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美國大學生 週末聖城行
College Students Spend A Weekend at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas

西尼 文 By Sini

一九九六年二月二日,一群來自漢堡 加州州立大學約五十名的學生,在萬佛聖城進行周末參觀訪問。有許多學生從來沒有過過佛教寺廟的生活及修行經驗,但有的學生已來過兩三次了。周五晚間的介紹 揭開了這次訪問活動的序幕。兩位正在聖城訪問的烏克蘭天主教神父達緬及其朋友也參加了這次的開幕會。

來訪的學生不畏寒冷及大雨的天氣,全心投入聖城每日的作息。週末的演講及研 討涵蓋了幾項主題:佛學入門、宗教生活和佛教修行。聖城的男女出家眾及居士們對每一主題都做了簡短的介紹。大部分的時間則留給學生們自由發問。法界佛教大 學校長阿比納博士擔任了數場討論會的主席。

星期六晚間全體大眾參加了討論會,論題是「個人修行與社會行為」。發言人強 調個人的精神修持––好比每日打坐對與人相處是多麼的重要。人生活在這個世界上應該像蓮花一樣––出汙泥而不染。學生的問題觸及不同的層面,像是過度繁忙 的生活,或素食的困難等等。

除了出席演講及佛殿的課誦之外,學生們也參禪打坐,及學了一些太極拳。對許 多人而言,這些實習經驗有很深遠的價值。他們也希望將來能作更深入的探討。齋堂的素食也深受好評(如果漢堡大學也時時有這麼好的素食,我或許也能一直吃 素。––一位學生在他的報告中這樣寫著)離開之前,學生們還帶走了幾本上人的《開示錄》作為臨別的禮物。

A group of about fifty students from Humboldt State University paid a weekend visit to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas on February 2-4, 1996. Many of the students had no previous experience of monastic Buddhist life or practices, while for others this was already their second or third visit to CTTB. The weekend started with an introductory session on Friday night, which was joined by two Ukrainian Catholic monks who were visiting CTTB, Father Damian and a brother from Michigan.

Undaunted by the cold and rainy weather the visitors immersed themselves into the daily regimen at CTTB. The lectures and discussions of the weekend covered several topics: introduction to Buddhist philosophy, the religious life, and Buddhist practices. Monks, nuns, and laypeople residing at CTTB gave brief introductions to each topic, with plenty of time left for the students' questions. Dr. Akpinar, president of the Dharma Realm Buddhist University, chaired many of the sessions.

On Saturday night the whole assembly attended a panel discussion on “Personal Practice vs. Social Action.” The speakers emphasized how personal spiritual practice, such as daily meditation, is absolutely essential for successful social action. Living in the world, one should be like a lotus flower that grows out of the mud but is not defiled by it. Students’ questions touching on various issues (the difficulties of an overactive life, or of trying to become a vegetarian) were also considered.

In addition to attending lectures and daily ceremonies, the students also sat in meditation and received instruction in taiji. For many these practices were a profoundly rewarding experience, and something they wished to explore further. The vegetarian food of the dining hall was also much appreciated. (“If there was vegetarian food like this all the time at Humboldt I might be able to stay a vegetarian,” wrote one student in his evaluation.) Before leaving, the students were presented a selection of books of instructional talks by the Venerable Master.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea