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Memorial Ceremonies in Taiwan and Hong Kong


宣公上人於六月七日 圓寂,荼毗後,留下上萬顆舍利。

The Venerable Master Hua passed into stillness on the seventh of June this year.
About ten thousand sharira (relics) remained after his body was cremated.
When disciples in Taiwan and Hong Kong decided to hold memorial ceremonies for the Venerable Master, a delegation of five monks, ten nuns, and many laypeople from the United States brought the Venerable Master’s sharira to those places and hosted the eremonies.

宣公上人圓寂追思 大法會於臺灣板橋縣立體育館
The Memorial Ceremony for the Venerable Master Hua Nirvana at
the Banqiao County Stadium in Taiwan


追思團於十一月九日晚間,抵達桃園中 正國際機場,百餘位四眾弟子著法服合掌誦念佛號恭候,當恆佐師及恆實師分別捧著上人德相及舍利率先出現時,大眾匍匐頂禮 。

「宣公上人圓寂追思大法會」是由臺北 法界佛教印經會與追思團聯合主辦。於十一月十一日至十三日,假板橋體育館舉行。前二日的法會內容為:誦《普賢行願品》,傳供,拜《華嚴懺》,念佛和頌讚報 恩,以及觀看幻燈片等。數百張幻燈片,分為六個單元,在兩天內向大眾簡介上人由東北到香港、美國弘法、翻譯經典、提倡教育,提倡中國文化與義務教學、振興 佛教、建立如法僧團,及在世界各地弘法利生、涅槃,荼毗等事蹟 。

十一月十三日是追思法會正日。法會於 上午九點開始。大會主席為恆實師。蒞臨貴賓有:證嚴法師弟子代表、曉雲法師弟子代表,及中華民國總統府資政:林洋港先生、黃尊秋先生夫婦、梁肅戎先生,省 政府林議員、楊英風教授、花蓮縣政府邱主任等卅餘人,及近百位慈濟功德會代表。

由兩位法師代表分別以中、英文宣讀讚 頌報恩文。接著大眾合唱上人所作的兩首歌曲:〈盡虛空〉及〈轉法輪〉。傳供儀式分四區進行,共有一百零八道供品,從大眾手中傳遞至佛前,歷時約八十分鐘, 與會追悼者有四千餘人。

下午會場陳列上人舍利,供大眾瞻仰。 全體來賓與信眾首先禮拜上人的十八大願,法師並介紹十八大願的意義。

Gazing at the Venerable Master sharira.

上人的舍利有多種 顏色,有許多凝結在骨頭上,呈翠綠色,晶瑩潤澤,

上人的舍利有多種顏色,有許多凝結在 骨頭上,呈翠綠色,晶瑩潤澤,彷彿古玉。有數百朵各式形狀的舍利花。及十二顆牙齒舍利。

整個法會辦得甚為隆重和周詳。會場工 作共劃分為十一組,有五百多位義工參與籌備。及一百名香積組義工,負責準備法會期間的三餐。並備有結緣品:《宣化上人紀念追思專集》第一冊與第二冊、上人 法相、墨寶與舍利相片,佛經書籍等 。

大會主席恆實師致 詞時,希望大家都能發大菩提心,這樣才不會辜負上人 。
Dharma Master Heng Sure, the host of the ceremony, urged everyone to live up to the Venerable Master expectations by bringing forth a great resolve for Bodhi.

大會主席恆實師於十三日致詞時,讚揚 上人一生廣行布施,行菩薩道。把萬佛聖城、法界佛教大學、國際譯經學院等二十七座道場,及佛法寶藏布施給一切眾生。弟子們的法身慧命、清淨戒體、大菩提 心,擇法眼,都是上人所賜。上人也使弟子們懂得尊重自己的靈性。又教導六大宗旨的心地法門。法師希望大家都能發大菩提心,這樣才不會辜負上人 。

總統府資政林洋港先生致詞時,提到上 人對他個人兩次的指點與勉勵。並讚揚上人一生對佛教以及人類文化發展的貢獻,並為後來學者的楷模與指標。

總統府資政林洋港 先生致詞
Presidential Advisor Lin Yanggang gave a speech.

總統府資政也是世界宗教徒聯誼會會長 的黃尊秋先生說:「上人圓寂,為佛教界及全世界人類莫大的損失。」黃資政特別敬重上人,因為:一、上人弘法時必定同時闡揚中國文化,及倫理道德,以拯救人 類。二、上人具強烈的愛國情操,不願放棄國籍。黃資政並認為要淨化污染的現代社會,使恢復純樸,大家必須實踐「六大宗旨」與固有的「八德」。

總統府資政梁肅戎先生讚揚上人,在大 陸各地、南洋、香港,美國,大開佛法的路,傳揚佛教有成。梁資政曾先後兩次受邀為法大校長;辭讓後,上人仍請他擔任理事主席。梁資政說:「上人圓寂後,弘 揚佛法以及改良教育的責任,應由弟子們和有心人士繼續發揚,特別是法界佛教大學要充實擴大。承繼上人的遺志,才是對上人最好的追思紀念。」


一位女居士經營素食館,因為生意不 好,想要到美國改做葷菜館。一夜夢到宣公上人告訴她:「妳不要去美國啦!十一月十一日、十二日、十三日,我在板橋體育館有個法會,妳去幫幫忙!」經向朋友 打聽,她才知道真的有追思大法會,而前往法界佛教印經會報名,擔任香積組義工。

由臺灣飛抵香港,追思團一行於入境檢 查時,海關人員問一位團員所捧的可是哪尊佛像?他一邊就自動用手去揭開罩布,團員告訴他是師父的德相。他瞻仰後說: 「你們師父這麼莊嚴,一定是位有道的高僧。我也結了佛緣!」

上人圓寂數日後,在夢中安慰一位弟 子:「如果你相信我去了,我就去了;如果你相信我還在,我就在!」誠如上人所說的:「人生如戲,是一場度生的戲。」


訪問團於十四日清晨轉往香港。追思讚 頌報恩法會是由香港佛教講堂主辦,於十一月十四日至十六日假北角大會堂舉行。前兩晚的法會以〈香讚〉開始,誦《阿彌陀經》和念佛;接著由弟子們敘述上人的 教化與感召,及觀賞幻燈片。法會由多位老弟子及義工們落力籌備;各界人士皆期待瞻仰上人的舍利。

十一月十六日為追思法會的正日。法會 於上午九點三十分開始,由西方寺住持永惺老和尚主持,當地法師擔任維那與悅眾。蒞場的諸山長老有十二位:初慧、融靈、智開、道海、旭林、意昭、宣揚、暢 懷、法雲、淨真等。法會於大眾念佛聲中開始。先舉〈香讚〉,接著由永惺長老致詞,惺老對上人真修實證的成就推崇備至。

傳供大典由長老們與上人的出家弟子們 代表進行,一百零八道精美上味,及香果珍寶,一盤盤的傳遞至佛前;接著恆實師代表讀誦祭文。上供的儀軌是先舉〈蓮池讚〉,誦《阿彌陀經》和〈僧寶讚〉;迴 向功德後,恆實師代表四眾弟子們禮謝諸山長老。全體來賓於餐館用午齋;結齋後,追思團的法師返佛教講堂為善信們開示和作晚課。

讚頌報恩法會於晚上在北角大會堂舉 行,並觀看幻燈片與瞻仰上人舍利。香港弟子們與上人闊別三十餘年,如今觀影片、見舍利,許多信眾難免感傷,頻頻落淚。

菩提學會永惺長老 致詞
Elder Master Yongxing from the Bodhi Association gave a speech.

追思法會第一日,菩提學會永惺長老致 詞時說,與上人認識是在一九四八年廣東南華寺,相處一個多月。在東北與上人是同鄉,可是沒有機會見面,到香港後才常見面。上人荼毗後有許多舍利,足證上人 的修持功夫,這是戒定慧的薰修。上人圓寂,末法時代後繼無人,實在是一大隱憂。並希望居士們發心出家,護持佛教;出家人為內護,沒有出家人佛法就消滅了。 學法後要實行,要解行相應。老法師言出至誠,數度哽咽揮淚。

十一月十六日追思大典正日,永惺法師 致詞時說:「本人為宣公長老主持傳供大典感到非常難過。我與上人相熟多年,感到上人在弘法、實修方面都是傑出人才。在這個時代,能真正行持戒律嚴謹,衣不 離體,日中一食,為我們的模範。上人數十年來艱苦奮鬥,創辦道場多處,講經不息,轉末法為正法。上人的圓寂是佛教界的大損失,今日請諸山長老來舉行傳供, 大家齊集追思,希望大家不要忘了老和尚的志願,承擔起弘揚佛法,堅持戒律的修行工作!」

恆佐師在香港北角大會堂時,以〈盡虛 空〉中的一句歌詞「要大公,除自私,直心最好」,做為上人救眾生而忘自己的寫照。追思法會中宣讀了上人一封信,上人當年為何要在美國建立萬佛聖城,從信中 可略見一二: …我相信中國能以倫理道德為基礎,以聖人來領導世界。…我欲把中國文化,佛教道理,推行全世界,令全世界人類得救。…中國數千年所以未亡國者,因為中國人 有孝悌忠信、禮義廉恥得天獨厚之德行文化基礎;而中國文化,又以佛教文化為基礎。…佛教乃中國之固有文化傳統,…在中國建立千萬廟宇,不如在海外建立一所 基本廟宇。美國本無佛教,…若能在此地建立中國寺院,以中國道德文化領導世界,…。

追思團全部團員由法總所屬香港分支道 場負責人恆益師陪同下,於第二日,一行四十五人搭早晨七點的渡船,前往參觀座落於大嶼山的慈興寺。這是上人四十年前在香港所興建的三座道場(西樂園寺、佛 教講堂、慈興寺)之一。下午一點,慈興寺與香港佛教講堂信眾聯合舉行放生,由恆佐法師主持放生儀式。將近一千隻鳥,早上隨團由港過江,在〈大悲神咒〉與諸 佛菩薩加被的聲光中,獲得了新生。

上人主持大嶼山慈 興禪寺開幕典禮
The Venerable Master hosting the Opening Ceremonies at Cixing Monastery on Lantao Island, Hong Kong

追思團部份團員於十一月十七日上午七 時,前往志蓮淨苑拜訪果禮(九十二歲)及果良(九十一歲)二位比丘尼。這兩位老法師是上人早年在香港的出家弟子。志蓮淨苑安老院內住有二百多位女眾,平均 年齡八十七歲。院內生活環境舒適,照顧周到。


上人攝於香港西樂 園寺
The Venerable Master at Western Bliss Gardens Monastery in Hong Kong

澳門是追思團臺港之行的最後一站。由 澳門地藏殿的同修居士們主辦。

追思法會於十一月十七日假綜藝館青年 中心舉行。法會以舉〈香讚〉,誦《阿彌陀經》,及念佛號開始。接著司儀報告地藏殿成立緣起等。恆實師應邀開示說,老和尚曾囑咐在美國弘揚佛法,不可用神 通,因為西方人受的是科學教育,而要用道德感化。實法師並勉勵在座青年佛友應該多在德行上用功夫。養成吃素的習慣與實踐孝道的理念。

由法師以廣東話簡報上人的生平事略, 接著大眾列隊依序地瞻仰上人舍利。迴向功德後,繼續幻燈片的介紹,放映許多古老的、未曾放映過的記錄資料。約有五百餘人齊聚在會場中,觀看上人的事蹟,重 溫上人的教誨。


The delegation arrived at the Zhongzheng International Airport in Taoyuan, Taiwan, in the evening of November 9. More than one hundred disciples were waiting at the airport, dressed in their ceremonial gowns and reciting the Buddha’s name with joined palms. They bowed when they saw Dharma Masters Heng Sure and Heng Tso appear, carrying the Venerable Master’s sharira and portrait.

The Memorial Ceremony for the Venerable Master Hua’s Nirvana, which was jointly organized by the Dharma Realm Buddhist Books Distribution Association (DRBBDA) in Taipei and the memorial delegation from America, was held from November 11 to 13 at the Banqiao Stadium. The program for the first two days included recitation of the chapter “Universal Worthy Bodhisattva’s Conduct and Vows,” the Ceremony for Passing Offerings, the Flower Adornment Repentance, recitation of the Buddha’s name, speeches in praise and recognition of the Venerable Master, and slide presentations. Several hundred slides were shown in six parts during the two days, covering the Venerable Master’s journey from Manchuria to Hong Kong, and then to America, where he propagated the Dharma, directed the translation of Sutras, promoted education, advocated Chinese culture and volunteer teaching, caused Buddhism to flourish, set up an orthodox Sangha, and spread the Dharma to living beings around the globe. The slides also covered the Venerable Master’s Nirvana and cremation ceremonies.

The memorial ceremony proper began on November 13 at 9:00 a.m. Dharma Master Heng Sure presided over the ceremony. There were more than thirty guests of honor, including representatives of Dharma Masters Cheng Yen and Xiao Yun; several advisors to the President of the Republic of China, including Mr. Lin Yanggang, Mr. Huang Zunqiu and his wife, and Mr. Liang Surong; Councilmember Ling of Taiwan provincial government; Professor Yang Yingfeng; Director Qiu and over thirty members of the Hualien County government, and nearly one hundred representatives from the Tzu-chi Foundation.

An article in praise and appreciation of the Venerable Master was read in Chinese and English by two Dharma Masters. Then the assembly sang two songs by the Venerable Master: “To the Ends of Space” and “Turning the Dharma Wheel.” In the Ceremony for Passing Offerings, which lasted for an hour and twenty minutes, 108 kinds of offerings were passed in four lines from the back of the assembly up to the front. Around four thousand people attended the memorial ceremony.

In the afternoon, the public was allowed to view and pay respect to the Venerable Master’s sharira. The guests and disciples first bowed to the Venerable Master’s eighteen vows and listened to a Dharma Master explain the meaning of the vows.

The Venerable Master’s sharira are of many colors. Many of them are crystallized onto the bones and are a lustrous bluish green, resembling ancient jade. There are several hundred sharira clusters of various shapes and twelve sharira from the teeth.

The Venerable Master sharira are of many colors. Many of them are crystallized onto the bones and are a lustrous bluish green, resembling ancient jade. There are several hundred sharira clusters of various shapes and twelve sharira from the teeth.

The preparatory work for the well-organized memorial ceremony was divided into eleven areas and carried out by more than five hundred volunteers. About a hundred volunteers worked in the kitchen preparing three meals a day for the duration of the event.

Free souvenirs and gifts, such as the two volumes of In Memory of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua; photographs of the Venerable Master, his calligraphy, and his sharira; and Sutras and other printed material were distributed.

Dharma Master Heng Sure, the host of the ceremony, praised the Venerable Master for his lifelong practice of altruism and the Bodhisattva path. The Venerable Master offered to living beings the treasury of the Buddhadharma as well as twenty-seven Way-places—including the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Dharma Realm Buddhist University, and the International Translation Institute. The Master also gave his disciples their Dharma bodies and wisdom lives, the pure precept substance, the resolve for enlightenment, and the Dharma-selecting Vision. He taught them to esteem their own spiritual natures and to apply the six guiding principles in their minds. Dharma Master Sure urged everyone to live up to the Venerable Master’s expectations by bringing forth a great resolve for Bodhi.

Presidential Advisor Lin Yanggang spoke of how the Venerable Master had encouraged and instructed him on two special occasions. He praised the Venerable Master’s lifelong contributions to the development of Buddhism and to the culture of humankind, saying that the Venerable Master set a good example for generations to come.

Presidential Advisor Huang Zunqiu, who is also the Chairman of the World Religions Fellowship, called the Venerable Master’s passing into stillness a tremendous loss to Buddhism and to the human race as a whole. There were two things that Advisor Huang particularly respected about the Venerable Master: (1) The Master’s advocacy of Chinese culture and ethics in his Dharma lectures, in the hope of saving humankind. (2) The Master’s great loyalty to his country and his refusal to change his citizenship despite the inconveniences that it brought. Advisor Huang said that in order to restore today’s contaminated society to a pure and simple state, everyone must follow the six guiding principles and the eight virtues.

Presidential Advisor Liang Surong praised the Venerable Master for his pioneering efforts in propagating the Buddhadharma in China, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, and America. The Venerable Master had twice invited him to serve as the Chancellor of Dharma Realm Buddhist University, and after he declined, the Venerable Master still appointed him as the Chairman of the University Board of Directors. Advisor Liang stressed that after the Venerable Master’s passing, his disciples and devoted followers must continue the work of propagating the Dharma and improving education—in particular the expansion and development of Dharma Realm Buddhist University. The best way to remember the Venerable Master is to carry on his mission.

Interesting Episodes in Taiwan and Hong Kong

One laywoman whose vegetarian restaurant in Taiwan was not doing well had thought of going to America to open a nonvegetarian restaurant. One night she had a dream in which the Venerable Master told her, “Don’t go to America. On the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth of November, I’ll be having a Dharma assembly at the Banqiao Stadium. You should go and help out!” She later found out from her friends that there was indeed going to be a Memorial Ceremony there, and so she went to Dharma Realm Buddhist Books Distribution Association to volunteer her help in the food service group.

When the delegation was going through customs in Hong Kong, a customs officer asked a delegation member what Buddha was depicted on the portrait he was carrying. As the officer lifted the cloth that covered the portrait, the delegation member told him it was the Venerable Master’s image. The officer gazed at it and remarked, “Your teacher has such a dignified air; he must be a great and virtuous master. And now I have some affinities with Buddhism!”
Several days after the Venerable Master passed into stillness, he comforted a disciple in a dream, saying, “If you believe that I’m gone, then I’m gone. If you believe that I’m still around, then I’m still around!” As the Venerable Master said, “Life is like a play in which living beings are crossed over.”

Hong Kong

The memorial delegation left for Hong Kong in the early morning of November 14. The Memorial Ceremony in Hong Kong was organized by the Buddhist Lecture Hall. It was held at the Beijiao Auditorium from the fourteenth through the sixteenth of November.

During the first two evenings, the program began with the Incense Praise and recitation of the Amitabha Sutra and the Buddha’s name. Then disciples spoke of the teachings and inspiration that the Venerable Master had given them. Finally there was a slide presentation. Many old disciples and volunteers organized the program. People from all walks of life came eagerly to view the Venerable Master’s sharira.

蒞場的諸山長老有 十二位:初慧、融靈、智開、
Elder Masters from various monasteries attended, including Chuhui, Yongling, Zhikai,
Daohai, Xulin, Yizhao, Xuanyang, Changhuai, Fayun, and Jingzhen.

The Memorial Ceremony proper began at 9:30 a.m. on November 16. Elder Master Yongxing from Western Monastery presided, and local Dharma Masters played the Dharma instruments and led the ceremony. Twelve Elder Masters from various monasteries attended, including Chuhui, Yongling, Zhikai, Daohai, Xulin, Yizhao, Xuanyang, Changhuai, Fayun, and Jingzhen. Following the Incense Praise and recitation of the Buddha’s name, Elder Master Yongxing eulogized the Venerable Master’s accomplishments in cultivation.

四眾弟子虔誠傳 供,獻上最後的供養。
The fourfold assembly sincerely performing the Ceremony
for Passing Offerings and making the final offering.

The Ceremony of Passing Offerings was performed by the Elder Masters and other Sangha members. One hundred and eight dishes of delicacies, incense, fruits, and jewels were passed one by one to the altar in the front. Dharma Master Sure then read the eulogy. The meal offering ceremony began with the Lotus Pool Praise, the recitation of Amitabha Sutra, and the Sangha Jewel Praise. After the transference of merit, Dharma Master Sure thanked the Elder Masters on behalf of the fourfold assembly. After the guests had lunch at a restaurant, the Dharma Masters in the delegation returned to the Buddhist Lecture Hall to speak Dharma for the laity and to do their evening recitation.

讚頌報恩法會於晚 上在北角大會堂舉行,並觀看幻燈片與瞻仰上人舍利。
The Ceremony in Praise and Recognition of the Venerable Master Kindness was held at the Beijiao Auditorium in the evening. The program included a slide presentation and an exhibition of the Venerable Master sharira.

The Ceremony in Praise and Recognition of the Venerable Master’s Kindness was held at the Beijiao Auditorium in the evening. The program included a slide presentation and an exhibition of the Venerable Master’s sharira. The disciples in Hong Kong, who had been away from the Venerable Master for over thirty years, could not help but shed tears as they viewed the slides and sharira.

On the first day of the memorial ceremony, Elder Master Yongxing from the Bodhi
Association gave a speech. He recalled meeting the Venerable Master at Nanhua Monastery in 1948 and spending about a month together. Although they were both from Manchuria, they had not met each other before. In Hong Kong they began to see each other more often. He said that the numerous sharira remaining after cremation are a result of the Venerable Master’s cultivation of precepts, concentration, and samadhi. He also expressed concern that there might be no one to carry on the lineage in the Dharma-ending Age after the Venerable Master’s passing into stillness. He hoped that more laypeople would bring forth the Bodhi resolve, leave the home-life, and protect the Buddhadharma. Left-home people protect Buddhism internally. Without left-home people, Buddhism would become extinct. After studying the Dharma, one should put it into practice; practice and theory should go hand in hand. The Elder Master spoke very sincerely and became choked by sobs several times during his speech.

During the memorial ceremony proper on November 16, Dharma Master Yongxing said, “It is with tremendous sadness that I host this grand Ceremony for Passing Offerings for the Venerable Master Hua. I knew him for many years. He was truly outstanding in propagating the Dharma and in his own cultivation. In this day and age, the Venerable Master was able to truly practice the precepts; he always wore his precept sash, took one meal a day, and set a good example for the rest of us. He went through many hardships in order to establish a large number of temples and centers. He lectured on the Sutras without rest, determined to turn the Dharma-Ending Age into the Proper Dharma Age. His passing is indeed a great loss to Buddhism. On this occasion, all of you Elders are invited to join in the passing of offerings; we are gathered here to commemorate the Venerable Master. I hope you will not forget the Venerable Master’s wishes, and will take up the responsibility to propagate the Buddhadharma and strictly uphold the precepts in your cultivation.

At the Beijiao Auditorium, Dharma Master Heng Tso recited the lyrics of “To the Ends of Space”—“Be open and fair, unselfish, and straightforward”—to describe the Venerable Master’s selfless efforts to save living beings. A letter written by the Venerable Master and stating the reasons for establishing the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas in America was read during the memorial ceremony. Excerpts are given below:
...I believe that with China’s foundation in moral principles and ethical values, it can produce a sage to lead the world… I wish to spread Chinese culture and the principles of Buddhism throughout the world in order to save mankind… China has survived for thousands of years, because it has a unique cultural foundation based on the virtues of filial piety, fraternal respect, loyalty, trustworthiness, propriety, righteousness, incorruptibility, and a sense of shame. And Chinese culture takes Buddhist culture as its foundation… Buddhism is part of the Chinese cultural tradition. Instead of building tens of thousands of temples in China, it would be better to build one temple to serve as a base overseas. Buddhism is virtually unknown in America… If a Chinese temple could be built here and Chinese ethics could play a leading role in the world…

On the second day, Dharma Master Heng Yi, the head nun of Hong Kong Buddhist
Lecture Hall, led forty-five people, including the members of the delegation, to take the 7:00 a.m. ferry and visit Cixing [Kindness and Prosperity] Monastery on Lantao Island. Cixing Monastery is one of the three Way-places set up by the Venerable Master in Hong Kong more than forty years ago. At 1:00 p.m., disciples from Cixing Monastery and the Buddhist Lecture Hall held a ceremony for liberating lives. The ceremony was led by Dharma Master Heng Tso. Nearly a thousand birds, ferried across the straits from Hong Kong in the morning, were set free in the protective light of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas as people recited the Great Compassion Mantra.

At seven o’clock in the morning on November 17, some of the members of the delegation visited two elderly nuns, Guo Li (92 years old) and Guo Liang (91 years old) at the Zhilian Hermitage. Both of them had left home with the Venerable Master many years ago in Hong Kong. The old folks’ home at the hermitage accommodates more than two hundred women averaging eighty-seven years of age. The living environment is comfortable, and the elderly are well taken care of.


The delegation’s last stop was Macao, where a memorial ceremony was organized by laypeople from the Earth Store Temple.

The memorial ceremony was held at the Youth Center Performing Arts Theater on November 17. The program began with the Incense Praise and recitation of the Amitabha Sutra and the Buddha’s name. The Master of Ceremonies recounted the history of the establishment of Earth Store Temple. Dharma Master Sure mentioned in his speech that the Venerable Master had advocated using ethics and virtue, rather than spiritual powers, to propagate Buddhism to Westerners, because Westerners are scientifically oriented. Dharma Master Sure encouraged the young Buddhists at the temple to emphasize virtue, to adopt a vegetarian diet, and to practice filial piety.

Another Dharma Master gave a brief account of the Venerable Master’s life in Cantonese, after which the assembly lined up to view the Venerable Master’s sharira. After the transference of merit, there was a slide show that presented many old, documentary materials to the public for the first time. More than five hundred people gathered at the theater to watch the show and to reflect on the Venerable Master’s teachings.


法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association© Vajra Bodhi Sea