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In the year 3022 of the Buddha, on the second day of the seventh lunar month, I, Heng Lyu, Abbot of the Sagely City of Ten Thousand Buddhas under the auspices of Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, represent the disciples of the fourfold assembly to make offerings of incense, flowers, and a vegetarian meal. In front of the Lotus Seat of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua, the High Master of Three Conditions Monastery and True Suchness Monastery, and the Founder of the Sagely City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, who has completed the stillness, I present this eulogy:


大權示現 無來無去 末法無端 度生七紀

He manifested provisionally,
Neither going nor coming.
In the chaotic Dharma-ending Age,
He saved living beings for nearly eighty years.

虛老心傳 溈仰九祖 跡遍亞洲 德庇歐美

With the mind transmission from Elder Master Hsu,
He became the ninth patriarch of the Wei Yang Sect.
His footprints covered Asia,
And his virtue protected America and Europe.

攜法西來 首次剃度 美國僧尼

He brought the Dharma to the West
And was the first to shave the heads
Of American monks and nuns.

雙語教育 東西普攝 弘宗說教 無分南北

Westerners and Easterners were both gathered in
With bilingual education.
He propagated the Chan school and expounded the teachings,
Making no distinction between north and south.

華嚴境界 楞嚴壇場 破邪顯正 夙夜匪懈

With the Flower Adornment state
And the Shurangama platform,
He smashed the deviant to reveal the proper,
Never resting even at night.

恭塑萬佛 普傳心法 翻譯經典 媲美羅什  功同玄奘 廣施法喜

Reverently molding ten thousand Buddhas,
He universally transmitted the Mind Dharma.
In translating the Sutras
He rivalled Kumarajiva,
And his merit equalled that of Hsuan Tsang.
The joy of the Dharma was vastly bestowed.

衣不離體 日中一食 夜不倒單 弘範毗尼

Always wearing the precept sash,
He took one meal a day at noon
And did not lie down at night,
Thus propagating and serving as an exemplar of the Vinaya.

育良培德 提倡忠孝 法界大學 改革風紀  和平使者

With Instilling Goodness and Developing Virtue Schools,
He promoted filial piety and fraternal respect.
He founded the Dharma Realm University,
Seeking to reform the social trend
As a messenger of peace.

敬老懷少 移風易俗 不改國籍 追本溯源

Respecting the elderly and cherishing the young,
He wanted to improve the customs.
Not changing his nationality,
He traced his roots back to their source.

三大條款 百千磨練 六大宗旨 信守不渝

Following the Three Great Guidelines,
He underwent myriads of ordeals.
Upholding the Six Great Principles,
His heart never wavered.

十八大願 大悲手眼 驚天動地

The Eighteen Great Vows
And the Greatly Compassionate Hands and Eyes
Startle heaven and move the earth.

今示圓寂 頓失宗師 人天長夜 草木同泣

Now he has manifested the completing of stillness,
And suddenly we have lost our great teacher.
The long night falls upon humans and gods,
And plants and trees weep together.

祈我宣公 乘願再來 一瓣心香 伏維尚饗

We pray that our Venerable Master Hsuan Hua,
Riding on his vows, will come again.
We offer this stick of incense and hope he will accept it.


法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association © Vajra Bodhi Sea