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Bodhi Mirror

Why I Left the Home-Life
— Bhikshu Heng Syan


泥菩薩是譬喻自身難保的修行者,因其德行不足,對佛法也瞭解得不深,而卻急 切的想要去弘法。我是從失敗中學習得這一點的。學佛多年,我以為我能夠為兒子們解釋佛法,並鼓勵他們行善,避免造惡,及依佛陀的教理去修行。但我發覺我錯 了。

我的七個兒子及他們的家庭,每年慣例的聚集兩次。在這種場合,我通常都是長 篇闊論,希望把親人引進佛門,以減低他們沉迷於對世俗的種種追求。當我說話時,孩子們都很有禮貌的保持緘默;但顯然的,我的努力,對他們的生活並沒有發生 多大的改變。那一天,上人許可我和太太出家了。出家的念頭在我們的心裡已經醞釀了好幾年。大概是業障深重的緣故,似乎我們只能在口頭上講講,無法真正發 心。

一九九四年十月,我們落了髮,一切世間擁有所帶來的障礙,如房屋、工作、職 業全部都在一片歡悅中放下了。不到五個月以後,我的三兒子也在長堤聖寺出家了。他的一些兄弟們蒞場參觀了這項令人感動的儀式;當然,我們也在場,而且淚水 盈眶。當天,四兒子也從師父受了三皈五戒;他是孩子中對佛法比較瞭解的一位,他是長堤大學的終身教授,也是他的兄弟們親近佛法的一股原動力。

希望在我們小家庭所種下的小小菩提種子成長得很好,讓我們有機會報師父上人 的慈悲於萬一。同時我祈望生生世世,家中的成員不會彼此再有眷屬的關係;願我們以師兄弟的關係在一起修行,直至開悟成佛。

A “clay Bodhisattva” is an analogy for a cultivator who, with little virtue and an insufficient knowledge of the Dharma, tries too soon to preach it. I learned this truth the hard way. After studying the Buddhadharma for many years, I thought I was able to explain it to my sons; I thought I could influence them to do good and avoid evil, and to cultivate the teachings of the Buddha. I was wrong.

Our seven sons and their families traditionally met twice a year. On those occasions, I used to speak at length, hoping that my relatives would adopt a Buddhist lifestyle and be less immersed in worldly pursuits. The children politely stayed quiet whenever I spoke, but my efforts brought no significant change in their lives. Then one day the Venerable Master allowed my wife and me to leave the home-life. The intention of leaving home had germinated and grown in our minds for several years. But because of our karmic obstacles, it seemed that we merely paid lip service to monastic life without any serious resolve. 

In October of 1994, our heads were shaved, and we happily bid farewell to our mundane possessions—houses, jobs, business. Less than five months later, our third son also left the home-life at Long Beach Monastery. Some of his brothers witnessed the moving ceremony, and of course, we were there, with tears in our eyes. The same day, our fourth son, who had been considered the most knowledgeable about Buddhism in our family, took refuge with the Venerable Master and received the precepts. He is a tenured professor at Long Beach University and has influenced his brothers to draw close to Buddhism.

May the seeds of the Buddhadharma that have been sown in our small family grow well and enable us to repay one billionth part of the Venerable Master's kindness. I pray that in life after life, those who have been our relatives will never again have family relationships with us. May we instead cultivate together as Dharma brothers until we all attain enlightenment.


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