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■  徐明      文      by Xu Ming


我借這次機會,向法師匯報,我通過 學佛法,看您講述經書的感想和感應。

人生下來都是天真無邪的,我也不例 外,但隨著年齡增長,慢慢地進入社會 ,社會上存在著一些歪門邪道,使我深 深地受到影響,沒有認清好與壞,善與 惡,正與邪。自己不知不覺地走上當今 社會流行的一條路:抽煙、喝酒、賭博 、邪淫、多貪,多沾的魔道,給家庭造 成了糾紛,夫妻不和,自己也得到病魔 纏身的報應。正在受苦當中,有位好友 引見,把我領到佛友丁先生家中。

這一天,我是終生難忘的,因為我有 生以來,第一次聽見了佛法,使我懂得 了什麼是好與壞,善與惡,正與邪,我 悟到了因果,我從一個法盲,慢慢地能 夠認真學佛,看經書,弘揚佛法。把我 們這個曾經受到邪、惡不分的家庭,度 化成為一個佛化家庭;人與人之間相互 溝通,老與少之間互相尊重。我身邊的 親朋好友和同事們,看到了我學佛法之 後,有很好的轉變,於是他們對佛法有 了正知正念,對我弘揚的佛法有了正確 的理解和認識。

從那以後,我堅持天天練功、禮佛、 看經書,改掉自己的惡習,持五戒,精 進刻苦,學佛法,使我的身體健壯起來 ,病也都沒有了,從魔道中脫離出來。

我願生生世世供養佛法僧,我願皈依 佛,皈依法師您老門下為弟子,這是我 今世的心願。祝願萬佛城正法久住,法 輪常轉。願您老在異國身體安康!此致 法安

學生    徐明叩頭

Greetings to Venerable Dharma Master Hua:

I'd like to take this opportunity to generally describe my thoughts and responses gained through learning Buddhism and reading your commentaries on the sutras.

People are born pure and innocent, and I was no exception. However, when I grew older, I gradually became more involved in the society, and there were some perverse cults which deeply influenced me. I could not clearly recognize what was good or bad, wholesome or evil, and proper or deviant. Unwittingly, I entered a popular path in modern society, the evil path of smoking, drinking, gambling, promiscuity, and greed. I caused problems in the family, disharmony between husband and wife, and the retribution of a sickness-ridden body for myself. In the midst of my suffering, my good friend took me to the home of Mr. Ding, a Buddhist friend.

I won't forget that day for the rest of my life. On that day, I heard Buddhadharma for the first time in my life. I came to understand the difference between good and bad, wholesome and evil, and proper and deviant. I awakened to the principle of cause and effect. Having been blind to the Dharma before, I gradually began to earnestly learn Buddhism, read sutras, and propagate the Buddhadharma. I converted my family, which had not distinguished what was evil and bad, into a Buddhist family. Family members started communicating, and the older and younger generations respected each other. Relatives, friends, and colleagues noticed that after I started learning Buddhism, I became a better person. Thus they have a proper outlook towards the Buddhadharma, and a correct understanding and recognition of the Buddhadharma that I have been propagating.

From that time on, I have persisted in practicing meditation, bowing to the Buddha, and reading sutras. I am changing my bad habits, upholding the five precepts, and vigorously learning the Buddhadharma. My body has become strong and free of sickness, and I have escaped the path of evil.

I vow to make offerings to the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha in life after life. I vow to take refuge with the Buddha, and to take refuge with you, Venerable Master, and be your disciple. This is my resolve for this life. I hope the proper Dharma of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas will dwell forever, and the Dharma Wheel will always be turned. I also wish Venerable Master good health! Peace in the Dharma!

Student Xu Ming bows in respect
May 6, 1994


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