Reminder from last issue:
Buddhism during the Sui and Tang Dynasties.
Chinese Buddhism reached its peak during the Tang Dynasty.
Although the emperors of the Tang Dynasty claimed that they
were the descendants of Lao Zi, the founder of Taoism, and that
they honored and revered Taoism, they actually promoted both
Buddhism and Taoism at the same time. Emperor Tai received
assistance from the Sangha "armies" when he was uniting the
nation. After he ascended the throne, he gave orders to build
temples at all the battlefields, to establish a
translation institute at Da Ci En (Great Kindness)
Monastery, and to invite lofty Sangha members
from all over the nation and abroad to translate
Sutras and promote Buddhism. A great number of
lofty Sangha scholars thus came forth. After
Emperor Gao ascended the throne, he established
an official monastery in the imperial capital and
all the provinces to pray for the nation's safety
and peace. Empress Wu Zetian further ordered
each province to establish a Da Yun (Great
Cloud) Monastery. Throughout the Tang
Dynasty, Sangha members were treated with
respect, and many presents were bestowed upon
them. The Venerable Bu Kong (Not Empty) had
been a royal official for Emperors Xuan, Xu, and
Dai. He was a frequent visitor to the royal palace during three
reign periods and was given the title Duke of Fu Guo. After the
Venerable Bu Kong entered the stillness, Emperor Dai was
absent from the imperial court for three days to express his
Many eminent monks lived during the Tang Dynasty. The
propagation of Buddhist teachings during the Tang Dynasty
surpassed that of preceding dynasties in both depth and scope.
Therefore, a philosophical foundation was firmly established for
the development of many sects with ethnically Chinese
characteristics. Buddhism was deeply absorbed into the popular
culture. In the fields of architecture, sculpture, painting, music,
and the translation of Sutras, Buddhism also exerted great
influence and led to the development of new styles of literature.
→To be continued