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The Views of Mr. Wang Fengyi (Good Man Wang) on the Five Elements

萬國道德會資料 From the Intermational Virtue Society
天 河 水 輯 Compiled by Heavenly River Water



相生,就是彼此相益,或互相促進;相剋,就是相互制約或彼此克制。但相 剋並不是絕對的,在特定的條件下,也可以反剋。譬如水能剋火,然而火過盛也可以剋水。


心中對人不服(陰木),沒有說出來,暗中生怨氣(陰土),多出現 面黃肌瘦,最容易患胃腸疾病(脾胃屬土)。要如何救治呢?必須明理達時(陽火),不生怨氣,知道自己的苦惱,也要體會別人的心理,做到心胸開闊(陽土), 就轉為「木生火,火生土」了,可免除木剋土之害。

性格呆板固執、見識狹隘、愚而自用(陰土)、不聽勸說,當事情失意後,就抑鬱不樂,終日煩悶(陰水),不知察找原因,只顧生回頭氣,越鑽牛角尖越痛苦;如 此陽氣下凝,必傷腎水,面色發暗,易患腰腿疼病,纏綿不癒。想要救治,必須找他人好處,生出真義氣(陽金),當斷立斷,轉為「土生金,金生水」,疾病便可 漸癒。

心強好勝、爭名爭利(陰火),這對心臟最為不利,天長日久,易患心臟病(心屬火);因為貪高愛好屬陰火,失望後悔屬陰水,所以水來剋火,坐臥不安、心神不 定。救治方法,要不爭名、不爭利,要有高瞻遠矚(陽火),自然豁然開朗,便可轉為「水生木,木生火」。

性多淺薄浮躁(陰火),心中容不下事,缺乏涵蓄力,嘴碎好叨咕,喜分辯(陰金),好操心,有傷肺臟(肺屬金)。此種性格的人,子女不愛接近他,尤其是老不 捨心,不得享受晚年天倫之樂,多患肺心病。欲救正,必須生出真土,以樸厚寬宏之情懷(陽土),來補救自己淺薄狹隘的性格,變為「火生土,土生金」,方可免 去火剋之苦。

不服人,我見深,專找稜縫,強詞奪理(陰金),但當理屈詞窮時,就暗生怒氣(陰木),日久便可得胸肋疼痛,肝氣不舒,易患肝臟病(肝屬木)。面現青白色, 欲救治,必須生出陽水,虛心讓步,有自知之明,認識到自己的個性太強,器量狹小,應學含垢納污,冷靜處事(陽水),便轉為「金生水,水生木」,自可消除金 剋木之苦。


對方性格緩慢、猶豫不決(水),我的性情急躁(火),因為我們常在一起,我嫌他太慢,所以產生煩惱。如果我能把急躁變為穩重,來寬厚待他(陽土),這是火 生土,自然不會受他剋。

對方花言巧語、虛偽不實(金),我是心直性耿、內外如一(木),對他的品性最為反感。由於不服而氣憤,日久心肝不舒、胸肋發脹,這是因為我木被金剋。我如 果想防止金剋,必須躲到火上,識物識人、以禮相待(陽火),既不生氣,又不受騙,他再詭詐,能奈我何。

對方性情粗暴、又直又硬、出言撞人(木),我的性格老實忠厚、呆板寡言、好生怨氣(土),因為我們常在一起,受他頂撞,必暗生悶氣,易患胃病。如果我能事 先看得明白,不上他的當,躲到「金」上去,靈活自然、胸懷開朗(陽金);變成土生金,就不受「木」的剋了。

對方性情急躁,說話不容人(火),我的性格脆弱、好分辯(金),常相共事,必形成火剋金,惱易傷肺,我如果能夠躲到「水」上去,以柔和用事(陽水);以柔 克剛,變成金生水,自然不受火剋了。

對方呆板執拗、是非不明,在上位不能集思廣益,在下位愚而自用(土),我雖然柔和而明智,看得清楚(水),但也必然會厭煩,這叫土剋水,腎水最易受傷。我 如果能夠生出憐憫之心,認為他愚得可憐,不煩厭他,定住真土意(陽木)。這便是躲到木上去了,變為水生木,就不被他的陰土剋了。


王善人晚年曾告訴人們,欲徹底撥陰反陽,永保光明天性不受污染,必須明 確五行之精髓:欲生真水必認不是,欲生真金必找好處,欲生真土必認因果,欲生真火必達天時,以上四樣都達透了,才能生出仁德而達全體的陽木。最後達到「五 行攢簇」,渾然一體,不分五行了。


The mutual generation of the five elements: Wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, and water generates wood.

The mutual overcoming of the five elements: Fire overcomes metal, metal overcomes wood, wood overcomes earth, earth overcomes water, and water overcomes fire.

Mutual generation means they benefit each other, or they help each other develop; while mutual overcoming means they destroy or restrain each other. But the order of mutual overcoming is not absolutely fixed; under special conditions, the process of overcoming may work in reverse. For example, water normally overcomes fire, but when the fire is exceedingly strong, it can overcome water.

The Mutual Overcoming of the Five Elements in One Personality

Wood overcomes earth:
Yin wood people are defiant, and yin earth people suppress their anger, which makes them thin and yellowish. This easily leads to problems in the stomach and intestines. (The spleen and stomach are related to earth.) When this happens, how can they counteract it? They must understand the principles (yang fire), not get angry, and recognize their afflictions; they must also put themselves in others’ positions and be broad-minded (yang earth); then the process becomes one of “wood generating fire, and fire generating earth.” If they can do this, they will avoid the harmful result of “wood overcoming earth.”

Earth overcomes water:
Yin earth people are rigid, stubborn, narrow-minded, foolish, reluctant to consult others, and unwilling to listen to others’ advice. When their hopes are disappointed, they become deeply depressed and fraught with worry and anxiety all day long (yin water). Instead of looking for the source of the problem, they simply get angry about the past and run into a dead-end. For this reason, their vital energies ebb and become stuck, and this hurts their kidneys. (The kidneys are related to water.) Their faces have a dark cast, and they tend to suffer incessantly from pain and sickness in the waist and legs without getting better. In order to cure these ailments, they have to look for others’ good points and bring forth real righteousness (yang metal), be decisive, and turn the process into one of “earth generating metal and metal generating water”; then they will recover from these ailments.

Water overcomes fire:
Yin fire people are competitive and struggle for fame and profit, which injures the heart. Therefore, they are prone to heart diseases. (The heart is related to fire.) Because they are insatiably greedy, which relates to yin fire, and easily disappointed and regretful, which relates to yin water, water overcomes fire and causes them to become rash and unstable. When this happens, they should counteract the process by bringing forth yang fire, which means curbing the impulse to struggle for fame and profit and having a longer perspective of things. Then their minds will naturally become clear and bright, and the process will become one of “water generating wood and wood generating fire.”

Fire overcomes metal:
Yin fire people are shallow and impetuous, and they find it hard to tolerate things. They lack patience and gentleness. They like to nag and over-discriminate things (yin metal). They tend to worry a lot, and that injures their lungs. (The lungs are related to metal.) With this kind of character, their own children do not like be around them. Since they cannot renounce this kind of character even when they are old, they cannot enjoy a harmonious family life in their old age. Such people tend to have lung and heart diseases. In order for their illnesses to be cured, they should bring forth the true qualities of earth. Using a broad, honest mind (yang earth) to make up for their narrow-minded, shallow character, they can turn the process into one of “fire generating earth, and earth generating metal,” and thus avoid the suffering of fire overcoming metal.

Metal overcomes wood:
Yin metal people are defiant, egotistical, critical, and argumentative, but when they are defeated and left with nothing to say, they hold a grudge inside (yin wood). Eventually this may lead to chest pain and blocked circulation in the liver, and they will be prone to liver ailments. (The liver is related to wood.) They have pale complexions. In order to cure these ailments, they must give rise to yang water by being humble and yielding, understanding themselves well, recognizing that they are too headstrong and narrow-minded. They should open their heart to tolerate the inferior and handle matters calmly (yang water); then the process will become one of “metal generating water and water generating wood,” and they can eradicate the suffering of metal overcoming wood.

The Mutual Overcoming of the Five Elements Among People

Water overcomes fire:
Yin water people are slow and hesitant, while fire people are impetuous. If they are together, the fire people will be afflicted by the slow movements of water people. If they can change their rashness into steadiness and stability, being patient and generous toward others (yang earth), then fire will generate earth and will no longer be overcome by water.

Metal overcomes wood:
Yin metal people like to talk honeyed words; they are dishonest and hypocritical. Wood people are straightforward and honest, and they are extremely averse to the character of yin metal people. Their disapproval leads to anger, and as time goes by, their heart and liver will not function smoothly and their chest will feel blocked; this is because their wood nature has been overcome by metal. If they wish to avoid this, they should retreat to the position of fire in order to understand people and things, and handle matters with propriety (yang fire). Then they will neither get angry nor be deceived. No matter how cunning and deceitful others may be, they will not be affected.

Wood overcomes earth:
Yin wood people are rough, blunt, and obstinate, and what they say always goes against others. Earth people are honest, rigid, taciturn, and prone to harbor resentment. If these two types of people stay together, the earth people will hold their anger inside when the wood people say something unpleasant to them, and this may lead to stomach ailments. If they can recognize this in advance and not be misled, then they can retreat to the position of metal by becoming lively and open-minded (yang metal); the situation will turn into one of earth generating metal and no longer being overcome by wood.

Fire overcomes metal
Yin fire people are rash in nature and intolerant and unforgiving in their words. Yin metal people are pessimistic and like to argue. When these two types of people get together, the situation will be one of fire overcoming metal, and the resulting vexation will cause injury to the lungs. If the metal people can retreat to the position of water, being gentle (yang water) and using softness to overcome hardness, then the situation becomes one of metal generating water, and naturally metal will no longer be overcome by fire.

Earth overcomes water:
Yin earth people are rigid and stubborn, and they fail to discriminate right from wrong. In positions of leadership, they are unable to canvass various opinions and benefit from them; in subordinate positions, they are foolish and will not listen to anyone (earth). Although water people may be gentle, understanding, wise, and perceptive, they are bound to be afflicted by yin earth people. This is called earth overcoming water, and it tends to hurt the kidneys. If they can bring forth compassion and pity yin earth people in their foolishness instead of loathing them, dwelling in the mind of true earth (yang wood), this is to retreat to the position of wood and turning the situation into one of water generating wood. Then they will not be overcome by yin earth.

The Essence of the Natures of the Five Elements

Good Man Wang has told us that if we wish to thoroughly turn the yin into the yang and forever protect the bright nature from being defiled, we must clearly understand the essence of the five elements: In order to bring forth true water, we must recognize our own mistakes; in order to generate true metal, we must look for other people’s good points; in order to produce true earth, we must understand the law of cause and effect; if we wish to bring forth true fire, we must not go against the laws of nature. If we can achieve the four things mentioned above, then the humaneness and virtue of the yang wood will be brought forth. When we ultimately reach the point that “the five elements crowd together,” then the five elements will share the same substance and no longer be separated. 

(End of article)


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