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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections in water and mirrors Reversing the Tide of Destiny

In Memory of Elder Upasaka Li Jinhua

宣化上人講述於一九八六年二月二十日 Composed by the Venerable Master Hua on February 20, 1986
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute

這是我不揣淺陋來獻醜。寫了一篇短文、一首不成語句的偈頌,來紀念李景華老居士。李景華老居士,我在東北和他 很熟的。不過,這個老居士對我是莫名其妙。他看見我年紀很輕,那時候在廟上只不過是個沙彌,方丈和尚就請我當首座;在外邊,有很多人相信,他就很不服氣。 不知道為什麼你年紀輕,就有這麼多人相信你?所以他對我是莫名其妙。他所崇拜的是我們廟上方丈和尚常仁大師,他對他信心十足。有人相信我呢,他就有點好像 酸溜溜的味道。雖然是這樣子,但是還和我很好;可是啊!內心總是不知道是怎麼回事。

我到美國之後,也傳我又回中國去朝四大名山。他這時候也不知道,有人就說是我回去了。他也不知道確實是不是我 回去,因為一切只是消息。所以聽說他們來了,他就跪在門前叫活佛、活佛……。他那時候講話雖然還可以講,但是精神方面,好像不太充份。可是還是那麼誠心。 八十八歲了,跪到門前來表示歡迎,叫活佛、活佛……來了!這是我和他的經過。


「居士是為中醫生」:這位老居士個子也高高的,是個中醫生,給人看病。「精 於岐黃」:岐是岐伯,黃是黃帝。他 對於岐伯、黃帝的這種學問很有研究。「篤信佛教」:很篤厚的相信佛,「茹素念佛」: 他吃齋,也念佛。「熱心公益」:他對善事,很願意做的。「居住於哈爾濱 市西南前興隆溝屯」:在哈爾濱市的西南那個鄉村前興隆溝––有前興隆溝,有後興隆溝。他住在前興隆溝,這地方我都到過。

「時四十餘歲」:他在四十多歲那個時候,「膝下猶虛」: 也沒有兒子。「夫婦秉誠」:夫婦兩個商量商量,很誠心 的,「往平房站西南正黃旗四屯三緣寺」:一起到平房站西南正黃旗四屯,那地方有個廟叫三緣寺,「懇請 方丈和尚常仁大師」:在廟上有一位方丈和尚,就是常仁 大師。他們請求方丈和尚,給他們求一個兒子。於是方丈和尚就給他們「轉求送子觀音」「慈悲滿願」: 滿他們所求的願。「越年」:第二年,「果得麟兒」:就 得一個兒子,「即李殿選居士」:他的兒子叫李殿選。

「於一九八五年春」:在一九八五年春天的時候,「派團前 往中國」:法界佛教總會派一個女界的團前往中國,「朝 禮四大名山」:到中國去朝拜四大名山的時候,「特往慰問老居士」:順便去看一看,慰問慰問這個李景 華老居士。「時年已八十八歲」:他那時候已八十八歲了, 「記憶猶新」:可是他 以前的事情還記得,啊!「不勝有今昔之 感」:他想起以往的事情、現在的事情,有很多的感慨。「老居士長跪門前歡迎」:歡迎法界佛教總 會代表團,到他那兒去,「連呼活佛」:他就口裡說,活佛!活佛!「活佛來矣」:活 佛來了!「令人感動不已」:當時令很多人都感動不已,不停止。

「老居士於數月後」:以後又過了幾個月,「囑令其子」: 他就囑咐他的兒子李殿選居士,「誠心信佛」:要誠心一 點信佛,「忠厚待人」:待人要忠厚,「服務公益」的事情,「敦品 立德」:要好好的把這個人格保持好。「後」:以後,他就「安詳西歸」: 就往生了。

偈曰:全堡生佛雙城縣 東北巴黎哈爾濱
   景華居士善根厚 仁公長老慈悲深
   送子觀音滿求願 延壽藥王保天真
   風風雨雨恆茹素 戰戰兢兢禮至尊

「全堡生佛雙城縣」:在雙城縣東城門那兒有一塊匾,這是前清的溥老中堂送 的。這塊匾怎麼說呢?就說:「全堡生 佛」,說全堡的人都可以成佛。所以雙城縣這個佛教很興盛,大略也都有關係。我呢?也是濫竽充數,是雙城縣的一份子,所以到現在還是一個 小螞蟻。

「東北巴黎哈爾濱」:哈爾濱有個名字,就叫「小巴黎」。 是東北一個很繁華的地方,就像法國那個巴黎似的。

「景華居士善根厚」:這個李景華居士他的善根很厚的。「仁 公長老慈悲深」:仁公長老,就是常仁大師。慈悲深, 他對他也慈悲很深厚的。

「送子觀音滿求願」:觀音菩薩送給他一個兒子,滿他所求的願。「延 壽藥王保天真」:延壽藥王也保護他活了八十 八歲。這不一定是保護他兒子。也連他都一起保護了。所以你不要就說保他兒子,那麼他爸爸長這麼大年紀是誰保的?

「風風雨雨恆茹素」:這風風雨雨,不是一定說,就是共產黨、國民黨這一套 的;就是一生他受的挫折也不少,逆境 也很多,經過很多不如意的事情,風呀雨呀,吃過很多苦頭。但是他也不改變吃素這種的行為,還是照常吃素。

「戰戰兢兢禮至尊」:這個戰戰兢兢,是他自己拜佛的時候,戰戰兢兢,如臨 深淵,如履薄冰。說我這一生不知道做 錯了什麼事沒有?我不知道有什麼不對的地方,求佛菩薩消除我所造的罪業。我以後諸惡不作,眾善奉行。


Despite my shallow learning, I have written a short article and a poorly phrased verse in remembrance of the Elder Upasaka Li Jinhua. I knew him quite well when I was in Manchuria. However, the Elder Upasaka didn’t know what to make of me. He noticed that even as a young Shramanera (novice monk), I had been appointed by the Abbot to serve as the chief monk in the temple and that many people believed in me. He couldn’t understand why so many people believed in me when I was so young. As a consequence, he treated me in a puzzling manner. He honored the Abbot of the temple, Great Master Changren, and had full confidence in him. However, he seemed slightly jealous when people believed in me. We were still good friends, but deep down in his heart he knew there was something between us.

After I came to the United States, he heard that I had returned to China to pay homage to the four holy mountains. Someone had told him the news, but he didn’t know if I had really returned. When he heard that the delegation had arrived, he knelt at his doorstep and cried out, “Living Buddha, Living Buddha…” At that time, he could still talk, but seemed to have insufficient energy. Yet he was as sincere as he used to be. At the age of eighty-eight, he knelt at his doorstep in welcome, calling out “Living Buddha! The Living Buddha has come!” Those were my personal experiences with him.

Now that he has passed away, I have written this article in his memory.

Upasaka Li was a Chinese physician. The Elder Upasaka was a tall man who was skilled in Chinese herbal medicine. He was knowledgeable in the field of Chinese medicine, which was developed by Qi Bo and the Yellow Emperor. As a devoted Buddhist with firm faith in the Buddhas, he practiced pure eating—he was vegetarian—and recited the Buddha’s name. He was an enthusiastic philanthropist. He liked to practice charity. He lived in the southwest of Harbin City, in the front village of Xinglong Canal. Xinglong Canal has a front village and a rear village. I’ve been there before.

As he was still childless in his forties… When he was over forty, he still had no children. After some discussion, he and his wife very sincerely went to Three Conditions Monastery in the southwest of the fourth village of Zhenghuangqi, Pingfang Station, and earnestly requested the Abbot, Great Master Changren, to pray for them. The Abbot of Three Conditions (Sanyuan) Monastery was Great Master Changren. They asked him to pray for a son on their behalf. The Abbot then asked the Bodhisattva Who Regards the Sounds of the World and Bestows Children to compassionately fulfill their wish. The following year, a son was born to them, the Upasaka Li Dianxuan. His son’s name is Li Dianxuan.

In the spring of 1985, a delegation was sent on a pilgrimage of the four holy mountains of China. Dharma Realm Buddhist Association sent a delegation of women to China. During their pilgrimage of the four holy mountains, they paid a special visit to the Elder Upasaka. On the way, they stopped over and visited the Elder Upasaka Li Jinhua. At that time, he was already eighty-eight years old, but his memory was still good. He still remembered the events of the past. He could not help but sigh over the events of the present and the past. When he thought of the things that had happened in the past and were happening in the present, he became emotionally excited. The Elder Upasaka knelt at his doorstep to welcome the delegation. When the delegation from the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association arrived, he welcomed them, calling out continuously, “Living Buddha! The Living Buddha has come!” Many people were moved. They were deeply touched by gesture.

Several months later, the Elder Upasaka instructed his son, Upasaka Li Dianxuan, to believe sincerely in the Buddha, to be honest and kind to others, to work for the benefit of society, and to have an upright and virtuous character—to maintain his integrity. After that, he passed away peacefully.

A verse in praise says:

Everyone in Twin Cities County can become a Buddha.
Harbin is the Paris of Manchuria.
Vast are the good roots of Upasaka Jinhua.
Deep is the compassion of Venerable Ren.
Guanyin, the Bodhisattva Who Bestows Children, granted his wish.
Medicine King, Who Lengthens Life, preserved his inherent purity.
Despite the trials and tribulations, he maintained the practice pure eating.
With great circumspection, he bowed to the most Honored One.

Everyone in Twin Cities County can become a Buddha. At the East Gate of Twin Cities (Shuangcheng) County, there is a tablet contributed by the Elder Chief Secretary of the Qing Dynasty. The inscription on it says that everyone in the county will become a Buddha. That might explain why Buddhism is so popular in Twin Cities County. As for me, I am also from Twin Cities County—that’s why I’ve remained a tiny ant to this day.

Harbin is the Paris of Manchuria. Harbin has another name, Little Paris. It’s a very prosperous place in Manchuria, similar to the city of Paris in France.

Vast are the good roots of Upasaka Jinhua. Upasaka Li Jinhua’s roots of goodness were abundant. Deep is the compassion of Venerable Ren. Great Master Changren was compassionate toward him.

Guanyin, the Bodhisattva Who Bestows Children, granted his wish. The Bodhisattva Who Regards the Sounds of the World bestowed a son upon Upasaka Li, fulfilling his wish. While Medicine King, Who Lengthens Life, preserved his inherent purity. Lengthening Life Medicine King protected him and enabled him to live to the age of eighty-eight. This line is not necessarily talking about his son. He himself was protected as well. Therefore, you should not say that only his son was protected. If that’s the case, then who protected the father and enabled him to live to such an advanced age?

Despite the trials and tribulations, he maintained the practice of pure eating. “Trials and tribulations” does not necessarily refer to the hardships caused by the Communist and Nationalist Parties. It means that he suffered many setbacks and adversities during his life. Many times, things went against his will. Despite these hardships, he did not waver in his practice of pure eating. He continued to be a vegetarian.

With great circumspection, he bowed to the most Honored One. When he bowed to the Buddha, he was extremely cautious, as if walking along the edge of a cliff or treading on thin ice. He thought, “I do not know if I have done anything wrong in this life. I do not know if I am in any way improper. I ask the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to eradicate my offense karma. From now onwards, I will abstain from evil and do only good."



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