人的內心深藏的人類通性,卻使我們息息相關。這包括了我們的良知(即是非之 心),感覺(即對人的慈悲、關愛與體諒)德行、尊嚴,和自我強烈的意願。由於這些特性可以用來為善或造惡,所以要達到至善至美是相當困難的。

一個具有完美人格的人,他利益世界的方法就是作一個真正的領導人––以他完美無缺的人格,作為他人的榜樣,讓 人效法、追隨;或是以至正高超的目標,讓人們亦步亦趨。一步步的達到那。然而對大多數的人來說,要達到那種程度,通常是很困難的;幸虧還有一個方法可以利 益世界,而卻又不須要先完全達到那種至高完美的境地。

現今的人已把「世界應行之法」脫離了正軌。我們 變得迷失太深,而不能認知自心,及自心對世界有什麼影響。在一開始,人類所想的問題就是填飽肚子與生存問題。在農業發展之後,人開始訓練自己去做工,得到 源源不斷的食物,他們必須和衷共濟,來推展農業的成長;畢竟人人都在同一艘船上。待時間久了,工作開始有職位之分,社會也形成不同的階級。高階級的人就看 輕低階級的人,互相口角爭論,開始起衝突。錢財、名聲、勢力,在這兩個階層的鬥爭中利害相關,人們也不再願意互相分享所有的東西,最後演變成漠不關心。現 在這個社會上,大家仍然辛勤工作,但卻因為太忙,而無法停止,並明白道路的分歧,使世界也瀕臨毀壞。一個是這樣,另一個也這樣,一個又一個,再一個……, 就這樣,一個一個在不知不覺中,分工而合力地將整個世界給毀了!而他們甚至還不能醒覺到這一點。

所以問題終究是在這個體上。明眼人說:「我們一切所行出了差錯…無論是我們做事的方式,行為或反應等。」許多 人有了這初步的認知,但是再進一步,就很容易搞混了!「我做錯了什麼?我到底怎麼個錯法?」很多人不如此的反觀,反而會找一堆的藉口說:「都是人引起戰 爭、互相殘殺的嘛!他們時常破壞規矩,不聽勸導。他們總是欺騙、偷盜、雜亂無章,並恐嚇其他的人。他們從不……。」都是他們、他們,難道你不是「他們」其 中之一嗎?「他們」又到底是誰?答:「是人們。」那難道你不是人們的一份子嗎?為什麼當要指出錯誤或不平時,我們總是說:「是他們做的。」為什麼不承認是 我們做的?

既然我們明白了問題是出在我們身上,那麼,我到底錯在那裡?假如我們追溯到幼年時代,我們可以看到這些問題早 已根植在我們身上。舉個例子說:有一次當我收到一個聖誕禮物,我的表哥就要我打開來給他看(其實應是讓他玩),我馬上說:「不要!」沒有任何理由,也或許 簡單的只因為那是我私人擁有的,除我之外,沒有人可以看它。我一直是很固執、不公平和無理的。固執和自尊自豪是息息相關的;正因為要保護自尊,我們讓自己 心中鬱結著無限的恨意,不管這些恨意有多麼愚蠢和無理。把孩提時代的種種例子與國際局勢比較,你會發現二者是很類似的。兩國彼此間互懷敵意,因為沒有一方 肯稍做讓步企圖來和解,沒有一方能嚥下「自尊被毀傷」的這口氣。

自尊是人性基本的一部份,但自尊其實是很多問題的根由。當然自尊也可以用來解決問題(比方說,以祖國為榮,幫 助自己同胞);但如果這些問題,原來便是因自尊(面子)所造成的,這種情況下,正方便會擊敗反方(亦即自尊心是許多問題的根源)。

總之,我們的結論:是我們須要除去自尊自傲,直到僅有清淨質樸之性,及不虛偽造作的謙虛。我們不想擁有任何東 西,包括權力、名望、錢財或濫用職權,我們什麼都不追求。我們心甘情願的放棄一切所有,因為再沒有任何固執和惱恨牽扯著我們。我們找不出任何理由,不捨己 助人,也看不出偷、騙、佔便宜、利用別人之必要。我們能夠很容易地與人和平共處,共同合作;因為沒有什麼力量逼著你反其道而行。大家都平等,無有高下、好 壞;這樣,我們就發現歧視、偏見都變得毫無意義了。我們感到快樂,因為我們所擁有的,並非隨時可以被人搶走,或丟了的東西。事實上,我們根本就未曾擁有, 也沒有任何面子問題。

你是否已看到更好的一個世界展現於前呢?當然「說」往往要比「做」要來得容易多了!但並不因為困難,我們就束 手無策,立刻放棄。一切從自身做起,慢慢鼓勵其他的人也跟上來。回溯歷史上聖賢人物,他們都是反求諸己,改進自己;這些就是我們所要敬仰與效法追隨的人。 期望我們大家有朝一日,也能逐步跟進,和聖賢齊頭並進。我們可以改進自己的品德,成為一個更好的人;然後幫助別人也進步;最後大家攜手合作,使世界變得更 好。


We think of ourselves as a single individual out of the billions of other individuals occupying this great, vast world. If you approach the single individual with the topic: “Improving Ourselves Improves the World,” he or she would respond with, “How can I, one person, do anything that could actually benefit the great big world?” We forget that even though we’re so small, this doesn’t mean that we’re not part of the world. Therefore, it is our duty to do everything we can to care for and improve the world in which we live.

Every individual is different, and yet we are all linked by the general humane characteristics buried deep within us. These include our conscience (the sense of right and wrong), sensitivities (compassion, kindness, and consideration for others), virtues, our pride, and our strong wills. But since these characteristics can be used both for good and for evil, it’s hard for us to reach ultimate perfection.

A perfected person benefits the world by being a true leader, a flawless model for others to follow, and a supreme, distant goal that others can reach by walking in his footsteps. However, it is very rare for most people to reach this stage readily. Luckily there is a way to benefit the world without being totally accomplished.

The modern individual has lost his rightful track to the “Way the World Should Be.” We have grown too confused to know our own mind, and how much it effects the world. In the beginning, all man thought about was how to survive and get enough to eat. When agriculture was developed, man trained himself to work continually to obtain a continual supply of food. He had to work with others to support the great agriculture; after all, everyone was in the same boat. As time went by, work led to various positions, and society was divided into different classes. The higher classes looked down on the people of the lower classes, and since then they have been squabbling and quarreling. Fame, money, and power were at stake in this conflict between the two parties, and so people did not share anymore. And eventually, did not care anymore. Today, the solitary individual, still working hard, is too busy to stop and realize how the separate paths people have taken are ruining the world. Take one individual. Take another one. That’s one plus one plus one plus one... And so you get all the individuals in this world, working separately to destroy the world, even though they are totally unaware of it.

It all boils down to the single individual. “There’s something wrong with what we’re doing here—the way we act, and respond, and do things,” says the individual who has just opened his eyes. Many people have this initial realization. But the next step is easy to miss: “So, what am I doing wrong? What’s wrong with me?” Instead of saying that, we tend to jump into a series of rationalizations: “Well, people are always starting wars, and killing each other. They’re constantly breaking the rules, and not listening to each other. They always cheat, and steal, and litter, and threaten other people. They never...” They, they, they. But aren’t you one of ‘them’, too? Who are ‘they’? The people. Aren’t you one of the people? Why is it that whenever we refer to a mistake or an unjust situation, we say, “They did it”? Why don’t we admit, “We did it”?

So far we understand that the problems lie within ourselves. So what’s wrong with me? If we trace this back to our early years, we can already see these problems taking root in us. For example, when I received a new Christmas present, my cousin asked to see it (meaning, play with it). Immediately, I said, “NO!!”—for no reason, or simply because it was my possession and no one else was allowed to ‘see it’ but me. I was being stubborn, unfair, and unreasonable. Stubbornness is closely related to pride. Because we want to defend our pride, we hold countless grudges, however silly and unreasonable they may be. Compare this childhood case to a serious affair in international politics, and you’ll find they are similar. Two countries hold a fierce grudge, because neither is willing to negotiate or compromise, and give in a little. Neither can stand the idea of having to swallow their pride.

It’s a basic part of human nature to have pride, but pride is really the key source of many of our problems. True, our pride can also help to solve problems (for instance, being proud of your home country and helping your fellow citizens), but then if those problems resulted from pride in the first place, the pros beat the cons in this case.

We come to the conclusion that we need to tear down all our pride until only pure modesty and unpretentious humbleness are left. We are not possessive about anything (power, fame, money, or misused position), and we seek nothing. We are willing to give up what we have, because there are no stubborn grudges to make us hold things back. We see no reason not to put ourselves at stake to help others. Neither do we find it necessary to steal, cheat, or take advantage of people. Generally we get along and cooperate easily, because there is nothing to force us to do otherwise. You are the same as me, and I am the same as you. No one is better than another. Thus, prejudice and discrimination are seen to be completely senseless. We feel happy, because our possessions aren’t in constant danger of being taken away or lost—because we have no possessions, and no pride.

Do you see a better world already? Of course, it’s easier said than done. But just because it’s hard, it doesn’t mean we should give up right away. Starting with ourselves we can eventually inspire others to follow lead. In history, there are many sages and holy ones who first found blame in themselves and sought to improve themselves. These are the people we have admired and followed. Gradually, step by step, all of us can become like the holy ones. We can improve our characters to become better people, then help others to improve themselves, and finally all work together to make the world a better place.


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