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Roll 4, Chapter 11, Vision of the Jeweled Stupa

宣化上人講     Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄     Translated by the International Translation Institute

前期提示:佛入涅槃之後,能聽這個《法華經》,則能 問這個《法華經》的道理,這是很難的一件事。

「若人說法,令千萬億」:假設有人說這個佛 法,令一切的千萬億眾生,「無量無數,恆沙眾 生」:恆河沙數那麼多眾生,「得阿羅漢」:能 證得四果阿羅漢果,得到無生法忍,「俱六神通 」:具足六種神通。「雖有是益」:雖然有這樣 的好處,「亦未為難」:這也不算是一件很難的 事情。「於我滅後」:在我入涅槃之後,「若能 奉持」:假設能奉持這一部《法華經》,「如斯 經典」:像《法華經》這一部經典,「是則為難 」:這個是很難的一件事。

我為佛道 於無量土 從始至今 廣說諸經 而於其中 此經第一 若有能持 則持佛身 諸善男子 於我滅後 誰能受持 讀誦此經 今於佛前 自說誓言 此經難持 若暫持者 我則歡喜 諸佛亦然

釋迦牟尼佛說,我為了教化眾生,同成佛道, 所以在無量無邊的這麼多諸佛國土,「從始至今 」:從一開始到琨在,「廣說諸經」:我講說很 多經典,講了《大方廣佛華嚴經》、《阿含經》 、《方等經》、《般若經》,現在才講這部《法 華經》。「而於其中」:在我所說的一切經典裡 邊,「此經第一」:這部《法華經》是最為第一 ,是最為稀有,是最為難遇,是最為難了解的。

「若有能持」:假設有人能受持《法華經》, 「則持佛身」:就是受持諸佛的真身,佛的真身 在這部《法華經》裡,就是入如來室,著如來衣 ,坐如來座,這三種就是受持佛的真身。

「諸善男子」:你們各位善男子、善女人,「 於我滅後」:在我入涅槃之後,「誰能受持」: 哪一個能受持讀誦這部《法華經》呢?什麼叫受 持?受持就是天天能持誦這個經典,心裡也能念 得出來,就是有這個本子沒有這個本子都可以來 受持。不是一天受持,要天天受持,不是天天受 持;要月月受持、年年受持;不是一生受持,要 生生都受持這部《法華經》。所以我們人做事情 ,無論做什麼,必須要有長遠的心,必須要有始 有終,從始至終,都是像一天似的。不是說,今 天我做,啊!我覺得我願意念經,受持經典了, 明天我就忘了!這不算受持。你必須要發願天天 、月月、年年都受持這部《法華經》,不單天天 、月月、年年受持法華經,我發願生生世世都受 持這部《法華經》。

「讀誦此經,今於佛前」:誰能發這個願啊? 現在在這個多寶如來前和我釋迦牟尼佛的前邊;「 自說誓言」:你自己發一發願,願能永遠受持這 部經。是哪一個能發這種願啊?現在就應該發! 在我的面前來發這種的誓願。

「此經難持」:這《法華經》是最難持誦的一 部經,你沒有真正的善根,不能受持讀誦這一部 經典。「若暫持者」:假設有人能暫時受持這部 《妙法蓮華經》,就是在這一生之中能受持《法 華經》,「我則歡喜」:我呀!就非常歡喜。這 個「若暫」就是暫時這一生,那麼前生和來生? 你就因為就都不知道——不管它。就是我今生能 暫時受持這一部《法華經》。「我則歡喜」:釋迦 牟尼佛說:「我呀就歡喜這一個人。」「諸佛亦 然」,不單我釋迦牟尼佛歡喜這一個人,就是十 方諸佛,十方我分身的諸佛,也都是歡喜你這一 個人。


From last issue:
If after the Buddha has entered Nirvana, one can listen to The Dharma Flower Sutra and inquire into its meaning and principles, this is indeed a difficult thing to do.

If one were to speak the Dharma/And cause a thousand myriads of millions/Of limitless, countless/Beings, like the Ganges' sands /To obtain Arhatship. If someone were to speak the Buddhad- harma, causing thousands of myriads of millions of living beings to certify to the fourth stage of Arhatship and obtain patience with the non-production of dharmas and perfect the six spiritual pene- trations/Although it would be beneficial/It would not be difficult. Although there would be benefits in doing such a thing, it wouldn't be a very difficult thing to do. But after my extinction/If one can reverently uphold/Such a Sutra as this/That indeed is difficult. After I have entered Nirvana, if someone could respectfully uphold The Dharma Flower Sutra, that would be very, very difficult.

I, for the sake of the Buddha Way,
Throughout limitless lands,
From the beginning until now,
Have broadly expounded all the Sutras;
And among them all
This Sutra is foremost.
If one can uphold it,
He then upholds the Buddha's body.
Good men,
After my extinction,
Whoever can receive and uphold,
Read, and recite this Sutra,
Now, in the presence of the Buddhas,
should make a vow.
This Sutra is hard to uphold;
If one upholds it for but an instant,
I will rejoice,
And so will all the Buddhas.

Shakyamuni Buddha says: I, for the sake of the Buddha Way, in order to teach and transform living beings so we can all realize the Buddha Way together, Throughout limitless lands/From the beginning until now/Have broadly expounded all the Sutras/In endless and boundless Buddhalands, I have spoken many Sutras. I lectured on the Avatamsaka Sutra, I lectured on the Agama Sutras, the Vaipulya Sutras, and the Prajna Sutras. Now I am lecturing The Dharma Flower Sutra. And among them all, among all the Sutras I have spoken, this Sutra is foremost; The Dharma Flower Sutra is number one. It is the rarest, the hardest to encounter, and the hard- est to understand.

If one can uphold it,/He then upholds the Buddha's body. If someone can accept and uphold The Dharma Flower Sutra, he accepts and upholds the Buddha's true body. The Buddha's real body is within The Dharma Flower Sutra. This is to enter the Tatha- gata's room, put on the Tathagata's robes, and sit on the Tathagata's throne. This means that one receives and upholds the genuine body of the Buddha.

Good men, all of you good men and good women, after my ex Tinction, After I enter Nirvana, whoever can receive and uphold. Who among you can receive, uphold, read, and reciteThe Dharma Flower Sutra? What does it mean to receive and uphold? This means to recite the Sutra every day. It means to be able to recite it by heart. You are able to receive and uphold it regardless of whether or not you have the book with you. You receive and uphold it not for just one day, but every day; not just every day, but every month and every year. You should receive and uphold The Dharma Flower Sutra not for just one life, but in every life. No matter what we do, we must persevere. You must finish what you start. From the beginning to the end, the whole thing is just like one day. You can't just say, "I'll receive and uphold the Sutra today, because I feel like doing so; but tomorrow I'll forget about it." That doesn't count as receiving and upholding it. You must make a vow to uphold The Dharma Flower Sutra every day, every month, and every year. Make a vow to uphold it in life after life.

Read and recite this Sutra. Who can make this vow? Now in the presence of the Buddhas, in front of Many Jewels Tathagata and Shakyamuni Buddha, you should make a vow. You yourself should make a vow to receive and uphold this Sutra forever. Who can make this kind of vow? Now is the time to do it! Make this vow in front of us.

This Sutra is hard to uphold; this Sutra is extremely difficult to uphold. If one doesn't have genuine good roots, one will be unable to read and recite it. If one upholds it for but an instant. In this life, if one can briefly maintain The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra, then I will rejoice. I will be extremely delighted. "But for an instant" refers to this one, fleeting life. How about pre- vious lives or future lives? You don't know about them, so don't be concerned about them. If one can temporarily uphold The Dharma Flower .Sutra in this present life, Shakyamuni Buddha says, "I will be delighted with this person, and so will all the Buddhas. Not only will I be pleased with this person, all the Buddhas of the ten directions who are my division bodies will also be pleased with him."

→To be continued


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