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Bodhi Mirror

Why I Left the Home-Life
— Bhikshuni Heng Syun


我出生在一個平凡的家,從小在鄉下長大,生活在大自然中。回想起無盡快樂的童年,橡膠林及果園簡樸、單純的生 活,與聖城的生活是很相近的。

一九八八年,我十九歲,正在讀大學先修班時,參加了佛學會,才開始認識佛法。在偶然的因緣下,閱讀了《宣公上 人開示錄》。經佛學會老師的推薦,於八月間寫信皈依了上人。同年,上人帶領訪問團到馬來西亞,那是我初次見到上人。當時便深深為上人的仁者風範所感動,發 心要親近和依止上人修行。

畢業後,在一所小學當臨時教師,生活簡單而有規律。每天早晚課後,便在佛前懇切發願,要依止上人修行,我默默 的說:「師父,弟子真的要跟您修行,而不要有男女之間的情愛關係,希望上人滿弟子的願。」一切在冥冥中都有安排,事情非常的順利,不久我便申請到臺灣正法 佛學院念書。幾年後,我終於如願落髮出家。於今年九月在萬佛聖城受具足戒。

上人的修行,言行一致,其德行與慈悲,我只能用幾個字來形容;上人是我們的慈父,人間的大導師。「師父領進 門,修行在個人。」我願意踏實的在心地上耕耘,培養內德,及學習善知識為法忘軀的精神。為了宣揚正法,流血汗,不休息。同時發願好好學戒,依萬佛聖城的六 大宗旨來認真修行,行解並重。

I grew up in an ordinary family in a rural village and lived in an untouched natural environment. The simple way of life I knew on the rubber plantations and in the orchards in those happy childhood days is quite similar to the lifestyle at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

In 1988, when I was nineteen, I read the Venerable Master’s Instructional Talks during my college preparatory education. At the suggestion of an instructor in my school’s Buddhist Society, I wrote to and took refuge with the Venerable Master. That same year, the Venerable Master led a delegation to Malaysia, and I met him for the first time. I was deeply moved by his humaneness and resolved to draw near him and cultivate under his guidance.

After graduation, I worked as a substitute teacher in an elementary school and led a simple and disciplined life. Every day, after morning and evening recitation, I made vows before the Buddhas, hoping that I would be able to cultivate under the Venerable Master’s guidance. I silently prayed, “Master, your disciple wishes to follow you in cultivation and not get involved in romantic relationships with boys. I hope the Master will grant my wish.” Everything worked out fine, as if pre-arranged under heaven’s will. I went to study at the Proper Dharma Buddhist Academy in Taiwan. Several years later, my wish to leave the home-life came true. Recently, I received the complete precepts at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

The Venerable Master’s cultivation is such that his words reflect his conduct; his virtue and compassion cannot be described in a few short words. The Master is our compassionate father and a great guiding teacher in the world. “The master merely leads you in the door; you have to cultivate on your own.” I shall apply genuine effort on the Mind Ground and develop inner virtue. I shall emulate my Good and Wise Advisor’s vigor in forgetting himself for the sake of the Dharma. In order to propagate the Proper Dharma, I am willing toil to the extent of shedding blood and sweat, without taking a rest. At the same time, I resolve to study the Vinaya, to follow the Six Guiding Principles of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and to cultivate seriously. I will give equal emphasis to theory and practice.


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