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68th Generational Patriarch Dhyana Master Fang Nian Ci Zhou

虛雲老和尚集     Composed by the Elder Master Yun
宣化上人講於一九八五年六月八日    Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua on June 8, 1985

達摩祖師 Patriarch Bodhidharma贊曰:
瞿曇眼睛 達摩面孔
玉線穿來 一場儱侗
五乳峰前 鐵山高聳
北地南枝 東沒西湧




「五乳峰前,鐵山高聳」:五乳峰前,在熊耳山五乳峰的前邊。鐵山高聳,那個好像鐵的山,這也就是說這位禪師─ ─方念禪師,他好像鐵山似的高聳,他這個門庭很高峻、很森嚴的。


「東没西湧」:曹洞宗這一個法門,這一個宗派,在東邊衰落了,西邊它又興起來了。所以這都是一種法運著,法爾 如是,東沒西湧。


幻休真休休不休 北求南求求不求
水分千派出一源 塵飛萬方積眾坵
五乳峰前好消息 百丈堂中入聖流
慈航普渡通四海 年月日時優哉遊


「幻休真休休不休」:無論你是幻休好,是真休也好,休不休,你一說「休」,那就沒有什麼好。「休不休」,也就是不休息,可以說幻休是假休息,真休是真休息。假休息是不 懶惰,真休息就想要懶惰。「休不休」,可是,懶惰也應該不懶惰,不懶惰的更應該不懶惰。這可以這麼講,這有很多講法。



A verse in praise says:

He had the eyes of Gautama
And the face of Bodhidharma.
A jade string threaded through.
But it was still ambiguous.
In front of Five Breasts Summit,
A mountain of iron rose high.
From northern ground, he branched to the south.
There was decline in the east and resurgence in the west.

He had the eyes of Gautama / And the face of Bodhidharma. This Dhyana Master had the vision of Shakyamuni Buddha. He had that kind of vision and wisdom. His face had the look of a patriarch; it resembled that of Patriarch Bodhidharma. Probably he also had quite a thick beard and rather big eyes, too, just like Patriarch Bodhidharma. That's why it says he had the face of Bodhidharma.

A jade string threaded through. The jade string refers to a white string. The white string represents the lineage of the Dharma pulse: The Proper Dharma Eye Treasury uses the mind to seal the mind and has been transmitted from Shakyamuni Buddha through generations of patriarchs to the “jade string” of the present time.

But it was still ambiguous. However, while some people understood, others did not. Some seemed to have understood, but others did not. There were some people who understood the general meaning, but could not express it clearly. Also, there were some people who merely paid lip service to Chan and pretended to be enlightened.

In front of Five Breasts Summit, a mountain of iron rose high. In front of Five Breasts Summit at Bear's Ear Mountain, a mountain of iron stood high. The mountain which seemed like iron refers to Dhyana Master Fang Nian. He was like a mountain of iron, standing high. This symbolized his style, which was lofty and strict.

From northern ground, he branched to the south. He was born in the north region, but he went south to bloom and bear fruit. He branched to the south, meaning he took the Cao Dong Sect to the south.

There was decline in the east and resurgence in the west. The Dharma-door of the Cao Dong Sect declined in the cast but flourished again in the west.

This is all in the fate of the Dharma. The Dharma is just like this: declining in the east and resurging in the west.

A verse by Hsuan Hua says:

Illusory rest or true rest: he rested without resting.
Seeking north and south: what was there to be sought?
The water divided into a thousand branches, flowing from a single source.
The dust flew in all directions, accumulating into many hills.
At Five Breasts Summit, there was good news.
At the temple of Master
Baizhang, he entered the flow of sages.
The boat of compassion saved all, sailing the four seas.
Through the hours, days, months, and years, he roamed at leisure.

There was someone who didn't mind the trouble and wasn't afraid of chattering or gabbling; he composed this verse of eight lines. He wanted to "wield an ax at the door of Lu Ban [the master of carpentry)" and recite The Hundred Surnames (a text for young children] in front of the sages. So these eight lines are quite interesting. What do they say?

Illusory rest or true rest: he rested without resting. Whether you are taking an illusory rest or a true rest, whether you are resting or not resting, as soon as you say "rest," it is not any good. "Rest without resting" means not resting. We may say illusory rest is fake resting, while true rest is real resting. Fake resting means not being lazy, while real resting means being lazy. However, one who is lazy should not be lazy, one who is not lazy should be lazy even less. That's one explanation. There are many ways to explain it.

Seeking north and south: what was there to be sought? Some northerners went to the south to seek the Buddhadharma, while some southerners came to the north to seek the Buddhadharma. What was there to be sought? It is only when people have attachments that they run around and seek everywhere. Once you have understood, everything is done. You would not be looking for things to do when there is nothing to be done.

→To be continued


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