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■   岳興華  文     By Yue Xinhua











From the last issue: Who are the superstitious intellectuals? How can we eliminate superstition?

To Penetrate the Mark of Emptiness (Explaining Emptiness)

The name "empty space" is a misnomer, for its substance is not empty. It is only that we cannot see its true essence with our vision. Although many theories have been postulated to explain emptiness from ancient times until now, not only is there no way to validate these theories, we cannot even find appropriate terms to express the concepts. For example, the phrases "non-emptiness," "emptiness and form," and "emptiness and existence" all use the word "emptiness," but the meaning is different in each case.

The emptiness of empty space refers to an absolute emptiness, while the other types of emptiness are relative. For example, "emptiness and form” refers to emptiness in relation to the myriad things; "emptiness and existence" speaks of emptiness in relation to objects without forms. There is also "true emptiness," which refers to the state of being free of material desire (and does not mean that nothing exists; the myriad things still exist). The view that there is no functioning of anything is called "dull emptiness"; the pursuit of the state of emptiness is "sole emptiness"; the idea that only emptiness is reality is "solitary emptiness." Without the proper vocabulary, it is difficult to explain these concepts.

Question: How do we know that space is not empty?

Answer: This is now common knowledge that has been publicized in the news. An excerpt from the article "Metals in Space" by Li Jinjun in Evening Weekly News on January 29, 1991, states: "...in the last ten years, an increasing amount of metallic particles has been floating in the earth's atmosphere. It is estimated that there are 74,000 kg of tin, 600 million kg of copper, 500,000 tons of lead, slightly more than 500,000 tons of nickel, and 3 million tons of zinc. American scientists feel that in addition to natural sources such as volcanic eruptions and forest fires, the human factors in atmospheric pollution—such as the burning of fuel in mining and smelting metals, the spraying of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and so on—constitute a much greater source of these floating metallic particles. Scientists point out that while lead pollution due to human activities is only at an early stage, the amount of lead now in the atmosphere is already nine times more than it was at the beginning of this century. These floating metallic particles will become a serious threat to people's health." Not only are there metals in space, there are all kinds of objects and beings. If we intend to explore the universe, it is not enough to explore only the material aspect. Everyone uses the word "emptiness," each with a different meaning in mind, and it is difficult to separate the meanings clearly. The study of philosophy should include all aspects of the universe. By carefully and thoroughly investigating the entire process of the functioning of mankind, one may gain some achievement.

The Theory of Atomism, proposed by Democritus of ancient Greece, states: "All matter is composed of atoms, and aside from atoms, there is only emptiness."

The Theory of Primal Energy, proposed by Zhang Dai and Wang Fuzhi of ancient China, maintains: "All the myriad things and creatures in the world are composed of primal energy. The energies of yin and yang fill all of space without leaving any gaps, and there is nothing else."

The development of physics in contemporary times has also come across two views regarding "true emptiness," namely, the Theory of the Void, and the opposing Theory of Ether, which maintains that space is pervaded by a special substance called ether.

Indian religious philosophy consists of two fundamental concepts and terms: "emptiness and existence," which arises from "nonexistence and existence." It is said in the Upanishads: "At the inception of the universe, the world did not exist. There was nothing other than non-existence. From nonexistence, existence was produced.” The "non-existence" in the statement above means non-being.

→To be continued

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