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In Memory of the Venerable Master Hua

孫果秀 By Sun Guoxiu

  宣華嚴境界  啟楞嚴壇場  守戒律傳後學
千載宗風從此續  素衣緇子萬佛堂上莊嚴萬佛

  化智度精神  敷濟度法會  興叢林結眾緣
一生辛苦有誰知  碩德豐功十方界中普度十方

Proclaiming the Avatamsaka state, opening the Shurangama Platform,
  and upholding the precepts, he transmitted them to students of the future.

The thousand-year tradition is thus perpetuated; the Sangha and the laity adorn
  the ten thousand Buddhas in the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Transforming in the spirit of wisdom, hosting assemblies of salvation,
  and establishing Bodhimandas, he created affinities with the multitudes.

Who can know the hardships that he underwent? His merit and virtue are monumental;
  he rescued beings throughout the worlds of the ten directions.

乙亥閏八月杪不肖弟子孫果秀 追懷於萬佛聖城麒麟精舍    
By unworthy disciple Sun Guoxiu in the Unicorn House at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas,     
on the last day of the eighth intercalary lunar month, 1995    


*1 智度:即般若度,般若波羅蜜也。即所謂悲智雙運也。
“Wisdom” refers to Prajnaparamita, to the practice of both compassion and wisdom.

*2 濟度法會:舉凡拜懺、施食、水陸空法會、幽冥戒等。濟度幽顯二途之眾多法會也。
“Assemblies of salvation” refers to repentance ceremonies, offerings to ghosts and spirits, the Water-Land-Air Ceremony,transmission of the Precepts for the Deceased, and all the various Dharma assemblies for rescuing the living and the deceased.


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