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A Gentle Reminder from the Venerable Master

果璃 文By Lee Eagleson (Kuo Li)
February 13, 1995

Recently, I have developed a minor skin condition on the skin of my right foot wherein the skin is dyed red from hemoglobin from ruptured capillaries. On the top of my foot is a distinct outline of the heel of a shoe, about the size of an Arhat shoe heel. To find out how this happened, I will take you back nineteen years to the summer of 1976 at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (“CTTB”).

最近,我右小腿及右腳的皮膚開始有輕微的狀況出現,從破裂的 毛細管滲 出的血紅素將那部分的皮膚染成紅色,在腳背上出現了一個很明顯的腳印,大小如一隻羅漢鞋的鞋跟。要知道這是怎麼一回事,我就要把你帶到十九年前,一九七六 年的萬佛城。

那時正是第一次傳三壇大戒的前幾天,我在大悲院修理電氣方面的毛病。我用的 梯子底部有金屬的墊底,而走道的水泥地又很滑。梯子的底部打滑,我自大約六尺的高度摔下來,右腳踝正好被壓在走道、梯子、及我自己的體重間。我被送到醫院 去照X光,沒發現骨折,但是腳踝是腫的,而且疼得厲害。幾天後,我正坐在大殿的一張椅子上時,師父帶了幾個客人自舊金山回來。他手持白拂塵,直接向著我 來。當師父幫我加持時,我雙手合十;師父的白拂塵將我從頭拂到腳,將所有的一切都拂進了我的右腿及右腳,然後輕輕地踢了我的小腿一下,並在我的腳背上輕踏 一下。我記得師父踏的地方,正是十九年後鞋印出現的地方。

師父告訴我,韋陀菩薩給我一個教訓,因為我脾氣太壞。雖然腳踝沒有立刻完全 復元(有些教訓是很痛的),但是師父給我的加持遠比我所能了解的還要深遠。《陀羅尼經》裡有說,「白拂手」是用來消除由殺業所造成的業障。

雖然,我還是偶爾夢到師父,可是在我真正需要時,我有一個有形的東西,輕柔 的提醒我該往哪裡走,那也同時是一個提醒,告訴我要往好的做去。

It was a few days before the first ordination at CTTB, and I was working on electrical problem at Great Compassion Quad using a ladder with a smooth metal skid on the smooth concrete sidewalk. The bottom of the ladder slipped out, causing me to fall about six feet and end up with my ankle mashed between the sidewalk, the ladder, and my body weight. I was taken to the hospital for X-rays and there was no fractures, but the ankle was swollen and hurt badly. A few days after that, I was sitting in a chair in the Buddha hall when Shrfu returned from San Francisco with a few guests. Shrfu came straight away over to me carrying his White Whisk. I put my palms together as he whisked me from head to foot, whisking everything into my right leg and foot; then he gave a gentle kick to my shin and stepped on my foot with a gentle and firm pressure; as I remember, the heel of his shoe was right where the mark is now, nineteen years later.

Shrfu told me that because of my temper, Weitou Bo-dhisattva had given me a whack, as a warning. Though the ankle was not healed (some lessons should be painful), the work that Shrfu did on me was far deeper and more profound than I have been able to understand. In the Dharani Sutra the White Whisk is used to eradicate karmic obstacles and difficulties resulting from evil killing karma.

Though I continue to dream of Shrfu occasionally, at times of real need, this is a tangible and very gentle reminder where I should be going, and a warning to always change for the better.


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