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A talk by Venerable Bhante Dharmawara during the Memorial Ceremony for the Venerable Master Hua
on July 28, 1995 at the Sagely City of Ten Thousand Buddhas
達摩瓦拉法師  一九九五年七月二十八日


因為一顆巨星的殞落,所以今天大家同聚一堂,對巨星所遺留下來的恩澤, 表達我們的感恩。我相信巨星雖然殞落,但我們對的它的懷念與敬愛是無盡的,我們應該明白一顆巨星的殞落將使另一顆巨星升起,而第二顆巨星將會繼續這份工 作,彌補我們今天的損失,相信從新的巨星那兒我們將得到更多,這是我所瞭解的。謝謝各位給我機會說幾句話。

The most venerable Mahatheras and Maha Upsakas and Upasikas:

A big star has fallen. On account of that, we are gathering here to express our gratitude for the good that the big star has left behind. Now the fall of the big star makes room for another star. I am quite sure we are thinking of the big star, and our love for the big star has not ended with his fall. But we have to understand that the fall of the big star has provided room for the second one, and I am sure the second one will not fail to perform his duty to replace the loss. I am sure we have much to gain by the new one. This is my understanding. Thank you so much for giving me time.


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