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正法的代表─楞 嚴 經

■   修持  文     By Xiu Chi


佛陀作了結論:「皺者和凋萎者,受生滅。不皺者和不衰老者,元無生滅。色身會衰老,最後終歸死亡,但是見性是不會衰老的。所以,當色身死了以後,我們本具的自性還是完好無損的。」 波斯匿王聽了這些話後,產生了信心,知道這個色身的生命,終了的時候,還會有重生。
















From last Issue: An explanation of eternalism and annihilationism.

The Buddha concludes, “What wrinkles and withers is subject to birth and death. What does not age is not subject to birth and death." The physical body will age and eventually die, but your seeing doesn't "get old." So, too, when the physical body dies, our inherent nature is still intact. The King heard these words, believed them, and realized that when the life of the body is finished, there will be rebirth.


What's Already Happened

In this series of articles, we have already stepped inside the Shurangama Assembly and witnessed many events: Shakyamuni Buddha's rescue of the Venerable Ananda from a dangerous situation by sending Manjushri Bodhisattva to recite the Shurangama Mantra; Ananda's shame and remorse when he comes before the Buddha and his subsequent repentance and request for instruction; the long dialogue between the Buddha and Ananda about how the mind-consciousness is false. The Buddha showed Ananda that the false consciousness—what we mistakenly recognize to be our true mind—lacks any location, lacks any substance, and is emphatically not the true mind. After finally having to shout at Ananda, "Hey! That's not your mind!" the Budha then compassionately emitted light from his face, hoping to bring Ananda to an immediate awakening and recognition of his true mind. Ananda was awed by the light, but failed to awaken. After being given further instruction, Ananda then pleaded with the Buddha to "reveal the wonderfully bright mind and open my Way-eye." Again, the Buddha responded by emitting a brilliant light from his chest, and again Ananda didn't wake up. So the Buddha promised to explain further.

Then the Buddha showed light from his fist in order to help Ananda understand that the seeing—and the efficacious perception at each of the sense organs—is itself the true mind. Next the Buddha carried on a conversation with the Venerable Ajnatakaundinya about the principle of movement and stillness exemplified in a guest and the host of an inn and in dust dancing in space. Then the Buddha darted rays of light to Ananda's left and right to verify that although Ananda's eyes, which saw the light, and the Buddha's palm, which emitted the light, both moved, the efficacious perception—the true mind—is beyond such duality as movement and stillness.

Ananda's Current Doubt

Finally, we have just witnessed a long dialogue between the Buddha and King Prasenajit in which the doctrine of annihilationism was refuted and we were shown that the true mind does not cease to exist at death. This last discussion left Ananda with a doubt and so he now stands, bows, kneels, places his palms together, and expresses his doubt to the Buddha: "World Honored One, if the seeing, hearing, and so forth definitely are not produced and extinguished, then why does the World Honored One say of us that we have lost our true nature and conduct ourselves in upside-down ways?" Remember that the Buddha has been teaching us through the example of the eyes and seeing that the true nature—the true mind—is evident at the gates of the six sense organs.

Ananda's doubt is this: if the true mind isn't subject to birth and cessation, as the Buddha has just explained to the King, then why does the Buddha tell us our true mind is lost? How can it be lost if it never ceases to be? And if we are in possession of it, why does the Buddha say we are upside-down?

To Talk About 'Upside-down the Buddha Gives a Demonstration 

The Buddha answers Ananda's two-part question by first giving a demonstration to clarify what is meant by upright and what is meant by upside-down. Let's witness the demonstration firsthand.

• The Thus Come One lowered his golden arm with the fingers of his wheel-mark hand pointing down and said to Ananda, "When you now look at my mudra hand, it is upright or upside-down?"

• Ananda said, "Beings in the world would say it's upside-down, but I'm not sure which is upright and which is upside-down."

• The Buddha said to Ananda, "If worldly people take this to be upside-down, what do worldly people take to be upright?"

• Ananda replied, "When the Thus Come One extends his arm upward so that the fingers of his tula-cotton-like hand point toward the sky, that is called 'upright.’”

→To be continued


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