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The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra with Commentary

【卷四 提婆達多品第十二 】

Roll 4, Chapter 12, Devadatta

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version

今天所要講的是六波羅蜜的第三忍辱 波羅蜜,忍辱是很難行的一種波羅蜜。在昨天晚間,把「忍辱」這兩個字大概的意思解釋已竟,今天再講一講這個忍辱波羅蜜也有十種的利益。世間的事情,越難它 越有價值,要是不難,就沒有什麼價值,所以忍辱雖然是不容易修,但是這個利益可就大了,它的價值非常之高。

怎麼樣叫做十種的利益?你若能在因地 修忍辱行,將來你得到的利益,總括來說有十種:

第一種就是「火不能燒」。為什麼火不 能燒?因為你裡邊沒有火了。你裡邊沒有火,外邊的火就沒有法子來傷害你;你裡邊若有火,外邊的火才燒你。所以才說你沒有內虛,就不招外感。你內裡頭有了毛 病了,外邊的病也就來啦!好像人傷風了,因為你內裡邊盡打妄想,這叫內虛了,那麼就傷風得了外感了。這也是這樣的,你內裡邊盡修忍辱,你沒有火氣了,所謂 「性如灰」。你性如灰了,外邊的火再來,也沒有法子再把你這個灰來變成火。

第二是「刀不能傷」。你修忍辱行,這 個刀不會來傷害你,也就因為你裡邊沒有刀槍了。你心裡頭沒有刀槍,沒有害人的心,外邊刀槍也就不害你。所謂:


你門裡邊;你自己自性裡邊沒有刀槍 了,外邊的刀槍也就不會傷害你了,這是真正的哲學,真正的 philosophy(哲學)。

第三,不單刀不能傷,也「毒不能 傷」。你若修過忍辱行,你忍辱行修成功了,就


你遇著這個刀,也沒有事,你就是吃了 毒藥,也毒不死。所以達摩祖師被外道用毒藥來毒他六次,也毒不死他。為什麼呢?他就在無量劫以前修這個忍辱行修得圓滿啦!得到這個波羅蜜了!這個波羅蜜是 什麼?波羅蜜就是解毒的東西,所以毒不能傷了。

第四是「水不能淹」。你修忍辱行,修 得成就了,水也沒有法子把你淹死,這是第四種的利益。

第五是「非人所護」。非人,就是一切 天龍八部;天龍八部都來保護著你,來擁護你,守護你的道場。

第六是「身相莊嚴」。你若修忍辱行, 你相貌生得圓滿,人人見到都歡喜,沒有人怕你,都是恭敬你,愛護你。他想離開你,也沒有法子離開你,時時他都想要親近你。身相莊嚴,這個莊嚴就是有一種清 淨、沒有染污的心存在;不是像某某人相貌很美麗的,你見到他就生出了一種慾心,那就不叫莊嚴了。若是莊嚴,就是清淨無染污心的;沒有染污,沒有一種情感在 裡頭,也就是沒有情愛在裡頭,只是恭敬,存一種恭敬心。

第七是「閉惡道」,把這個惡道關閉 了。什麼叫惡道呢?就是三惡道,地獄門關了,餓鬼的門關了,畜生的門也關了。把三惡道的門都關了,你就不墮落餓鬼,不墮地獄,不托生去做畜生。

第八是「生梵天」:這個第八種的好 處,你修忍辱行,將來你可以生到大梵的清淨天上去。

第九種的利益是什麼?就是「晝夜安 樂」。晝三時、夜三時,晝夜六時都得到安樂。不是說,白天就憂愁白天的事情,晚間就憂愁晚間的事情。白天憂愁這一天我的事情怎麼辦呢?晚間又憂愁我明天是 不是有工作?會不會失業啊?會不會有飯吃啊?這憂愁煩惱很多。你修忍辱行的,就沒有這個煩惱了。晝,是白天,就是日間;夜,就是晚間;安樂,都非常的平安 快樂,無憂無愁,不識不知,無思無慮。

第十的利益叫「身不離喜樂」。這個身 體總覺得很歡喜很快樂的。這個快樂,不是外邊的快樂,由自性覺得有一種快樂,不是勉強做出來的。



The third perfection is that of patience. Patience is not easy to perfect! The general meaning of patience has already been explained. Now the ten advantages of the perfection of patience will be discussed. In this world, the harder something is to do, the more worth it has. If something isn’t difficult, it isn’t valuable. Therefore, even though it is hard to cultivate patience, it brings great benefits and its value is extremely great.

If on the cause ground one cultivates patience, in the future the benefits one will obtain can be generally listed as follows:

1. Fire will not burn one. Why? Because, inside one, there is no fire. If there is no fire within then fire from outside has no way to harm one. If one has fire inside, one will get burned. It is also said that if one has problems inside, one will attract sickness from the outside. If one catches cold, it’s often because inside one has been doing a lot of false thinking. If one practices patience and has gotten rid of one’s fiery temper, then the outside fires can’t burn one. If one’s nature is like ashes, then outside fires can’t set one aflame.

2. Knives cannot harm one. If one cultivates patience, and within one there are no “knives and spears,” that is, no thoughts of harming others, then the external knives and spears can’t harm one. It is said:

If inside the house there is a superior person,
 superior people will come to visit.
If inside the house there are petty people,
 petty people will stop by.

This is genuine philosophy!

3. Poison cannot harm one. If one has cultivated patience to perfection, then as it is said:

If one meets with knives, it’s no problem.
Or if one is given poison, it’s no cause for alarm.

Even if one is poisoned, one won’t die. Patriarch Bodhi¬dharma was poisoned six times by jealous rivals, but did not die because for limitless kalpas he had been perfectly patience and had attained that Paramita. The Paramita acted as an antidote to the poison.

4. Water will not drown one. One who cultivates patience to perfection will not drown.

5. Nonhumans will protect one. “Non-humans” refers to the gods and dragons and the rest of the eightfold division of ghosts and spirits. They will all look out for one and watch over one’s Bodhimanda.

6. One’s appearance will be beautiful. If one cultivates patience, one will have a pleasing appearance. One will be liked by all who see one, and will not make anyone afraid. People will all respect and cherish one. They will always want to be around one and will never desert one. “Beautiful” here refers to the physical manifestation of the purity of one’s thoughts. It is not the kind of beauty associated with glamour and sex appeal. One’s appearance will inspire reverence. It won’t cause people to become emotionally infatuated or think impure thoughts.

7. The evil paths will be closed to one. The doors to the hells, the realm of animals, and ghosts will be closed to one. One will not fall into any of the three evil paths.

8. One will gain birth in the Brahma Heaven. If one cultivates patience, in the future one can be born in the pure heavens of Brahma.

9. One will be peaceful by day and night. In the six periods of the day and night, one will be happy and serene. During the day, one won’t be worrying about how one is going to finish one’s work, and then in the evening be wondering if one is going to lose one’s job the next day and starve to death. Most people have a lot of worries. If one cultivates patience, one won’t have such afflictions. One will always be extremely happy and peaceful, and free from worries.

10. One will always feel happy. One will always be in good spirits, very happy. This kind of happiness is not based on anything external. Rather it comes from within the self-nature and is not forced.

Those are the ten advantages of patience.

To be continued


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